Chapter 29

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The following morning Amy went to see Ty before Lyndy woke up.
"Morning Ty".
"Morning Amy, your up early ".
"Yeah, I wanted to tell you what I found out yesterday but couldn't tell you because you were nearly finished and my Grampa was with you".
"Oh, has this anything to do with a Tournament on Saturday".
"Dam it ,he told you".
"Yeah he did, how come you didn't want to tell me if he already knew".
Amy quickly looked outside, 
" Because I have to go tomorrow afternoon to sign in ect before 6pm or I can't enter and Grampa will say I can't use the Red Trailer because he doesn't want me on my own or you will follow me  you know how old fashioned he is".
"Where will you stay".
"They have a Secure Area of Tents for those who don't have sleepers,  and security Gaurds walking around,  so perfectly safe".
"Well I'm pleased about that, but he wants me to work tomorrow so I couldn't follow you even if I wanted to".
"Oh, bum".
"You'll do well Amy, I want to see that Trophy okay". Ty says with a big smile on his face, they kissed and cuddled for a few minutes before Amy ran back to the house Just in time as she heard Lyndy starting to wake up.

Not long Later Marion came into the kitchen and saw Amy feeding Lyndy.
"Morning sweetheart,  I didn't here her at all last night".
"She slept through the night Mum".
"Oh she's a good girl, so you going to see Ty Later about you know what".
"Already seen him this morning and as I came back in this little one was Just starting to wake up".
"So was Ty surprised".
"No,,, Grampa had already told him about Saturday,  so I enlightened him on the other part".
"Oh right, well don't worry about Lyndy, we will have some fun won't we".
Amy's phone pinged so opened up her messages, Marion was looking at her as she read her message.
Marion suddenly saw Amy go white and collapse on the floor.
Marion quickly got on the floor Just as Jack and Ty came running in.
"We heard you scream what's wrong, oh shit".
"What happened Marion ".
"She got a message and as she read it she went white and collapsed".
"Well her pulse is fine, I'd say she fainted".
"I'm not surprised Marion "
"What do you mean Ty".
"You'd better read it for yourself ".
"That's messed up Ty, he has to be Mentally insane,  let's see if we can wake her up".
Jack read the message too".
"You need to take Amy and this message straight to Jim, he doesn't think she's dead".
After another ten minutes Amy came around,  but you could see fear in her eye's.
"Amy we need to take that message to Jim, this has got to stop, are you up to it".
"Yy-yeah, let's go".

They got to the RCMP and asked if The Chief was in as it was Urgent.  The Officer on the desk said he was with someone,  Marion told him to say it concerned Jesse Stanton. The Officer looked at Marion,  "Actually he's talking to someone to do with Jesse Stanton, hang on this may be a good opportunity ".
He walked away and came back a few minutes later.
"Follow me please ".
He showed them straight to Jim's office.
"Come in Marion, Amy, this is Doctor Reed who's Just done a mental assessment on Jesse".
"Hello, well you need to read this Text Message he Just sent to Amy, it's so bad Amy Fainted ".
Doctor Reed asked if she could see it.
Marion handed it over.
"Amy, you look like you need to sit down or your going to knock Lyndys pram over".
"T-thanks Jim".
Amy sat , she still looked white.
Doctor Reed handed Amy's phone to Jim who read it, "Amy can I forward this Text to Doctor Reed's phone and can we both take a photo of it".
Amy nodded her head.
"Well after reading what he says he's going to do I am going to recommend to the Judge that he's criminally Insane and have him committed to a high security Mental Prison. He'll never be able to do this again or get a message out to anyone Amy, you'll be perfectly safe.  May I delete this for you".
"Yes please ".
"Jesse will be transferred and locked up before the end of the Day".
"Thank you, both of you".
They both nodded and left.
Have we got time for a coffee at Maggie's before Lyndy needs feeding  Amy, that's if you want to , you can't let him get to you love, he was guessing as to whether you were dead or alive, so sent it anyway".

To be continued

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