Chapter 70.

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The following morning Amy phones her Lawyer who is also Lisa's Lawyer and explains what happened yesterday with Child Services.
Amy got Lyndy ready as they were off to Heartland so Amy could Jump Shadow, Ty had already left early to get to work.
As Amy was pulling out of her Gate she saw the same bloke from Child Services approaching,  she looked in her mirror to watch the gate securely lock as her Trailer cleared the sensors.
"You back again already".
"Yes and this time I do have the paperwork to take your daughter with me".
"So what's changed since yesterday ".
"We have proof of what your husbands doing".
"Proof, as in what".
"A Video has been sent to us showing Your Daughter being hit buy your husband".
"Sorry  but I don't believe that for one minute, you'll have to follow me to Heartland then I want to see this so called video".
Before Clint could say anything else Amy drove away, while she was driving she asked her phone to call Lawyer, after that she spoke to Jim Adams, Chief of Police but also a good family friend.

As Amy pulled up at Heartland she saw her Lawyer was here as was Jim Adams, but she noticed he had someone with him.
Amy got Lyndy out who ran to Marion and asked Clint to come to the house.
When everyone was inside Amy introduced Clint to everyone except the person who was with Jim, so he introduced him.
"This is David Mathew's, He's a Detective with the Child Protection Unit, perhaps you'd like to explain what's going on and show him this Video you've recieved Clint".
Everyone listened as Clint explained what he had recieved to the Detective.
"So your attempting to take Amy and Ty's Daughter away from them firstly because you recieved a Letter but no proof, and now because you recieved a Video, may I see this Video please ".
Clint showed David the Video, "as you can see this is ample proof of Abuse".
"Well in our department this Video means nothing  you can't see the man's face and the little girls is all fuzzy, she also looks older than two yrs old. Would you send it to me as I have a program that can clean up the image".
The Detective recieved the Video and opened his programme loading it in, then started it's enhancing programme,  "this will take about 30 minutes,  let's have coffee ".
While they were all having a drink Jim and the Lawyer took Clint outside to talk to him about the complaint and who made it. David spoke to Amy and Marion.
"Amy, can I call you you Amy".
"Yes that's fine".
"I want to help you with this problem as Jim's put me in the picture  but to help you I need to speak and examine Lyndy with your mother present,  is that okay with you".
"Yes, I Just want this Finnished with".
David and Marion went to Lyndys stay over bedroom. After 15 minutes they came back.
"Amy, Lyndys fine and I've spoken to her asking little questions about her Daddy and there's nothing to worry about. This, given who we suspect has done it is all Malicious. I'll Just go and speak with the others  Ohh, the programme has Finnished, let's have a look. WELL, this is not your Daughter Lyndy and from what I can see of the bloke he's too old to be your husband, I'll be back in a minute".
A few minutes later Clint came in with Detective Mathew's and looked at the still image from the Video, Clint agreed that it was Not Lyndy and after David had checked Lyndy for Bruises and asked his questions with Marion there, it was unanimous that it was a Malicious Accusation.
Amy's Lawyer  Jim and Detective Mathew's all asked Clint if there was a Name to go with the Report, there wasn't, but there was a phone Number.
"Clint, can I see the Number as I know Val's off by heart".
He quickly showed Amy the phone number and Amy confirmed that it was Val's phone number.
Clint informed them that the complaint was closed, and left.
Now it was up to the police and her Lawyer. The one thing Amy expressed  was that Val would not be allowed to see Lyndy again after this.

To be continued

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