Chapter 65

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Three hours Later and they were all back at Heartland,  Amy woke up in the Ambulance but was frantic about Ty's condition.
They all sat in the Lounge,  Lou had a swollen bruised cheek, Amy a black eye, and Jack looked like he'd been in a cage fight.
"That is the worst I've ever seen dad".
"I don't even want to hear his name Lou, after what he's done to my husband".
"I wish he'd never come back, I told him that day he turned up thinking Amy was dead that he needs to Just dissappear again. The amount of trouble and grief he's caused I hope he gets a hard sentence".
Amy was cuddling Lyndy and thanked Lisa for looking after her.
"Do you mind if me and Lyndy stay here tonight Mum  I'm too tired to drive home".
"Your old room's still made up Amy, what about Lyndy".
"She can stay with me tonight mum, thank you".
Ty had two badly broken Ribs and a lot of bruising, they were keeping him sedated for now then in the morning they were going to operate and reconnect the broken ribs as they were unstable.

Tim eventually woke up in the morning stuck in a cell.
"Hey, what the hell am I doing in here let me out".
"Your not going anywhere  except in front of the Judge Monday Morning ".
"What the hell have I done wrong".
"Let's show you some photos of the aftermath, shall we.
Here look.
Two Daughters on the ground, one unconscious.
Your Daughter's Husband having breathing problems due to you stamping on his chest and breaking two Ribs.
Jack Bartlett all bruised and Battered.
You'll go down for this one Tim".
"What, when did I do that".
"Yesterday ".
Tim sits there trying to think , he can't remember anything ".

Amys in the kitchen giving Lyndy her breakfast as everyone seems to be awake about the same time.
They all reply in different tones of indifference.
"Thank you for sorting out Shadow last night Grampa, I really appreciate it".
"Your welcome sweetheart ".
"Are you okay Amy".
"Not really Grampa, I'm worried about Ty, there operating sometime this morning".
"Did they say what there doing".
"Yes, they said its called 'Chest Wall Stabilisation'. They reconnect the two halves using Thin Stainless Steel Plates, otherwise they could puncture his Lungs or Heart, I'm surprised it didn't happen when Tim was stamping on his chest".
"So you still don't call him Dad".
"Why would I, I don't know him, and a real father wouldn't do what he did to Ty, Me or Lou".
"No, that's true".
"I didn't see anything in his eye's apart from hate Grampa ".
"Well he'll go down for this, you realise that".
"Good,  I hope he gets a long time for what he's done".

Later in the morning Amy had a phone call to say the operation went well and Ty was in recovery,  she could visit him after an hour.
Amy Set off after 30 minutes, by the time she gets there it will be almost an hour.
She entered Ty's room and found him half sat and half laying down.
"Hey handsome,  how you feeling ".
"Sore but not as bad as it was before the operation ".
"I'm so sorry Ty, for what he's done to you".
"Amy, it's not your fault okay, I'll be fine".
"When do you think you'll be allowed home".
"Friday or Saturday they reckon".
"Well I'll pick you up okay".
"You'll be at your last Venue remember ".
"I'm not going".
"Oohh yes you are Amy, you've come to far to stop now, you pick me up Friday afternoon  or Jack can pick me up on Saturday afternoon, and you'll be back by 6 ish Saturday anyway".
"No buts Amy, you have to Finnish this then you can open the Letter Russell gave you. I mean you could open it now but you said you'd rather wait till the end".
"Yeahhhhh, okay you win".

To be continued

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