Chapter 49. Day 2 Evening.

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"I know it's late Marion but we've been contacted by the Cranbrook Police, can I come in it's not very good news I'm afraid".
Marion nodded and walked into the Lounge room, by then Jack and Ty had Joined her.

"The Cranbrook police phoned us to say that the Winners of the Show, Amy won first and a young man came second were attacked tonight by Thiefs who wanted the winning horses, the young man was shot and killed and his horse stolen.
They also went after Shadow but as we know he's a Gelding, they weren't pleased and shot Amy, he was about to shoot Shadow and he kicked him out of the Trailer and into the afterlife.
Their trying to save her Marion but he shot her in the Neck she's going to be flown to Cranbrook General code Red.
That's all we know at the moment".
"What about the thieves".
"Two got away with the young man's horse, the two men who attacked Amy, one's dead curtesy of Shadow and the other surrendered".

Back in Cranbrook the Helicopter had Just landed and had a surgeon on board, ex Military who had been on Front Line duty.
"Okay what wound does she have gentlemen".
"Neck Bullet wound through and through and I think it clipped her main Artery on the inside".
"Okay , can you pass me my bag please".
He opened up his bag and started to put on gloves.
"I'll need you to pass me things as I call for them".
"Yes Sir, are you operating here".
"Sort of, a temporary solution to stop the Bleed until we get her back to the Hospital OR, we did this on the Battlefield".
He made a small incision at the bullets entrance and using clamps opened it up a little.
"Right, I need a number one balloon that's blue and what looks like a fine art brush without bristles".
"These two".
"Yes brilliant".
The Doctor put the brush handle( that's what it looked like)into the long snake like balloon and pushed it into the wound where the Artery was, he then connected an-anti blow back device to the end of the balloon and started to inflate it gently, as it increased in size it pressed against the walls of the wound eventually sealing the wound and stopping the bleeding.
"How's her blood pressure now".
"Stable now sir and its climbing ".
"Brilliant, disconnect the Iv and replace it with a bag of Group 0 blood from that chill bag please ".
"On it now Doctor ".
"This should keep her Stable till we get to hospital".
"I'm glad you were on board to night sir".
"I wasn't, but I heard what happened and knew this was the only chance she had, Battle Field Dressage, remember it Just in case, it's called Endovascular Balloon Occlusion you never know".

They loaded Amy into the Helicopter and took off.
Enroute the Doctor spoke to the Hospital telling them which OR he wanted, how much blood, how many Iv drips because when he starts operating to seal the Artery she would Bleed a lot until the final stitch.
Jack ,Marion and Ty were already on there way, Lisa volunteered to look after Lyndy.

To be continued

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