Chapter 35

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As they were getting things ready for the Presentation Amy took Shadow back into the cool area.
"Hi again, Congratulations,  you did everything right, and so you know I'm not a creepy person watching you, Here's my Card".
"OH, err thank you".
"If you would let me I can video the presentation on your phone then you can send it to your mother who over a year ago thought she'd probably never see you again".
"Oh, you know".
"I think most of Canada Knows Amy, and I am so proud of what you've achieved with Shadow, I think I picked the right horse for you".
"Y-your the secret Benefactor ".
"Yes Amy, I Am, my name is Russell  and I look for Olympic hopefuls, I'd  already had my eye on you when you used to compete on Sundance and decided to look you up again when you were 18, but then I heard the news, a bit later I heard about the horses being rescued and looked up Shadow, I thought he would be Just right for you , he could help you and you could help him, you proved to me that you could go all the way Amy, I know this is your first competition for about three years , so if you don't mind I'd like to keep an eye on your competitions if I may Amy and see how you go. I definitely think you could get to the Olympics eventually,  what do you say".
"Oh, err yes, yes please Russell".
"Okay then".
"Thank you so much for Shadow, he saved me".
"I think you saved each other Amy. Now there calling for you,  give me your phone and I'll record it for you".
Amy turned it on and logged on then gave it to Russell.
Amy rode out into the Arena and the applause was deafening she waved to everyone and Russell videotaped it all for her, the Trophy all 3 foot high of it,  the Ribbon , the Horses Coat and of course the Cheque  for $100,000.  Amy rode around the Arena and Shadow was showing off his new coat, Amy was wondering how many here remembered what happened to her but she didn't care anymore, she's proved Just who she is and what she's made of.

Val was sat watching Amy and suddenly thought if she hadn't entered this, then stopped and realised that Ashley was in a different Group and got knocked out by them not Amy. She thought to herself that it's not Amy's fault, it's Just Ashley and if she's not interested anymore then she may as well give up Show Jumping.
As Amy was coming out of the Arena Val Stopped her quickly, "Congratulations Amy  you were amazing ".
"Thank you Val, I'm as amazed as you are,  it's not sunk in yet.".
"Well done. Well see you soon".
Russell came over and gave Amy her phone back.
"Thank you Russell,  see you around then".
"Yes you will, and Amy,(Yes), Happy Birthday ".
"Omg, I'd totally forgot , Thank you".

To be continued

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