Chapter Twenty-Nine

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    Everyone in Mr. Grass' homeroom class sat on their edge of their seats as they waited for Principal Zootman to announce the senior class president.
    I held my breath my heart pounding in my chest. Please.... Please......PLEASE let it be me! I thought to myself twirling my pencil around nervously in my hand.
    "This year senior class president is........" Principal Zootman paused for dramatic effects which I didn't understand why people did it in the first place. Just get it over with and tell everyone! "Lexi Baez! Congratulations Lexi and good luck."
    My pencil fell from my hand hitting my desk with a click before rolling off onto the floor somewhere. All around me people clapped and congratulated Lexi, some guys nodded their heads in approval while girls gave her quick hugs or high fives. No no no! This can't be happening! Lexi can't be president! She had already taken one thing from me and now she's done it again and taken away something I really wanted. My chest felt heavy and it was hard to breath.
    Mr. Grass waved his hands around, "Settle down now, I know that was really exciting news for everybody, now let's get started." Mr. Grass cleared his throat and continued announcements.
    I don't know how, but I somehow managed to get through the rest of the school day. Anthony, Tiffany, and other classmates told me how sorry they were that I didn't get it, but I barely heard them. I felt numb and empty inside.... Class president was the l last thing I had that I really wanted. I wasn't in band, or cheerleading, or any club at all. This was the one thing that I wanted to do my senior year before I graduated and now it was gone. Pulled out from underneath me just like my virginity was stolen from me.
    Sniffling I placed my arm over my mouth to muffle my cries and ran down the school hallways to the gymnasium. Thankfully today wasn't basketball practice and the gym was completely empty. Quietly I walked to the metal bleachers, I my back pressed up against the wall as I slide till I was completely behind the bleachers. From there I walked over to the spot where I had found Jennifer awhile back crying. Brushing back dust bunnies I fell to the ground and let the tears fall freely sobbing into my hands. My cries bounced around the bleachers like bouncy balls and echoed off the empty gym's walls.
    I cried so loudly I didn't hear anyone come into the gym till she spoke, "Julia, are you okay?" Jennifer asked gently coming up beside me she slowly lowered herself to the cold hard ground.
    I looked up at her amazed that she could even fit between the bleachers and the wall to get back here, "How did you get back here?" I asked.
    She smiled, "Same way you did, though I am going to admit it was a tight fit." She placed her hand on her soon to be due baby." Her gaze softened, "I'm sorry about what happened. I know how much it meant to you being president. Are you okay?"
    "What do you think?" I sniffled, "Lexi knew that I wanted to be president, she overheard Anthony and me talking about it. She just swooped in and stoled it from me, just like she told everyone I was pregnant on the first day of school, just like he...." I stopped myself and cried softly, "I just want it all to be over, I don't want to be pregnant I never asked for it...... I just want to be Julia Blade again!" I cried.
    "I know you're upset right now, but do you have any idea how lucky you are?! Sure you didn't expect to get pregnant right away, but that's what happens when you and your boyfriend fool around with no protection. Yeah you lost Lexi as your best friend, but you've gain something too. You've gained new friends. If you and Lexi were still besties I doubt we would ever have talked or become close friends. More than that the father of your baby is stepping up to be a dad!" Jennifer placed a hand to her chest, "I'll give anything for Justin to treat me half the ways Anthony treats you!" Jennifer paused as I stared at her in bewilderment. Justin was such an awful guy! As if she could read my mind she lowered her head, "I know Justin isn't the nicest guy and cane be kinda a jerk, but I still like him. He's the father of my child a part of my heart will always be his." Getting back on topic she said, "You're extremely lucky Julia, so what if you're not class president you have a boyfriend and friends who care about you and love you."
    Looking at Jennifer I felt slightly guilty for feeling sorry for myself. She was right... Anthony did care a lot for me even if it was just pretending for the scam. I felt bad for Jennifer she had no one. Justin didn't want a thing to do with the baby, and her parents weren't paying a dime to help her. "Jennifer, I'm sorry.... I didn't realize....."
    She shrugged, "It's okay. I just want you to know how lucky you are."
    I gave her a side hug our baby bumps touching, "Thank you and if you need anything ever I'm here and I'm sure Anthony will help to if you need it."
    "Thanks, but I'm good right now. I just cant' wait to have this little monster out of me!" She joked placing her hands on her belly, "I'm huge!"
    We shared a laugh as we compared bellies and talked some more about babies.

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