Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hearing Principal Zootmen say my last name made my blood run cold. I stood there by Anthony frozen like a statue. I tongue stuck to the top of my mouth and felt like sand paper, I couldn't find the words to speak. I've never been sent to the principal's office before, and of all days it had to be the first day of school! But which Baez did she want? I thought knowing that Anthony and Lexi both had that last name.
It was as if Lexi could still read my mind and know exactly what I was thinking. Because she asked, "Me?" She acted all innocent placing her hand over her heart.
"Both of you." Principal Zootmen commanded.
"But I didn't do anything!" Lexi protested.
"Unless you want to spend the first week of school in detention I suggest you stop arguing and come to my office." She eyed Anthony and me, "All three of you."  With that Principal Zootman walked away her maroon heels clicking on the tile floor.
Anthony and I shared glances with each other while Lexi just groaned. We all followed the head principal down the hallway like sad puppy dogs with their tail between their legs.
Principal Zootman's Office was neat and tidy. It was too neat and tidy like OCD freaky neat and tidy. Two tall bookcases were on both sides of the door and were filled with books that were all categorize by author's name. A bay window was on the opposite wall her desk sat directly in front of the window. I bet if someone took a measuring stick and measured from either side of her desk  to the edge of the bay window it would be even on both sides. Hanging on the walls were framed Bachelor and PH.D in Education degrees. On the desk everything was in a strait line and nothing was out of placed. The stapler and tape dispenser were next to the hand sanitizer bottle on the left of the desk. A note pad was in the center with three pens evenly spaced from each other. To the right on the desk was the school computer. Principal Zootman squirted hand sanitizer in her palm and rubbed furiously, "Please have a seat." She said motioning to the three plastic chairs with cushions on the other side of her desk.
Anthony sat between Lexi and me as we faced Principal Zootman who sat behind her desk in her black leather swirling chair her back towards the bay window. She logged onto her computer and typed a few things into her computer.
I felt sick to my stomach, and it wasn't my morning sickness. It was more of a nervous I got in trouble on the first day of school sickness. Who even gets in trouble on the first day?! Don't schools usually give grace and over look any unacceptable behaviors? I fumbled with the little silky blue ribbon that was tied at the front of my maternity shirt. Nervously I untied it and retired it repeatedly. Ugh I hated being late to class, I hope nobody notices. Who am I kidding all the students were gossiping and whispering to their friends like "Hey dude did you see what Lexi did to Julia this morning?" "Yeah, they all got sent to the principal's office before homeroom even started!"
"Julia do you know why you're here?" Principle Zootman paused waiting for my response but I was still daydreaming what my classmates were saying about me, "Julia? Julia?"
Anthony quickly nudged me with his elbow."
Startled I jumped out of my daydream, "Uh! What?" Lexi snickered from her chair.
Principal Zootman placed her hands together calmly, "Do you know why you're here?" She repeated.
"I'm so sorry Principal Zootman, this day has gone down hill since the start and I made a scene right here in school. I ran down the school hallways which disturbed everyone else.....I've never been sent to the office before, and on the first day of school. I'm not in detention now am I?" I rambled nervously
"Woah slow down, Julia." Principal Zootman held her hands up, "You're not in here because of that. Though running down the halls during school hours is not allowed."
I sat back in my seat relieved, "I'm not?"
"No, and I sure hope I don't have to give anyone detention on the first day of school. You are here Julia, because I found a rather interesting poster hanging up around school." She pulled out a copy of the cruel poster Lexi had made that read Julia Blade as President! She knows how to stab a friend in the back and get knocked up with your brother. It showed  two horrible stick figures one with a baby bump that had an arrow pointing to it and said Julia 'Slut'  and another stick figure that said Anthony 'Father to be'.
"Oh no." I buried my head in my hands.
"I believe we all know what it says without me reading it." Principal Zootman laid the poster on her desk and pushed it towards us looking us all in the eyes. "Now I whole heartily agree students should try out for class president and make posters to get people's votes. But I don't believe these posters are the way to go about doing so, in fact I don't believe Julia even made these posters. Is that correct Julia?"
I slumped in my chair great so Principal Zootman brought me in to tattle on Lexi and say that she made the posters! "Yes, Ma'am. I didn't make them."
"Do you know who did?" She asked.
I stared down at my hands, biting my lip. I slowly turned to look over at Lexi.
"You have no proof that I made that!" Lexi snapped glaring across Anthony at me.
"Bull shit! We all know you did it! You've been after Julia since the day you saw us together!" Anthony yell leaning forward to block me from Lexi's few.
"Yeah! Because you two betrayed me and went behind my back, you starting seeing each other, then sleeping together, and now you got her knocked up!" Lexi held her fingers as she listed all the stuff we've done. "What happened to family sticking together?!"
Anthony shook his head angrily, "Don't even speak to me about family when you treat both your family and friends like garbage! Acting like you're so much better than them when really you're just a selfish jealous bitch!"
Lexi gasped, "¿Còmo te atreves Anthony? ¡Solo espera y verás que no estás preparado para ser papá! Te  estás quedando sin Julia como nuestro padre!" She yelled going all Spanish mode. Her face as red as a hot pepper as she spoke angrily.
Principal Zootman stood up from her chair, "Lexi and Anthony calm down." She stared from Anthony to Lexi waiting for them to both cool down, "Now I don't know what was just said, but it sounds like you three have a lot of family matter that needs to be shortened outside of school. I don't want you bringing your family drama to school do you hear? Lexi, I take it that you are the one responsible for making the posters and posting them up around school?"
Lexi crossed her arms and slunk back in her chair, "Yes."
"That's a lot of work for just once person. Did you have any help?"
"Even if I did have help, I'm not going to give names. I'm a loyal friend." She starred daggers at me making her point.
"I feel quiet sorry for you Lexi, true friends wouldn't help someone hurt someone else. This poster Lexi, is cruel and hurtful to Anthony and Julia. It's not only name calling, but it also denigrates them. Not to mention humiliates them in front of all their friends. The act that you've just done Lexi is a form of bully and I won't tolerate bullying at this school. I have no trouble expelling you if I see this sort of behavior towards anyone do you understand?"
"Yes." Lexi mumbled.
"Starting immediately before class, you will go down every hall and collect every poster you put up. Then you will throw them all away before heading to what's left of your homeroom. After school you will attend detention for two hours for this whole week, do I make myself clear?"
"But Principal Zootman that's not fair!" Lexi burst out.
"Do I need to make it two weeks of detention?"
Lexi glared at Anthony and me as if to say this is all your fault. "No."
Principal Zootman quickly wrote a pass for Lexi, "Here's your pass to give to Mr. Grass to explain why you were late for homeroom. Now I suggest you get to work collecting those posters. After all you did make a lot of them."
Lexi snatched the piece of paper and marched out of the office.
"Now Anthony, I had you come because of the choice of words you choose to use in the school hallway." Principal Zootman cleared her throat, "I overheard you from my office calling Lexi a bitch, and then you did it again in here while talking to Lexi."
"No offense, Principal Zootman, but she was hurting my girlfriend and I got tired of it."
"I understand that, but please watch your language at school. I'll give you this one warning. Next time you're using foul language during school hours you'll be written up."
"Yes, Ma'am." Anthony took the slip of paper from Principal Zootman as he stood up, "Come on, Jules."
I stood up to follow Anthony, "Actually, Julia? Do you mind hanging back a bit? There's something I'll like to ask you."
"I'll see you later." I gave his hand a light squeezed and watched him leave before taking a seat again at her desk.
Principal Zootman smiled kindly at me, "Are you doing okay?"
I nodded, "Yeah, I think so. I was just a little shaken up by the posters."
"So it's true then?"
"Yeah, I'm six weeks." I said placing my hand on my stomach.
"I'm sure you're make a wonderful mother." She smiled brightly at me which shocked me.
"You're..... you're not disappointed in me?"
She laughed, "Oh honey, I'm the principal. I'm here to uplift and support all my students and their choices. I don't hold any judgements."
"It wasn't our choice to get pregnant..... It just happened."
"I know sweetie. I myself, did things with my boyfriend when I was in high school. Although it's not what I would want for my own daughter at that age, I wouldn't trade her for the whole world." She smiled, "I was only fifteen when I got pregnant."
"Wow." I said surprised, "You were even younger than me."
"Yeah I was. Now if there is anything you need I want to know I am here for you, and if there's anyone you need to talk to for support I wanted to remind you that the school counselor's door is always opened." She handed me a piece of paper, "Here's a note to give to Mr. Grass."
"Thank you." I turned to leave pausing as my hand brushed the door handle, "Principal Zootman?" Not waiting for an answer I asked, "Do you think it's possible for me to become class president this year given my condition?"
She smiled up at me from her desk, "You're a bright young student Julia, I have no doubt in my mind that you'll go far here and if being class president is something you're passionate about then you should definitely try out for it. The sign up list is done by Mrs. Tailbanathy she should have it up within a few weeks."
"Thank you so much!" I left Principal Zootman's office and hurriedly walked down the hallways to Mr. Grass homeroom class. I thrust the door open and walked into class as all eyes turned to stare at me. "Sorry I'm late Mr. Grass." I handed him the note from Principal Zootman.
He took the note twisting his mouth in a frown. He glanced briefly at it pushing his glasses up on his nose as he did so before laying the paper his desk behind him, "Very well, take a seat Miss Blade, we're already done with taking attendance for today now here is each of your packages of information that will need to be filled out. Such as parents' permission slips for after school activities if you wish to participate, the school should be having those activities soon posted outside the office on the bulletin board. Also any allergies the school needs to be aware of, health problems, etc. You know the drill take it home, fill it out, have mommy and daddy sign it and bring it back." Mr. Grass said in his usually snarky voice. Students always joked about Mr. Grass' crankiness,  a lot say he was so crabby because of all the years he served in the navy before becoming a teacher. Honestly I didn't know what their deal was, sure he was cranky at times, but he was a cool teacher.
Mr. Grass walked up and down the two aisles between the three rows of students handing each of us a folder with the stuff to fill out. I slipped into my desk just as he handed me a red folder with all the information papers in it. I slipped it into my backpack that I had sat on the floor and pulled out my school scheduled.
"Don't forget those papers are due back by this Friday....." Mr. Grass voice came to a stop as Lexi walked into the room. "Miss Baez so nice of you to join us."
Without saying a word Lexi handed him her note from the principal and made her way to an empty seat.
He sighed and tossed the note on his desk. "I see quite a few students have already been sent to the principal's office this morning. I hope you guys don't make a habit of it." He said giving all of us a look, "Which brings me to my final announcement, the detention room has been moved to this room this school year where I will be your detention teacher. Let me tell you all now because most likely I will see all of you in detention at one time or another. You will serve each and every minute in detention, don't think that you'll get any short cuts and get out early because that doesn't happen in life. There is no short cuts!"
           The whole class let out a groan.
Ring!!!! Went the school bell above the door, "And there's the lovely sound of the bell, remember detention is held in here bright and early after school! It looks like I already have one student that I will see after school. Make good choices students, I don't want to see anymore of your faces in detention." Mr. Grass told us as everybody grabbed their backpacks and made their way out of homeroom.
I quietly slipped out of homeroom and started making my way through the sea of students towards my next class. My shoulders tensed as a hand reached out and grabbed me.
"It's just me." Anthony said coming up beside me, "Sorry I scared you." He said as he took my hand in his.
"It's fine, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Walking with my girl to class." He smiled at me and leaned close, "It's what all couples do if they have the same class together."
I flushed, why hadn't I thought of that! I'm so glad he knew what couples did and didn't do. Our family easily believed we were together, but what if it's harder to convince our peers? "You have Speech Class next too?" I asked.
With his free hand he pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from his back pocket and looked at it. "Umm no, it looks like I have Geometry in room 2457 and then English in 2365."
I leaned close to him as we walked so I could read his schedule, "Hey but after lunch it looks like we have Biology together." I pointed out.
He wrinkled his nose, "Whoever made these class schedules should be fired. Who wants to dissect an animal right after they ate the schools lunch which was probably scrapped off the floor and added to any leftover animal parts."
"Ugh don't tell me what's in the cafeteria's food Anthony!" I said wrinkling my nose as well just remembering the lunches we normally had.
"Hey you should totally eat lunch with me and the guys."
I raised an eyebrow, "The guys? You mean Justin, Eugene, and the rest of the basketball team?"
"Yeah, Justin and Eugene, will definitely be there and probably some other guys. But there will be girls there too!" He said quickly, "The guys always sit with their girlfriends so they're be there too."
I've never sat with Anthony for lunch before, Lexi and I always sat together. I bit my lip this was going to be a lot harder than I thought. "Sure." If Anthony and I were going to pul this being a real couple thing off then I had to sit with him.
"Cool, oh hey I want to say hi to Eugene real quick before my Geometry class starts." Anthony said as he saw his best friend up ahead getting stuff out of his locker, "I'll see you later." He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and ran to catch up to his friend.
I watched Anthony and Eugeneis greet each other with a bro hug. I couldn't help but feel a tad twang of jealousy. He still had his best friend by his side and I didn't even have one girl who I could turn to. Lexi had been my whole world, I poured so many hours and days into her friendship that I didn't have time for anyone else. It was always just Lexi and me and at times Anthony when he wasn't with his own friends. Now it was just Anthony and me trying to pull off my crazy scam, but the thing was he still had his friends by his side. All I had left was Anthony. I walked the rest of the way to Speech Class by myself.

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