Chapter Nineteen

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The county mall's cafeteria time seemed to stand still as Anthony's ex-girlfriend Taylor walked towards us. She wore booty shorts and a light blue spaghetti strap tank top that showed more skin than necessary. Her blue highlights were gone replaced with blond highlights and a new diamond stud earring glimmered from her nose as the mall's light touched it.

Why her, of all the people we could run into, why did it have to be Anthony's ex who broke up with him for having a picture of Lexi, me, and him at the beach with his arms around both of us. I glanced at Anthony wondering what was going on in his head, I couldn't help but wonder did he still have feelings for her? Nervously I glanced down at my baby bump, maybe she wouldn't notice? I crossed my arms quickly over my stomach as she stopped right in front of us.

Taylor stared blankly at me as if to say what are you doing here. Instead of saying anything though she turned to Anthony with a fake sweet smile, "Hi."

Anthony stuffed his hands in his pockets, "What's up, Taylor." He avoided looking at me as if she wouldn't notice I was with him.

But that didn't stop Taylor from noticing, she looked from Anthony to me, to Anthony again. "I was right all along wasn't I?" She laughed sarcastically placing her hand on her lips, then she pointed at me while looking straight at Anthony, "You were cheating on me with this slut, who you said oh we're just 'friends' and that she's your sister's BFF." Taylor emphasized friends putting her fingers together and rolling her eyes then she continued, "Which is the lamest excuse ever because nobody is just friends with their sister's BFF! That is just plain weird."

"Don't call her a slut!" Anthony put his arm protectively around me.

Grateful that Anthony was taking my side I dropped my arms to my side forgetting I had my arms crossed to hide my baby bump. Shit I thought to myself, but it was too late now Taylor had seen my belly.

"Woah woah!" Taylor said loudly, by now other people in the cafeteria were glancing our way at the dramatic scene Taylor was making.

"Please don't make a scene, Taylor." I whispered rubbing my hand over my stomach.

She laughed loudly, "Don't make a scene uh? What about don't sleep with another girl's boyfriend!" She shook her head at Anthony, "I don't believe you! Not only do you cheat on me, with someone else but you also knock her up!"

"It's not like that OKAY!" Anthony removed his arm from around my waist and stepped in front of Taylor so that he was just inches from her. "You got it all wrong Taylor, Jules and I got together............"

I froze fear taking over me, oh no. Oh no no nooo!! Anthony was going to spill to Taylor that we got together after she broke up with him. Which yeah we did under certain circumstances, but that would totally mess up our whole pregnant scam we got going on. I had totally forgot about his fling with Taylor this summer and hadn't added her into my pregnant scam. We've told people so far that Anthony and I got together at the end of the year school party, which would have been before Anthony and Taylor ever got together. He can't mess this up! One little detail that is different from our original story might make people question the reality of it all, and they put two and two together that Anthony isn't the father. Thinking quickly I stepped up and wrapped my arms around his right arm and snuggled close to him, I smiled at Taylor and cut Anthony off before he could finish his sentence. "Yes you're right Taylor."

Taylor looked from Anthony to me but she reminded silent wanting to hear what I would say.

I glanced up at Anthony who's dark brown eyes I couldn't read at the moment, I turned back to Taylor, "Anthony and I never met to hurt you or anyone for that matter, but you see we felt this.... this attraction towards each other." I squeezed his arm, and looked up into his eyes, "We felt guilty at first but we couldn't stay away from each other. I mean I basically live at the Baez home!" I faced Taylor's steamy glare once again Okay.... I was rambling on, not a good sign I thought to myself. "I'm sorry, but yes Anthony and I did do stuff while you dated."

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