Chapter Thirty-Five

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"No Anthony I told you A1 connects to B2." I said in exasperation. We have been sitting on my bedroom floor at least an hour an a half trying to put the brown wooden baby crib together that I had gotten from my Grandparents for Christmas. I couldn't believe it was February already. Where had the new year gone? I thought at Christmas time I was as huge as an elephant and that my baby was done growing,  but somehow my baby found more room in my stomach to grow and I was even bigger now. Just two more months I thought silently in my head.
Anthony sighed as he tried for the forth time to connect one of the railings to the crib. "Are you sure you're not growing a little alien down there? Because I'm pretty sure these instructions are to build a space ship." He said looking at the tiny pictures that were suppose to tell you how to put the crib together.
"Here let me look at it." I took the pamphlet from him and flipped through the pages, squinting at the foreign language and the pictures that it showed. I sighed and handed them back to him rubbing my head feeling a headache coming on, "I don't know, remind me never ask for furniture from IKEA again. All the instructions are in a different language."
He stared at the instructions, "You got to be kidding me."
Knowing my sister was in her bedroom next could us and could probably hear us I said "Hey babe, at least that means you get to learn a new language." I patted his thigh, "Haven't you always wanted to learn Swedish?"
He groaned and rolled back on his back to stretch then swung back up to a sitting position, "You know not really, I wanted to take a how to put a baby crib class for dummies instead, but it was all booked up."
"Haha you're hilarious." I teased, "You stay here I'll go get us some hot coco." I grabbed the edge of my bedpost to try to pull myself up, "Can you help me?" I asked feeling embarrassed that I couldn't even pull myself up off the ground anymore.
Anthony placed his strong hands in mine and pulled me to my feet, "Thank you." I said blushing, there were some things about being pregnant that I didn't mind, and others I couldn't stand, like not being able to get up off something as simple as a floor. I waddled my way out to the kitchen to heat up the electric tea pot.
My sister Emerson bounded into the kitchen and rested her hands on my counter beside me making me jump, "So! Are you and Anthony excited for the baby to come?"
"Well, we're not exactly counting the days down, but I guess you could say that." I said as I reached for the hot coco mix that was in the counter. I grimaced standing on tiptoes I could just barely touch the outside of the container.
Emerson being inches taller than me reached up with ease and got it down. She handed it to me, "What's going to happen when the baby comes?"
I frown as I measured out the hot coco mix, "What do you mean? Can you get the marshmallows down too?"
She snatched the marshmallows down and handed them to me as well, "Well when the baby comes where will Anthony live?"
"At his house." I answered hearing the click of the teapot I took the handle and poured the hot water into the two coffee cups.
"He wouldn't move in here, or you wouldn't move in with him?"
I laughed as I stirred the hot coco mix and placed marshmallows in the cups, "We're having a baby, not getting married."
"Yeah, but you'll be a family." She said.
I took the cups and turned to look at her, "We can be a family and live in separate houses, lots of people do it." I carried the coffee cups of hot coco back to my bedroom. Besides once the baby comes Anthony and I are history, not that we ever were really together in the first place I thought wearily.
I smiled at Anthony as I came in and saw some progress on the baby bed, he now almost had one whole side of the crib done. "Good for you, you figured it out."
He grinned and took the hot coco I gave him, "Yeah I just had to toss out my dummy brain and put on my Swedish brain." He joked. He held up his iPhone which showed an app for translating Swedish to English.
I laughed, "You're pretty smart." I took a sip of hot coco and sat it on the dresser I slowly took a seat next to him and watched him put the pieces of the crib together. "Have you decided what college you're going to go to?"
He sat for a moment in thought thinking, "I've honestly haven't really thought much of it. Just trying to get till graduation I guess. But if I had to pick one Indiana State University might be at the top."
"You should totally send out an application letter, I bet they'll accept you." I smiled.
"Yeah maybe." He smiled back at me then went back to putting the crib together, "What about you?"
"I... I don't know, I mean I'll have the baby to think about."
"You can still go to college even when you have kid. Lots of parents still go to college with kids, it's tough but you are one of the strongest people I know."
I smiled, "Thank you, I guess I'm kinda like you I'm just holding on for graduation and for the baby to come. But if I had to pick I think I'll stay here, maybe go to a community college like Ivy Tech for general studies. That'll take a few years and by then my baby will be a toddler and can stay with a babysitter, then transfer to a bigger college that's not too far away so I can stay home and take care of my baby." I coughed into my sleeve, "Speaking of taking classes, I signed us up for a class."
He stopped putting the crib together and looked over at me, "I was joking about taking a class for dummies about how to put a crib together."
"No silly, it's a birthing class."
"Oh..." he paused then wrinkled his nose, "Why is that even a class? Doesn't it just you know fall out like a bowling ball falls out of the shoot?"
I burst out laughing hysterically, "You would think that it's a bowling ball wouldn't you with how big I am." I said placing my hands on my big belly.
"Stop you're not that big, honest!" He said when I gave him a stare, "You should see pictures of my mom with me and Lexi she was huge."
"Yeah, but she was having twins! Anyways we got off topic, the birthing class is to prepare you for the experience for what it's really like. Will you go with me?" I asked.
"I'm already taking you out for Valentines Day, and for Prom so I might as well." He smiled at me.

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