Chapter Fifteen

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For three whole days Anthony's mom refused to talk to him. If Lexi and her were in the kitchen and Anthony walked in the talking automatically stopped. It hurt him that his family was giving him the silence treatment. He wanted to talk to someone about it, but he knew if Julia knew it would crush her and make her think she's ruining his family with her scam.
        Anthony decided to call Eugene up, his best friend.
        "Dude..." Eugene said as he answered the phone, "Where have you been we haven't hanged in like forever man!"
          "I know man, sorry the summer has flown by so fast."  Anthony tucked his phone between his hear and his shoulder as he put his laundry away. "What have you been up to this summer?"
            "Tons of things bro, my fam went camping one weekend, then I got together with Tiffany you remember her right? She's a cheerleader at our school anyway we hooked up a few times, but I don't know she seems clingy. Have you gotten yourself a babe with a fine booty this summer?"
            Anthony winced at the way Eugune asked him, and was glad they weren't face to face talking at the moment. Didn't Eugene have any respect for girls their age? He was starting to talk a lot like Justin and he didn't like it. "Yeah I found I girl, we broke up. But then the strangest miracle happened, I started having feelings for this extraordinary girl and it turns out she likes me back so we're officially a couple." He didn't want to go into detail that Jules was pregnant and that he was the 'father' right now. Besides Jules said she wanted to hold off telling their peers till they absolutely had to.
        "Cool dude, who is it?"
         "Julia, as in Julia your twin sister's BFF Julia?"
         Anthony smiled, "The one and only."
         "Woah man seriously?! How did that happen, how's your sister taking it?"
         "It was at your party actually we realized we had a thing for each other. Ehhh she's out to get blood since she saw us together in my room."
         "Hold up, hold up! You mean to tell me you actually banged your sister's best friend and Lexi caught you guys doing it?" Eugene gave a low whistle, "What is Julia's body like man?"
         Anthony gritted his teeth did Eugene seriously just asked him what her body is like?! What if Julia was actually his girlfriend he would be so pissed if his friends would ask him for details like that. Nobody should know what she's like except him. Anthony looked over at his dresser top remembering when he had sat Julia on top and she helped him undo her buttons of her shirt. Her kisses were soft and her body so smooth like a kitten. He pictured what she looked like then without her shirt on as he ran a hand through his messy black hair, "She had umm. She had great stomach so flat, not an ounce of fat on her." He winced why did he just tell Eugene that!
         "Nice man, what about her boobs? Were they big? Man I bet they were something nice."
        "Ummm.. Honestly dude I'll I can remember is what a great kisser she is." Anthony didn't like the turn this conversation was going, "As for Lexi she's so mad at me right now it's not even funny, even my mom hasn't talked to me in like three days."
         Eugene laughed, "Dude can you blame them! You hooking up with Julia I mean really everyone at school have been wanting you to do it but we didn't think you two actually would! Bro you have my highest respect."
         Anthony grimaced he didn't know how he felt having Eugene's highest respect for supposedly sleeping with Jules when he really haven't gotten further than second base. Not that he wanted to go any further besides it freaked Jules out bringing back painful memories of her rape.
         "Oh I almost forgot!" Eugene added, "Guess who Justin banged this summer!"
         Or who hasn't he banged Anthony thought to himself with a roll of his eyes, but to Eugene he said, "I don't know man, who?"
         "Jennifer Moore!" Eugene said excitedly.
        Jennifer Moore was this cute girl in their grade with beautiful blonde hair. She was captain of the cheerleaders and not bad with the men on the basketball team either. The guys always made bets on who could get in her pants faster which Anthony thought was ridiculous not to mention rude. "So they're a couple now? Justin didn't mention anything when I ran into him a few days ago with Jules."
       "Naaa you know Justin isn't one to commit. I think he just wanted her for a quick booty call if you know what I mean."
         Yeah I know what you mean Anthony thought to himself. What Justin wants Justin usually gets. Even if it's just using a girl for one night and then leaving her the next. Anthony looked at his clock by his bed he hadn't realized it has gotten so close to noon. "Hey Eugene it's been great talking to you, but I gotta hit the gym for a workout."
         "Okay catch you later bud!"
        Anthony hung up and tossed his cell phone in his black duffle bag before slinging it over his shoulder. He took the stairs two at a time and went into the kitchen. Off to the side was doorway that led downstairs to where his mom ran her home daycare called Little Angels. He poked his head in to see Lexi on the floor with some toddlers and his mom over in a rocking chair holding one of the babies. All round the floor toys were out.
      His mom noticed him in the doorway and looked away.
     "Mom, I just thought I'll tell you I'm going to the gym to workout." As Anthony turned to go he stopped and turned back around he asked, "Do you need anything at the grocery store?" He offered. Maybe if his mom saw he was trying to make an effort at being nice and talking to her she'll ease up and talk to him.
      She looked at him for a brief second, "No son, gracias."
      Anthony smiled and nodded. He was pleased his mom actually talked to him instead of just shaking her head, at least it was a start and he could work with that.
       He drove across town to the gym where he had a membership. After changing into black shorts and a hunter green sleeveless shirt he wasted no time. Hopping on a black treadmill by the open glass wall of windows he started out at a slow pace as he listened to upbeat music with his ear buds and phone. Before long he was running full speed his tennis shoes hitting the moving black leather belt in a nice rhythm. Beads of sweat dripped down his face and his shirt clung to his body in sweat.
      Suddenly his music faded and his FaceTime ring tone which was the Avengers' theme song took over. Still running a fast pace he hit the answer button. 
       Julia's face took over the screen, "Run Forest run!" She joked.
      Anthony grinned as he slowed the machine down to a walk to be able to talk, "How did you know I was running?"
      "Eh the echo of the treadmill and the dumbbells behind you kinda gave it away."
       He laughed, "Right, so what's up?" Taking he shirt he pulled it up and wiped sweat from his face.
      "I was doing some research today on pregnancy doctors. I'm not sure when women go to see them, but probably best sooner than later, right?"
        Anthony took his phone and stepped off the treadmill, "Right" he headed over to the weight machine and laying his phone in his lap he started pushing the weights.
       "So anyway I was looking and did you know that the doctor you go to is the doctor that's with you through the whole pregnancy, I mean the doctor will even deliver the baby! I always thought which ever doctor was at the hospital at the time will deliver but I guess you call your baby doctor and he/or she will deliver for you."
       He grunted as he lifted the weights, "Fascinating." He gasped between breaths.    
       "Would you be interested in going to the doctor with me? I made an appointment for next week at two-thirty."
       He stopped pushing the handles for a moment and picked up his phone giving Julia all of his attention, "Of course I'll come with you, what are." He looked around real quick to make sure he didn't recognize anyone before speaking, "What are fake fathers for?" He smiled.
        Julia laughed, "Thanks so much Anthony!" Then her voice got quiet, "I'm really nervous."
        "About what?"
        She shrugged her thin shoulders, "I don't know everything!" She gave a short laugh.
        "You have nothing to be scared of Julia, I'm sure you'll be fine, and I'll be right there. So you can squeeze my hand as hard as you need to or whatever dads do for the women there."
         "Thanks Anthony, I'll let you get back to working out. Don't sweat too much."
         "Haha very funny." He grinned and hit his off bottom. His upbeat music flared once again through his ear buds and he went back to lifted the weights by pushing on the handle bars.
         After he finished working out Anthony jumped into the shower to wash off all the sweat and to relieve his sore muscles. He changed back into his regular clothes which was jeans and a blue shirt with white sleeves that stopped at the elbow. He decided to stick around town awhile longer before going home. He stopped at the movie theater and picked up his latest check, and also checked the work schedule to know when his next shift was. Then he cashed his check Regions bank and decided to get root beer float from Dog N Suds.
        When he finally did get home all the kids from his mom's home daycare had left for the day. His mom had finished cleaning the downstairs daycare and was now up in the kitchen stirring rice and a meat sauce. From the smell Anthony could tell it was almost done. He took a seat on one of the tall chairs at the tall kitchen table. He pulled out his phone to check Facebook while his mom cooked.
        "How are Julia and the baby doing?" His mom spoke slowly.
         Anthony lifted his head up, did his mom really just speak to him! It sounded like music to his ears, he smile lifted, "She's doing well, we have our first doctor appointment next week."
          His mother nodded as she measured pepper and dropped it into the meat sauce, "And you love her?"
           He froze, love was such a strong serious word. He didn't want to lie to him, yet couldn't tell his mom he loved Julia like a sister. That would just sound creepy weird. Especially with him playing the role as her baby's father. Finally he spoke, "Yes, I love Julia, she's like part of my family." There at least that was the truth. Julia has been around for so long it seems like she was family. Anthony always thought of her and cared for her like he did Lexi. Never in a million years would he have thought that Julia and him would have a scam that they were together romantically.
         "Good, you better never leave her son I mean it."
         He bit the top of his lip, thinking of how part of their scam was that they would go their separate ways once the baby is born. "Things change all the time mom, love changes people change. I hope to stay a part of the baby's life though no matter what happens to Julia and me."
          His mom place the rice and the meat sauce on the table, "Lexi! Dinner!" She yelled as she went to get a spoon for the food.
           Lexi came down the stairs but froze when she saw Anthony sitting at the table. She crossed her arms over her chest. "If he's eating then I'm not!" She declared.
            "Don't be loco, he's your brother of course he's eating and you're so petite you're eating as well."
           "You can't be serious Mamá! Have you forgotten how he and my best friend betrayed me!" Lexi cried out.
           Anthony stood and scooped some food quickly onto his plate and moved towards the doorway to go to his bedroom, "Don't worry, I'll eat in my room." The last thing he wanted was his sister and his mom fighting as well.
           "No!" Their mom said loudly Lexi and him stood there quietly as she continued, "Lexi, I know this is hard for you. But like it or not our family is growing. Julia and her baby are a part of this family now. Now I know, it is going to take some time to adjust, but I suggest we put our differences aside for one night so this Mamá can eat with both her children." She looked at both Lexi and Anthony, "Our family is changing, it's up to us weather it changes for the good or the bad, now both of you go sit down and let's make the most of tonight."
           Anthony couldn't help but smile at the way his mother handled things. "Beautiful speech Mamá." He wrapped his arm around his mother and planted a kiss on her forehead.
          "Aww gracias, my son."
         Dinner was fantastic Anthony was so happy his mom was talking to him again. Although he still had Lexi to deal with, he didn't feel to worry about her. He was sure Lexi would come around; after all there was only so long someone could stay angry.


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