Chapter 83. TY.

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"How you doing love".
"Hi Mum, you know I remember when Grampa used to have 500 to 600 Cattle and there used to be Ten of us at least to Drive them down to the lower pastures, how on earth could three do it for a thousand ".
"Well I think Ty should take over if I can get your Grampa to agree to it".
"Well if he won't, I meant what I said about seeing if Ty would like his own Herd, Grampa's making more mistakes as he's getting older".
Ty was still sleeping after the operation so Marion went off to have words with her father.
"Dad, let's take a walk".
"I'm okay sat here thanks".
"I didn't ask if you wanted to take a walk, I said Let's Take a Walk, Now Dad, or we can do it here infront of all the visitors".
Jack started mumbling to himself as he got up and followed Marion knowing he was going to get his head chewed off.
"Okay, say what you need to say and get it over with".
"Really Dad, tell me exactly how your feeling at the moment and no BS ".
"I'm feeling like a complete idiot okay, there I said it".
"Good I'm glad you actually realise that, because my Daughter could of lost her husband.
They have a great future ahead of them Dad and Amy's only Just starting to make sure that there financially sound. She's turning into quite a Business woman".
"Yeah I have noticed".
"So, why are you making these mistakes, this is the worst so far, the other three were small and didn't endanger anyone. I want you to see Doctor Virani and I know you won't like this but when Ty's recovered he should take over ".
"I'll see Dr Virani, but Tý taking over, no chance".
"Well you'll lose him then, if Amy has anything to do with it".
"So whats he going to do for a living".
"Well Amy's going to talk to him as apparently the big Cattle Ranch next door to them is for sale because the Bank foreclosed on it and it includes white face Cattle".
"Amy's living in fantasy land if she thinks she can buy that, no , he'll come back and carry on working for me".
"You have no Idea how much she's worth Dad, she Just got a Contract offer to advertise a product and to Endorse it, she's already signed it because she actually uses that product and believes in it, Amy was already a Millionaire, this new Contract now has her catching up with Lisa Dad, so she'd have no problem buying that Ranch, So that's your final decision then Dad".
"Yep it is".
Marion went back upstairs to let Amy know.
Hey Love, any signs of waking up yet".
"He's been mumbling so won't be long I think".
"That's good then, listen Amy, I would talk to Ty about the Ranch, your Grampa as usual is being stubborn and thinks you don't have a chance of getting it, he thinks Ty will Just go back to working for him".
"Not if I get my way Mum, Grampa's so stubborn and doesn't think about what could happen due to mistakes that don't seem to register".
"Well let me know what Ty Says okay love, I'm going to get back to Heartland and don't worry about Lyndy. If you decide to, you can stop in your old room, okay.
Shadow will be fine in the Barn".
"Thanks Mum, see you later ".

Not long after Marion went home Ty woke up.
"Hey Love, so sorry to get you worried sweetheart ".
"Not your fault Ty, Grampa should of had at least a dozen riders to bring that many Cattle down to the Lower Pastures ".
"We'd never brought the whole lot down before, we used to bring a few at a time, but this time when we got up there he said we were taking all of them and it Just meant we'd be further apart than normal, then Jack and Caleb started arguing about something".
"Hey Love, don't get worked up about it, he's to bloody stubborn, anyway I've got a plan if your agreeable, you could have your own Herd and a couple of Proper Cattle Ranch Hands like you've been taught who know what there doing, what do you think".

To be continued

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