Chapter Forty-Two

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Anthony and I signed Aria's birth certificate a day later. The next couple weeks went by in a blur.
Anthony went back to school while I stayed home and did school and homework assignments online whenever Aria would sleep. Since the car crash had completely wrecked Anthony's car I loaned him mine, he would come by after school to help with Aria so that I could rest and take a cat nap. Not only was I tired from loosing all that blood in the accident, but I was having a hard time getting a sleep pattern down with Aria. She would be up different hours of the night each night was different. Most days I was running on hardly any sleep and was grateful for Anthony's help.
Lexi would come by after school as well bringing me bubble tea and catch me up on the latest gossip at the school. It was good to be talking to her again, more than good. It felt amazing, there were moments when sitting in my bedroom Lexi and I would laugh and talk just like old times like nothing had changed even though it had. I missed our friendship and the way we used to be. I just hope that with time we could be as close as we once were, there was still a little bit of tension in the atmosphere when we ran out of things to say or didn't know what to say. Those were two of my goals building my trust and friendship with Lexi, and getting Aria on a regular sleep pattern which so far seemed impossible.
"WAAAAHHHHHHH!" Aria's loud cry woke me up out of my peaceful sleep. I had only been asleep an hour and a half after being up with her two hours previously during the night.
I groaned and rolled over looking at my clock which deemed two o'clock a.m. I hurried to flick on my light and rush to Aria's bassinet to keep her from waking up the whole household. "Ohhh shhhh shhhh Aria." I picked her up rocking her gently.
But no matter how gently I rocked her, her cries only got louder. She wiggled and squirmed. Her face muscles tightening in her tiny face as she used every muscle she had to cry.
My mom opened the door to my room and stood there looking in sleepily. She wore her pink pajamas with her blue house coat and her hair was messy.
I felt guilty for waking her, "Sorry mom, I'll get her calmed down soon I promise." I said continuing to rock with one hand while I searched my dresser top which was cluttered with earrings, pictures frames of me and Anthony,  instructions to my breast pump, baby toys, and empty dirty baby bottles for a pacifier to put in Aria's mouth.
"No." my mom said sleepily coming into my room and squinting from the bright light.
I stopped as I looked at her confused, "No?" I questioned.
"No." my mom repeated, "You won't get her calmed down." She sighed looking around my room which was a bit cramped and tight with all my things plus everything I needed for Aria. "Look I put up with you being pregnant, I let you and Anthony play house, and pretend to be a family and raise a baby. But honey you have graduation, college and a future to look forward to, you have so much to look forward to and a baby is just going to slow you down in the long run."
"You......You don't think I can do this?!" I spitted out angry at my mom for not believing in me and encouraging me through all this. She still just saw things her way, and wanted nothing to do with Aria.
"Of course you can do this, five or six years from now when you have a degree, a good job and a husband! That's why we're calling the adoption agency in the morning." My mom said turning to leave the room clearly stating that our discussion was over.
"NO!" I stated firmly as I yelled to be heard over Aria who was still crying. I marched up to my mother refusing to let her have the last say, "I'm keeping my baby, you don't agree with it, you don't think I can do it, fine. But she is my child and no one, not you, not dad, not anyone is taking her away from me got it?!"
My mom narrowed her eyes, "Fine, you think you're mature and ready to be an adult? To raise a child on your own? Then leave. You want to play house with Anthony go live with him, and when he kicks you out in a week when he can't handle a baby don't come crawling back here till you take that baby to the adoption agency you hear?" By now the whole house had to be hearing mom and me yell and argue but by now I didn't care.
I couldn't believe she was kicking me out, making me choose between my child and them. Family wasn't suppose to be that way. What happened to family sticking together? What happened to family being there for each other? "Thanks for making me see what a terrible grandma you are. You want me out of the house? Done, consider me and Aria out of your life too. Don't call me, don't talk to me." I spoke quickly stuffing as many clothes and things that Aria and I both needed in my backpack and diaper bag. I knew I couldn't take everything tonight, but I just had to get out of there.
I passed my mom without even giving her a second glanced. As I walked passed Emerson's door it flew open and Emerson ran out in her llama pjs crying and sobbing. She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly. "Don't go please!" She cried clinging to me.
I pulled her close and held her for a minute or two, tears falling down my own cheeks, "I'm sorry Em, I really am but I can't stay here. I can't give up Aria." I let Emerson hold Aria for me while I put our things in the back of my trunk, then I placed Aria in her car seat. Giving Emerson one last hug I started my car and pulled out of the driveway glancing in the mirror at Emerson's small frame as it got smaller and smaller.
I covered my mouth with my hands as I sobbed tears falling down my face blurring my vision. I pulled off to the side of the road a couple times when it became too hard to see to drive. Finally I made it to Anthony's house at almost three-thirty in the morning. I pulled up to the curb, putting my car in park before looking up at their white town house with the red shutters and matching red door. Tears welled in my eyes once again, this was the only place I could go. The only place I could call home now.
Hoping out of my car I unbuckled Aria's baby car seat from the back seat and made my way to the front door. A faint light came from inside so I knew somebody was still up. I knocked lightly on the red front door trying to keep it all together and not burst into tears.
It was no luck though as soon as the door opened I saw Anthony there in his work uniform. He must have just gotten off his night shift at the movie theater. He still had on his black dress pants, white shirt and red button down vest. His black bow tie laid untied around his neck like he was just now getting ready for bed. I burst into tears at the sight of him letting the river of tears come.
"Jules?!" Anthony said in surprised to see me at such a early time in the morning. I felled into him gently placing Aria's car seat on the floor so I could cling to him. I sobbed as he wrapped his arms protectingly around me.
Lexi came down the stairs in her shorts and tank top, her nest of black curls pulled back into a tight bun for sleeping. "Julia? Is that you?" She said coming down the stairs completely to stand beside Anthony.
"What's going on?" Antony asked as I went from his arms to hers. Finally I wiped my tears and stepped back to look at them. "My..... My mom kicked me out. She... she told me to pick between Aria and them.... I couldn't do it." I looked from Lexi's shocked face to Anthony's. "I'm sorry..... I had no where else to go." Tears threaten to fall again and my voice cracked.
"Aw girl don't apologize for a second." Lexi wrapped her arms around me again pulling me in for a long hug. "Our home is always yours, you'll always welcome."
Anthony nodded in agreement, "You can stay here as long as you need to. Do you have anything in the car?"
I nodded, "Just a few of what I could manage to grab. I left pretty quickly." I admitted.
"You stay here, I'll go unload, and we can go together to get more another day." Anthony offered as he slipped on some crocks.
"You don't know how much this means to me." I sniffed as Anthony headed out into the dark night. I looked down at Aria fast asleep in her car seat. "I don't even have a pack n play for Aria."
"No need. My mom has plenty of cribs down in the daycare she can sleep there." Lexi encouraged. She grabbed the carseat's handle and carried Aria down to the daycare that was in the basement.
Lexi turned on the light that was at the bottom of the stairs. A light tan carpet stretched out around the basement with a toy kitchen, toy chest, bookcase, baby bouncier, scooters, and cubbies aligning most of the walls. She walked to the back of the room where another door led to a room just for napping that had four wooden cribs as well as cots stacked together in a corner. Opposite of the cots was a changing table stacked with plenty of diapers and wet wipes.
I smiled at my best friend, "Thank you Lexi."
"No problem." Lexi said as Anthony joined us down stairs. "How about I get Aria settled in one of the cribs, and you can go freshen up in the bathroom, and then crash in my bed for the night!" Lexi said excitedly, "It'll be just like old times."
How could I forget the numerous slumber parties we would have. Lexi and me giggling in her bed and talking till late in the night. Sharing secrets and dreams for the future. Then my thoughts turned to Anthony and I looked at him. Wondering if he had thought I would sleep with him since he is my boyfriend now. The thought of being with him sent a flush to my cheeks. We had slept together before the first day of school, but we didn't do anything mostly because back then we were just faking it. Now we were the real deal, would something happen? Did I want it to happen? Did he? These thoughts swirled so fast in my brain causing me to have butterflies.
An awkward silence hung in the air as Anthony looked back at me catching my eyes and we looked at Lexi.
Like the twin she was Lexi read our minds at once. She pierced her lips nodding her head slowly, "Anddd you guys want to sleep together since you're a couple." She said taking it all in, she sighed then lifted her head and smiled, "Okay I'll see you both in the morning."
I rushed over to her throwing my arms around her neck and pulling her close to me. "Thank you so much for understanding!" I whispered to her. "I'll make it up to you I promise, we'll have a girl's night soon."
"I'll be looking forward to it." She whispered back giving me a tight squeeze. She let go and turned to go up the stairs. She paused then turned back to look at both of us, "And just fyi these walls are paper thin, so try to keep your monkeying around down." She joked before leaving.
My face heated a bright red from her comment and I adverted looking at Anthony's face. I could tell he was embarrassed from it as well, he mumbled something about putting my bags in his room and jogged up stairs. Slowly and carefully I unbuckled Aria's safety straps holding my breath and praying that she didn't stir or wake.
With arms as light as a feather I swooped her up in my arms and gently carried her over to one of the empty cribs. I laid her down on her back and swaddled her with the baby blanket. I sighed with relief that she had stayed asleep the whole time, I watched her peacefully sleep unaware that Anthony had came back downstairs till he was right behind me.
"It's me." He said before gently putting his hands on my shoulders.
I tensed a little bit at his touch, but quickly relaxed as he rubbed them rubbing away all my fears, worries, and anxieties. I closed my eyes sinking into him and the moment we were having. In that moment I was confident that I was ready, I loved Anthony and I wanted him. I wanted to kiss him, to feel him, to have him hold me and touch me everywhere. I wasn't scared of being with a man, because I would be with the man that I loved, and the man who loved me and wasn't going to just take advantage of me.
Anthony leaned close to my ear the warmth from his breath ticking me, "So what now?"
Slowly I turned to face him, I gave him a flirtatious smile, "I have a few ideas." Taking both ends of his untied bow tie I pulled him towards me so our lips met. I kissed gently at first then more firmly my hands moving up around his neck, then into his hair. I brushed through those dark curly locks of his loving every moment.
He kissed me back, running his hand down the back of my tank top. He didn't stop there, but continued down to my butt where he squeezed it and lifted me up. I wrapped my bare legs around his waist as he carried me upstairs to his bedroom. My legs still wrapped around him he pressed my back against his bedroom door as we stopped to kiss some more as he fumbled with the door handle to open it.
I giggled as the door flew open and he buried his head into my neck leaving a trail of kisses behind. He tossed me down onto his bed. He ran a finger along my jaw as he gazed at me, "Are you sure?" He asked wanting to make sure I was completely comfortable and ready.
To answer him I took his cheeks in my hands and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. His hands gripped my tank top he found the end and slipped his hands underneath rubbing my bare back before pulling my tank top off over my head. He kissed my forehead as I unbuttoned his vest and white cotton shirt. I ran my hand across his chest feeling his strong muscles and abs. Anthony's kisses traveled down the side of my cheek down to my neck and across my shoulder blade, before coming back up to my lips. Our tongues touched as we kissed finally I came up for air with a smile my heart pounding in my chest. "You still have those condoms right?" I asked scooting on his bed to sit up.
"Ahhh yes, thanks to Lexi we're prepared." Anthony said making a light joke of the fact that Lexi had given me condoms for Christmas as a mean joke. He hopped of the bed pulling his pants and boxers down in the process.
I smiled checking him out as he made his way over to his closet. He had cute everything.
He pulled out the box of unopened condoms. "You're checking me out aren't you?" He smirked.
"Meee?" I said placing a hand over my bare chest, "No, it's just my boyfriend has a really nice butt."
"OH yeah?" He said pulling out a condom and tossing the others to the flow. He came back and pounced on the bed causing me to go up in the air. I squealed as he wrapped his arms around me. He tore open the condom taking out the rubber piece and putting it over his penis. He gently placed his hands on my waist and slowly slid his hands down under my shorts and onto either side of my legs. He worked his hands down my legs as they slid my shorts and underwear off. Then he tossed my clothes on the floor next to his.
I gulped feeling slightly self-conscious now that I laid completely naked and exposed on his bed for his eyes to see. No body has seen me this way since.... I pushed the thought of that monster away, this was my night. Anthony was my boyfriend and we were going to make love for the first time and no one was going to ruin that. Not my mother, not Sal.... I propped my bare legs open not sure really how much room he needed my heart jumping to my throat.
"Are you ready?" He asked positioning himself on top of me. My legs on either side of his waist.
I nodded nervously, "Go slow, okay?" I asked clinching the sheets in my hands.
He lowered his lips down to mine kissing me tenderly while his hands ran up and down my body feeling every part of me. Then he started pushing himself inside me his hands on either side of me like he was doing push ups. His body moved up and down with mine as he kissed me anywhere he could. My lips, my cheeks, my jaw, neck, shoulder blades, even down to my abdomen.
I closed my eyes letting out little gasps when he pushed harder. So this is what making love was suppose to feel like, I felt like my body had came to life gaining a new spark of life with every kiss Anthony left on my body. My hands traveled over his bare back feeling each muscle. I turned my head to the side as Anthony kissed my neck, I squeezed my eyes shut tightly my hand gripping the pillow I rested on. I knew I was in Anthony's bed, and in his house which was totally safe, but in my head I was back in Christina's house and I was in their bed. He was pushing himself into me, hurting me. I couldn't leave I couldn't go anywhere he had me pinned down trapped. I let out a tiny sob.
That was all Anthony needed to back off. His lips paused on my jawline, he lifted his head, "Jules? Are you crying?" He asked innocently.
I gasped and opened my eyes, tears that I didn't know I had were running down my cheeks wetting my pillow case. I turned my head to look up at him, "I'm.... I"m sorry.....I..." I mumbled for words to say feeling embarrassed for ruining our sexual intimacy.
His curls hung down in his face as he looked down at me, "What is it?" He asked worried.
I sniffed fighting back tears, "I.... I closed my eyes, and I wasn't here anymore with you..... I was...." I sobbed closing my eyes and covering my hand with mouth.
"Heyyy." Anthony pulled the sheet up and slowly moved so that he was beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. "It's okay, you're safe. We don't have to continue anymore tonight."
I hung onto his arms that were wrapped around me. "Love is suppose to be this magical thing, your first time is suppose to be special and..... Mine was taken away from me." I cried, "He took everything from me, and now I can't even enjoy myself without thinking back of that awful place."
Anthony rubbed my hair comforting me. "It's alright Jules, I love you, and I know this is going to take time." He held me till I calmed down, our naked bodies entangled in each other as we snuggled.
"I love you." I whispered to him as I rested my head on his chest. I closed my eyes as I felt the comforting of his hand as he traced his fingers down my back. His gentleness and lovingness that he showed me was more than I could have ever imagine a guy showing me. He didn't press me to continue having sex, he didn't ask anything of me that I didn't want to have for myself. Which actually was turning me on. I smiled placing my hand on his chest I lifted my head to look at him, then I leaned forward kissing his lips. He automatically responded by kissing me back. I moved so that I was sitting on top of his lap placing my bare legs on either side of him I wrapped my arms around his neck and sunk deeper into his lips kissing him furiously. His hands ran up and down my bare back then down to my thighs where he squeezed them. He held his hands on my hip bone rubbing his fingers gently in a circle motion.
I laughed as he moved his hands down to my neck kissing me with little tickles that electrified my body making me want more.
We continued for another hour, stopping when I cried and needed to calm down to remember that I was still safe and will always be safe in his arms. I don't remember when we both fell asleep, but when we did it was with smiles on our faces.


     Anthony's alarm for school went off causing me to groan. I turned over and had to wiggle from his grasp to turn off the alarm.
"Mmmmm leave it be. Come here." Anthony murmured trapping me with his leg and pulling me closer to him by wrapping his arms around me.
I giggled, "Anthony you have to get ready for school." I reached over and hit snooze on the alarm clock.
He sighed, "Remind me never have sex on a school night."
Turning over to face him I smirk, "Oh so you mean you don't want anymore of this." I leaned in nibbling his ear teasingly.
He laughed looking down at me loveingly, he planted a kiss on my lips rubbing his hand down my back as I moved over so that I was laying on him. "You're such a tease." He said between kisses. "Mmm this is so much better than homeroom." We made out some more our lips moving together in perfect unison.
I pulled up for air smiling, "As nice as this is, I have to check on Aria, and you need to get ready." I patted his chest then wrapping the sheet around me I climbed out of bed.
"Nooo." Anthony said as he tried to grab me. He laid back down and watched me get dress in jeggings and breast feeding t-shirt. I walked over to the bed, and gave him one last kiss before heading downstairs.
It was early in the morning, the sun just barely starting to acknowledge the day peeking over the nearby treetops and houses. Parents drifted in and out of Wanda's house dropping their children off at the home daycare. I poured myself and Anthony a cup of the coffee that was brewing in the coffee maker knowing that Anthony would be up soon and want some. I carried my coffee towards the basement stairs. I hovered at the top looking down at the couple children playing with toys that age ranged from infants to toddlers. Lexi sat tossing a ball back n forth with a little girl while Wanda was smiling and holding Aria who seemed peaceful and happy. I smiled at the scene Wanda was such an amazing loving Grandma, she truly loved Aria it made me feel guilty. What if since now there was three of us playing the scam that we messed up and  Wanda found out Aria wasn't biologically her granddaughter? She'll be crushed.
Lexi looked up noticing me in the doorway. "Hey you're up!" She hopped to her feet pulling her shirt down to make sure it covered her jeans before jogging up the stairs to be with me. She took my hand that was free of coffee and pulled me over to the kitchen table. "Tell me everything that happened last night!" She demanded taking a seat across from me, "Did you do it? How was it?" Then the fact of her question she was asking sunk in and she wrinkled her nose, "Actually let me rephrase that ewww he's my brother. Don't tell me." She shook her head as if to clear her head of the image making me laugh and she did too, "I still can't believe you're dating my brother."
I smiled, "Thank you for being okay with it Lexi, he's really amazing and so kind to me."
"Well duh he's my brother, he better treat you right or I'll beat him up." Lexi joked.
Speaking of the devil Anthony walked in wearing jeans and turquoise shirt. He smiled as I handed him some coffee. "Thanks babe." He kissed my forehead tenderly then turned to Lexi slinging his backpack across one shoulder. "Are you about ready to go?" 
"Yeah let me just grab my things." Lexi hopped off her seat, "Mom I'm leaving." She hollered down at Wanda.
I gave my best friend a hug as she headed out the door. Then turned and gave Anthony a lingering kiss. I smiled as I watched them head out the door for school then went down to take care of Aria and settle into my new home life.


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