Chapter Eleven

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Two weeks, that's how long Anthony and I talked over our fake story. We had to get every little detail right, we had to have all the facts down by heart so if someone asked a question we could answer it without a doubt. As much as I hated lying, this was the only way. No one could know the truth, that's why taking two weeks to get our scam to seem believable was so important.
I was really happy of how faithful and supportive Anthony was being through all of this. I couldn't believe he was actually doing this, he was risking everything. His whole life is going to be jeopardized when our scam got out. That is if people even believed it. Glancing at my phone for about the fiftieth time that day I sighed, I wished Lexi was as understanding as Anthony...... I still haven't heard from her since she walked into Anthony's room and saw us together. But I guess I don't blame her for being pissed. I laid my phone down on the bathroom counter and looked at myself in the medicine cabinet's mirror. My eyes had dark circles under them from lack of sleep. Snatching my blue brush I went to war attacking my bed hair.
The plan so far was to say that we realized we both liked each at Eugene's end of school party when Anthony gave me that silly kiss from the spin the bottle game. At the party after Anthony's fight with Justin when I took Anthony upstairs to clean his nose we would make up a lie about hitting it off upstairs. The weeks to come we weren't sure how Lexi would handle us being a couple so we snuck around. Then Lexi caught us in his bed and now I'm pregnant.
Finishing my hair I pulled it up into a bun then stepped over to the full length mirror that was on the bathroom door. I pulled up my maroon shirt up to my chest and stared at my body in the mirror. I ran a hand along my small baby bump, I was starting to have to watch what shirts I wore. Too tight of ones showed my small bump, which probably just looks like I've gain weight, but still I wanted to be careful. I was a month and one week pregnant, who knows when I'll be showing a lot. Picking my phone up off the counter and dialed Anthony's number.
"Anthony, it's time. Can you meet me at Happy Hollow Park?"
Three hours later Anthony and I were strolling the trails in Happy Hollow Park. I quizzed him on questions people may ask on. We had to get this right the first time, nothing can sound phony. "When did we realize we liked each other?"
"At Eugene's party, when we went upstairs we had a steamy make out session."
"Okay.... Maybe not say that way, second. How far along am I?"
Anthony bite his lip and closed his eyes as he thought, "Four weeks pregnant?"
I sighed, "Anthony we have to get this right the first time!"
"I know. I know."
"I'm five weeks pregnant actually, but remember we're saying I'm two weeks that would put us on the day Lexi walked in on us."
"Speaking of my sister..... She stares dagger eyes at me whenever I'm home and won't speak to a soul. Has she said anything to you?"
I looked away from him and focused at the trees as we walked the path. "I don't think she wants to talk to either of us."
"You know Lexi Jules, she just needs to let her steam off then she'll come around."
He was so positive of the situation that I put him in, I smiled at him, "I hope so."
"So are you going to tell Lexi the truth? Not the whole scam thing, but what really happen?"
I shook my head, "No, I mean I was going to at first, but it's not like she'll believe me now. Besides the less people who know the truth the easier it'll be for the scam to work. This has to seem believable Anthony."
He nodded, "I know, but it might help your relationship with Lexi if she knew."
"It's too late for that Anthony, now back to questions." I said changing the topic rather quickly. Talking about Lexi made my heart ache, I missed talking to her. "Why did we sneak around to see each other?"
"Oh that's easy, we were scared of what my sister would think. My turn," Anthony grinned, "When was the first time we told each other 'I love you'?"
I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it, all the while Anthony grinned down at me.
When I didn't answer he laughed, "Gotcha!" He playfully poked me in my side."
I squealed as it tickled and side stepped away, "Hey! That's so not fair!"
We quietly walked the dirt path enjoying the quiet and woodsy smell.
Clearing my throat I spoke, "So this whole fake dating thing... How does it work?"
He threw his head back and laughed loudly. I smacked his stomach. Did he have to be so dramatic about it! "Ouch! How would I know, I don't fake date!"
I rolled my eyes, "You know what I meant."
Anthony face became more serious, "I don't want to take advantage of you or make you uncomfortable how about we just act like we do already? Hanging out, joking and teasing each other. You know.... The normal us."
"Okay.... But that's not going to make it seem like all this....." I motion towards my belly, "Is really yours, no one would believe we had sex unless we do some of those romantic stuff real couples do like kiss and hug and all that." He raised an eyebrow at me. "What?" I asked.
"You've never had a boyfriend before have you?"
I blushed not only was he right, but I knew he had experience in the romantic department. Taylor and probably many other prettier girls than me and that made me uncomfortable. The relationship we would have won't be true, it would be a nine month fantasy. Just part of the scam so my parents and others don't find out I was really raped and now pregnant. I didn't want to keep him from dating other girls even just for nine months felt like I was pulling him into something he didn't want to do, but I didn't have a choice. "No, boyfriends weren't something I was chasing, my life was suppose to be school, college, then boys, marriage, and starting a family." I choked with a short laugh as I looked down at my belly and placed my hands on my abdomen. "I definitely wasn't planning on life being reversed and having a baby first." I sniffed, "What if I'm a terrible mom." I tried looking into Anthony's deep brown eyes but instead fixed my eyes on my loose maroon shirt.
"Jules, you're going to be the best teen mom out there." He wrapped me in a hug."
Giving him a tight hug bag I looked up at him, "You really think so?"
"Of course, and I'll be your best first boyfriend and dad for your baby. Anything you need I'll get you, diapers, those things babies suck on, heck I'll even take you to your doctor appointments if you wish!"
I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and smiled he was so caring and supportive it was unbelievable. "I'll like that. Oh look." With no one else on the trails I lifted my shirt up to show him my tiny little glimpse of a bump.
"Oh man! Is this real?" He placed both his hands on my bare stomach to feel.
His hands felt cold, I laughed "Yes silly, it's growing. Not a lot, and it's not kicking, but soon it'll look more like a baby bump and less like I'm just chubby."
"Oh man.... This is incredible." He smiled up at me then standing up he scooped me up and spun me around."
Holding on for dear life I squealed, "You've never seen a baby belly before have you?"
Anthony sat me back on the ground, "Nope, I mean not really, my aunt had my cousins but I really don't remember her being pregnant."
"Well this will be new for both of us. I don't remember my mom having my siblings either. Anthony my parents are both home tonight..... Would you be there when I tell them?"
Anthony stopped walking and stood there staring at me, "Tell your parents, tonight?"
"Yes, you saw my belly it could be time when I'm showing show much that it's impossible to hide. I'm not sure how much longer we have."
He rubbed his head stirring up his curls and making them lay funny on his head. Reaching up I straighten them out for him, "I gotta admit I thought we would have more time before we told everyone."
"Me too, but we don't have to tell everyone right away, just our family, maybe some close friends. We'll deal with the whole school posey later."
"Crap, I forgot about them." Anthony muttered looking off into the woods. Then eh turned back to me and offered me a smile, "Sure I'll come with you to tell them, one condition though I'm driving."
I laughed and tossed my keys to him. "Deal."
We finished strolling down the path in Happy Hollow woods and went back to the parking lot and playground. I was pretty sure Anthony and I had down every main detail for this to sound believable. Even if one of us did forgot the other could step in and answer for them. Yes Anthony and I were going to be fine, me and Lexi on the other hand.... Well we had some things we needed to fix.
Pulling my phone from my back pocket I dialed her number hoping this time she'll pick up. I sighed as I got her voicemail again. I had to stop leaving messages because her message box told me it was too full. Probably of all the ones I've sent her.
Anthony looked down at my phone, then wrapped his arm my shoulder, "It'll be okay Jules, Lexi is being dramatic once she calms down she'll come around. We've both apologized to her there is nothing else we can do."
I smiled but said nothing as we neared the parking lot which had a lot of people getting out or in their vehicles. We found my blue Chevy and his white Honda. We both figured that it would be better to first drive our own cars back to his house to leave his car; then to take mine to my house in the the country. I'll take him back later that night then back to his house. It would mean more miles of driving with us just taking one car, but I didn't mind.
Anthony parked his car on the side of the road in front of his house, then we switches seats in my Chevy so he could drive. An awkward silence hung in the air of my Chevy Cruise. Anthony kept his eyes on the rode so I settle in for the forty-five minute car ride home gazing out as the sight of town slowly drifted into country. With farms, fields of corn, woods, and country houses as my beautiful view is was easy to enjoy my surroundings and not worry about the precious bundle I'm carrying inside me.

The Pregnant ScamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora