Chapter 2

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For the last couple of years Amy had been working occasionally for Fairfield Stables owner Lisa.
Amy was introduced to her by Scott Cardinal there Vet. Lisa was very impressed with Amy's ability to read horses and solve their problems, she also made sure Amy was paid well despite her age.
The Day before Amy's 18th Birthday Marion had taken Amy to buy her own truck out of her own savings which was quite substantial. Amy didn't want to spend it all on a brand new one but did want one about 5 yrs old if possible, already worn in as they say and got herself a bargain with a large Double Cab with Goose Neck trailer connection inside the bed of the truck.
Six weeks later and Amy was 18 weeks and showing, she started to show two weeks before but was able to hide it, but now she knew she had to tell her mum, but it was her Grandfather she was afraid of.

"Where's Grampa mum".
"Oh, he has a Lady friend,
Lisa Stillman, so it's just me and you for Dinner".
"Oh, well that's good actually because I need to talk to you, but To be honest I'm afraid of Grampa and what he will do".
" I wondered when you'd decide to talk to me".
"What,, what do you mean mum".
"Amy, I'm not blind, I thought I'd wait for you to come to me".
"You know what I want to talk about".
Marion chuckled, "Of course I do, baggy shirts, big coats, how far gone are you sweetheart ".
Amy broke down crying and Marion just held her, they had dinner and cleared up then sat and talked, Amy felt so Comfortable talking to her mum she confessed to what Jesse did and she went along with it. Amy didn't tell Marion everything about Jesse forcing her.
"So your four and a half months , well you have got good strong stomach muscles with working with horses so that's probably why your showing Later, does Jesse know".
"No, I haven't said anything, we sort of broke up".
"Well you need to tell him, and if he tries to deny it just tell him that a DNA test will confirm it".
"Okay mum I'll tell him tomorrow ".

The following day Amy went to see Jesse at Briar Ridge.
"Jesse can we talk".
"Yeah, what do you want".
"Well that night of the Party when you forced yourself on me, well I'm Pregnant Jesse".
"Oh is that so, and who else could be the father ".
"I was a virgin Jesse, and your the only one, a simple DNA test would confirm it".
"Not if they can't find your body they can't ".
Jesse went to grab Amy Just as Val walked out, "Hello Amy , nice to see you".
Amy just ran to her truck and drove off as fast as she could.
"What's wrong with Amy, and why are you looking Quilty Jesse, Inside now I think we need to talk".

"Okay what was you doing to Amy when I came out".
"Trying to shut her up".
"She told me she was Pregnant"
"Oh dear lord, you got Amy Fleming pregnant or is it someone else's and she's----".
"No it's mine, she said a simple DNA test would confirm it, that's why I was going to shut her up, no body no baby".
"WHAT!!!!!!, You hurt one hair on that young girl and I'll tell the police myself, how could you even think of hurting her Jesse".
"Tell mum the real reason Jesse, why your so worried, she hasn't said anything to anyone yet or you'd be in prison ".
"Am I missing something here, why are you so worried that,,, OMG you didn't, did you!! ".
Jesse stayed quiet.
Ashley started messing with her phone, "If he won't tell you, watch and listen to this mum".
Ashley had got her video to where Amy was screaming for Jesse to stop and pressed play then gave her mum the phone.
Val was watching but couldn't see anything as Ashley had just stuck her hand in the door, but Val could hear everything, Amy begging and screaming then Jesse's voice saying he'd waited long enough, then Amy's muffled voice where Jesse had put his hand over her mouth.
"You fucking idiot, are you insane, I can't believe you Raped her and got her pregnant, that's why your willing to kill her. Your not a killer Jesse, and your not going to hurt Amy, do you hear me".
"Yes, I hear you".
"Mark my words Jesse, you will NOT hurt that lovely girl or my Grandchild".

Amy got back to Heartland and ran straight into her mum's arms shaking like a leaf.
"Amy, what's wrong ".
Amy was almost hyperventilating and sobbing at the same time, Jack was looking panicked as he'd never seen her like this. Marion managed to calm her down and took her into the Lounge and sat next to her.
"Okay sweetheart, I take it you've spoken to Jesse, so what happened".
After a while she said what happened and what Jesse said and almost did till Val came out.
Marion was in shock at Jesse's actions.
"What baby and what am I missing here you two".
"Amy, go and lay down Okay, and don't worry, Dad I'll tell you in a minute ".
Amy was laying on her bed crying at what happened with Jesse when she heard Jacks voice.
"Dad, calm down, the last thing she needs right now is you shouting and threatening her after Jesse has already threatened her".
"He did what".
"Look Dad , I have a feeling that Amy wasn't a willing partner in this but she won't say, and I can't blame her,
Going up against the Stantons and there Lawyer's ".
"Well as soon as she's had it she can get rid of it, put it up for adoption".
"That's her decision Dad, she's old enough to make up her own mind".
"If Amy wants to carry on living here then she'll have no other choice".
"That's not fair Dad, this is her home, she was born here".
"True, but it's my Ranch House and I will not have one of Jesse Stantons offsprings living in my house".
Jack got up and left.
Amy heard every word and she would not let anyone take her baby away from her.

To be continued

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