Chapter Forty-Three

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Living with the Baez' was perfect. I didn't regret leaving my family once. That weekend Lexi and Anthony helped me move the things I needed the most to their house. It was a tight fit with me and Anthony sharing a room, but we'll make it work.
I stacked a bunch of envelopes together that were ready to be mailed out. Anthony and I had went a couple weekends ago to get family photos done. We sat down in a nice grassy area I held Aria while Anthony sat behind me wrapping his arms around my arms as we smiled for the camera. We even took a few photos of just us, my personal favorite was of me and Anthony. My back was pressed against a brick wall and my hands were around his neck while his hands were on my waist and he was coming near me for a kiss. I smiled "Oh hey!" I said as Anthony jogged down the stairs and stopped in the kitchen his backpack slung on his shoulders. "Would you mind dropping these off at the post office?" I asked holding out the stack of envelopes.
"Sure thing." He grabbed my waist pulling me in to plant a kiss on my forehead. He took the envelopes looking at the address of the first one. "Are these our announcement pictures?"
"Yes, there's extra's here." I said motioning to the table as I poured myself a cup of coffee.
Anthony picked up one of the announcement cards. "Aww nice." He commented smiling at the cute picture of us sitting in the grass. He looked up at me, "Is it okay if I take one of these?" He asked.
"Yeah, go ahead they're just extras."
"Thanks babe." He gave me one last kiss, "See you later."
April came bringing with it soft rainy days. I loved my life with the Baez'. I would kissed Anthony every morning before he left for school, and say good bye to my best friend. Then I'll go downstairs to Wanda's home daycare and spend most of the day with her, Aria, and the rest of the babies/toddlers in the daycare. At nap time I would quietly tip toe upstairs where I would work on my online homework and if I was lucky get a quick nap in. Wanda was the best mom, she was so sweet and made me feel right away welcome in her home. She didn't expect me to be the one fully taking care of Aria each and every second. On days she knew I was up a lot with Aria during the night she would volunteer to help me by letting me go upstairs for a nice nap, or to relax for an hour or so. Or even if I just was crammed with homework she would let me focus on that while she took care of Aria. Which was a use bless since the end of the school year was wrapping up fast and our SATS tests were coming up.
I hummed a small tune as I tidied up Anthony's bedroom picking up clothes, shoes, empty monster cans, and baby toys. I stopped by our bed to bend down and pull out a sweatshirt that was half hidden under our bed. An envelope fell out of the sweatshirt pocket as I placed in a laundry basket. I stopped and stared at the envelope that was addressed to Anthony and had the Indiana State University written on it in bold letters. The letter was already opened which was weird. Why did Anthony not share with me? He had said he wanted to go to Indiana State. Why would he keep it a secret? Unless he didn't get in. My heart dropped for him feeling sorry, that had to be it. I knew I was probably being a bad girlfriend reading his mail, but I had to know. I pulled the letter out reading it carefully. It wasn't an accepted letter, or a reject letter.

Dear Anthony,
We're sorry you're declining your acceptance here at Indiana State University.........

Declining! My brain whirled with so many thoughts. He had gotten accepted, but had declined them. My heart tightened as I thought of reasons why he would pass up on such an opportunity as Indiana State, and every reason pointed directly to me and Aria. I picked up the letter and the laundry basket of dirty clothes. School couldn't end for the day sooner, Anthony and I had a lot to talk about.                             
As soon as Anthony walked through the door still wearing his gym clothes I pounced on him. "What is this about." I asked walking up to him with the letter in my hand.
Anthony looked down at the letter then up at my face in disbelief. "You went through my things?"
"I was cleaning up, and it fell out. But that's not the point! You got accepted to Indiana State University Anthony, that's huge and incredible!"
Anthony slipped off his tennis shoes and tossed his backpack to the floor. He stuffed his hands into his pockets, "Kinda is the point, because a letter can't just fall open, especially if that letter was in an envelope. You were snooping and took it out. I thought you were better than that Jules."
"Okay, yes I took it out and read it, call me overprotective girlfriend. But I was just worried about you. You haven't told me about it, and that scared me."
He sighed, "There's a reason I haven't told you, it's because I'm not going."
"Why?!" I blurted out even though I had a good feeling why.
"Because Jules." He shrugged, "Maybe I had a change of mind of what school I'm going to."
"But Anthony it was your dream!" I argued, "You have to go!"
"Dreams can change." He pointed out, "I applied to many colleges and Purdue University accepted me as well. It's a good school, great professors, and it right here in our town so I can live from home."
"You're.... You're doing this because of me and Aria aren't you?" I whispered.
"Jules let me explain..."
"NO!" I interrupted him, "I can't let you do this, I won't let you give up your life for me! For my child! Your dreams are too important to me Anthony."
"And I love you for putting me first, but our relationship is a two way street, you care about my dreams, and I care about yours."
"But Anthony....." he cut be off by kissing me passionately. We pulled up for air and I whispered breathlessly, "You can't do that."
"Oh what? This." He said innocently kissing me again.
I smiled, "It's not playing fair." I kissed him back running my fingers through his hair.
"I love you Jules, and when I signed Aria's birth certificate, actually way before that I knew I wanted to be with you, and be Aria's father. College isn't going to change that. We're going to still be together right here. We're a family" He pulled me close into a hug his forehead resting against mine, "I'm with you all the way."

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