Chapter Thirty-Nine

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It was getting harder and harder to think straight as Anthony and me dangled in the upside down car wreck all my blood in my body was flowing into my brain making my thoughts fuzzy. But one thought remained clear in my head that the blood that covered my hand wasn't a good sign.
From the dimly light light Anthony and I stared at my bloody hand, both of our eyes traveled up to my creamy color prom gown that was stained with blood where my baby bump was. Panic quickly seized me grabbing me with it's long dark arms of anxiety and pulling me down. I was no nurse, but blood wasn't good especially a lot of it coming from a pregnant mother's abdomen. My body shook uncontrollably as I stared at the blood, I began to sob and my voice shook as I spoke, "Anthony, I...I can't, I can't loose my baby, please I can't loose my baby, I can't loose my baby." I repeated again and again as I cried and shook uncontrollably.
"Hey, Hey." Anthony said, reaching over from the driver's side he cupped my face with his hands as I cried, He pressed his forehead to mind, "It's going to be alright you hear me? I'm going to get you out of here. But to do that I need you to try to be calm, not only for me, but for the baby too. Can you do that?" He asked gently.
Among my tears I nodded slowly as I sniffled. Slowly I took an unsteady breath of air and blew it out trying to calm my anxiety.
Anthony rubbed my hair, and brushed pieces of broken glass away, "That's it deep breaths." He removed his hand from my hair and fumbled with his seatbelt, "We got get out of here, can you undo your seatbelt?"
I reached down for the red release button, when nothing happened I tugged on my seat belt while pressing the red button. Still my seatbelt refused to give, meanwhile Anthony had gotten his loose and fell to the ceiling of the upside down car.
He groan as he hit the ceiling.
"It's stuck tight." I cried my voice rising.
"Hold on, it's okay." Anthony bent on his knees and tried pulling my seat belt off, but even with his strength the seatbelt refused to budge. "Ugh it won't come. We need to call 911, I'm not going to be able to get it off myself."
Anthony dug down into his pocket for his cell phone. He pulled it out and held the phone up, the screen was cracked. It must have cracked during the car crash. "Shit there's no signal." He winced as he moved his sore arm around in the car trying to find a signal.
I closed my eyes as I concentrated on my breathing, "Mm try my phone." I said between breathing in and out.
"Where is it?" Anthony asked looking around the ceiling of the car.
I pointed to my creamy color hand purse and Anthony reached for it and dug around till he found my phone. He held it up, "Yes service." He quickly hit the emergency call button and held it to his ear.
"911, what is your emergency?" The police ditch-patcher asked on the other end.
"We need help, there's been a car accident, the other car drove off, but my car is upside down and my girlfriend her seatbelt is stuck. She's bleeding really bad and she's pregnant, please hurry." Anthony spoke with rabidly trying to get all the information he had out at once.
"Stay come young man, can you tell us where you are? A name of a road, or anything surroundings that are familiar?"
"Uhh we're in a ditch, I can't see the road." Anthony brushed broken glass from the window and wiggled his way out of the car's window. "We're in the country." He said as he climbed up the ditch. "We're right at country road 900 East." Anthony said spotting the green sign with the road's name on it.
"Okay I'm sending an officer, ambulance, and fire truck your way now. Please keep talking and stay on the phone till they arrive. Your girlfriend. You said she's hurt can you tell me how badly."
Anthony ran back down to the upside down car, "She's lost a lot of blood on her abdomen, she's not ready to give birth yet, she has two more weeks till here due date."
Anthony continued talking to the lady till he heard sirens and a black and white police car with flashing lights stopped. The officer stepped out of his police car in his police uniform. He held a flashlight as he walked towards Anthony.
More sirens could be heard approaching. Anthony hung up and ran to meet the officer. "Officer I'm so glad you're here, my girlfriend she's stuck in the car." Anthony showed the officer where his car crashed upside down in the ditch.
"Can you tell me what happened?" The police officer asked as they walked.
"I was driving my girlfriend home, and this guy came barreling down the country road that's off to the side and he didn't stop at the stop sign, just came right on coming. He hit us and we tumbled down to the ditch, then he just drove off."
By now the police officer and Anthony had reached the wrecked car. The officer shone his flashlight in the broken car window then he straightened up and shone the light on Anthony's face.
Anthony squinted his eyes from the bright light, and shielded his eyes with his hand. "Have you been drinking tonight?" The officer asked.
"No." Anthony quickly answered then reminded the spiked punch, "Shit." He mumbled.
"Excuse me?" The officer shone his light again at Anthony.
"I'm sir, no I haven't drank intentionally, our prom was tonight and someone spiked the punch bowl. I didn't drink much of it though, and I wasn't intoxicated when I got behind the wheel. I promise I would harm Jules or myself."
The police officer gave Anthony a hard stare, "You know drinking under age is illegal, let alone driving after you've been drinking. You're going to have to take an alcohol breath test, and I want to know more about this prom you were at."
"Are you kidding me! What about the other truck that fled the scene!" Anthony said feeling pissed off.
"Are you refusing the test? Because I can handcuff you right here and drag your ass to the station and do the test there and charge you with reckless driving under the influence." The officer said sternly.
"No, of course  not I'll take the test, but sir my girlfriend is pregnant and lost a lot of blood, she's not due for two more weeks. Can we get her to the hospital and I'll do whatever you need me too." Anthony said begging the officer.
The police office nodded his head, "Alright we're finish this at the hospital once she's taken care of." He turned and waved down the paramedics that had hopped out of the ambulance and the fire truck that had pulled off to the side. "Hey we got a young girl trapped in the car, she needs immediate help she's pregnant, and this young man needs checked out too."  He glanced back at Anthony, "I'll see you back at the hospital."
"Thank you sir, I appreciate it." Anthony hurried with the paramedics who carried a stretcher down to the wreck car.
A firefighter used heavy duty tools to  pry open the damaged car door and cut my seat belt. Then two paramedics helped me lay down on the stretcher and they wheeled me quickly to the open ambulance.
Anthony hopped in the back of the ambulance beside one of the paramedic's who had strawberry red hair held back in a braid. She grabbed some medical cloth and pressed it to my baby bump to stop the bleeding. She smiled sweetly at me, "This a lovely gown you have on, it's a shame that it's stained, but I'll let you in on a little secret. A baking soda paste works wonders on blood stain on clothes." She smiled encouraging at me.
I tried to smile back, I felt weak and tired. "Thank you, is my baby going to be okay?"
"I'm not an expert on babies, but we're going to take good care of you. You just rest and save up your strength till we get to the hospital."
Once we arrive at the hospital the paramedics threw open the back door to the ambulance and two nurses ran out to meet us. They kept me on the stretcher which felt weird. I knew I was moving, I could feel the wheels moving and could see the ceiling above me going by, but to see the people looking over me as they spoke to each other was so strange. I faded in and out of consciousness hearings words that all jumbled together. Car crash, pregnant, lost a lot of blood, going into surgery to save baby. I'll page doctor Malfry.
"Anthony." I whispered feeling tired.
Anthony grasped my hand and his face came into view, he looked burry, but he squeezed my hand tightly, "I'm here, I'm right here Jules, I'm not leaving."
The nurses pushed the stretcher into a room to prep me for surgery and I lost sight of Anthony. But he said he wasn't leaving, so I held onto that little bit of hope as the nurse took my gown off and dressed me in a hospital gown.
Anthony stared at the double doors of the surgery room, they were prepping her for surgery. This was all terrifying. Julia had to be alright, the baby had to be alright, everything had to be alright, it just has to. Anthony thought to himself feeling overwhelmed with worry. A light tap on his shoulder interrupted him from his troubled thought. Anthony turned to see the officer from the car wreck.
"I know they're getting her prepped for delivery, so I won't keep you long." He held up the alcohol breath tube. "I'll also like to know what prom you were at so that I can check to make sure your statement matches."
He took the test tube from the officer and brought it to his lips to breathe in. Then he handed it back to the police officer. "We were at Harrison High Prom."
The police officer took the tube and read it carefully, "Alcohol level is 0.07%." He looked up at Anthony, "I'm not going to charge you this time, but I will give you a very stern warning. Don't be drinking spiked punch and driving afterwards. Always find someone who hasn't been drinking to drive. Better yet call an adult and tell them what happened. As for Prom I will be going over personally talking to your Principal and for the other driver involved in the crash I'll be looking into him and seeing that he's charged with fleeing the scene."
Anthony sighed with relief, "Yes sir, thank you so much!"
A nurse came out of the double grey doors, "Sorry to bother you sir, but your girlfriend is ready for delivery. I have a gown for you to put on."
Anthony quickly said goodbye to the officer who wished Anthony and Julia the best. Then he followed the nurse and quickly put the surgery gown, mask, and hair covering on as she directed him to the operating room. He stepped through the double doors of the surgery room and froze at the sight in front of him.
In the center of the room was a bed where I laid with my legs propped up and spread apart as Doctor Malfry and three other nurses stood around the bed ready to hand him any medical tool he might need. A empty clear white plastic baby basket stood off to the side ready for the baby.
He gulped and quickly hurried over to me. My face pasty white I managed a weak smile. I wore an ugly green hospital gown and my hair was tucked up in a surgery cap so that it wouldn't get in the way. "Anthony it's too soon" My words slurred from the drug the nurse had gave me for the pain.
"Shhhh." Anthony kissed me gently on my forehead, "The doctor knows what he's doing, everything is going to be okay."
"Alright mommy." Doctor Malfry spoke up, "On the count of three you're going to push with all your might alright? I know you're tired from all the blood you lost, but that's why we need to get your baby out and into the real world so we can see what we're dealing with. You went through so much trauma from the accident that we need your baby to come out as soon as possible. We induced you with a drug to make you go into labor sooner, and you have your pain medicine. On the count of three."
I nodded gulping as I gripped Anthony's hand squeezing it really hard. "One... Two...... Three.... Push!" I closed my eyes and cried out in pain as I pushed with all my might.
"Good, again." Doctor Malfry ordered.
I threw my head back and cried as I pushed over and over. Even with the drug I felt so much pain I thought I saw black spots in my vision a few times. How do mothers give birth all the time?! It was horrid. I was in so much pain, not just from pushing a watermelon out of me, but also from taking a tumble in the wreck. Not to mention I was exhausted, all I wanted to do was sleep for a long time.
Between my cries of pain came a new unfamiliar cry of a new born baby. I stopped pushing and gasped for breath trying to sit up to see as Anthony turned towards the nurse.
The nurse smiled and carried a naked bright pink skinned baby that was  covered in a light yellow fuzz. "Congratulations, it's a girl."  She gently paced my baby on my chest.
Tears welled in my eyes as I looked down at my darling baby girl who opened her small lips and closed them. "A girl." I whispered with a smile, I looked up at Anthony and saw tears in his own eyes. Slowly I left my hand to touch my daughter, but my body didn't feel right I felt clammy and weak. My hand midway up in the air collapsed back down on the bed and I started shaking violently jerking from side to side.
Anthony jumped back, "What's happening to her?"
Nurses flew in from everywhere ones who were there for delivery and new ones Anthony haven't seen before. They blocked him from seeing  what was happening. Thoughts ran in his head, he didn't understand medicine and didn't know what was happening, all he knew it wasn't good. He saw a nurse carrying Julia's crying baby and place her in the white plastic crib before hurrying her out of the room. He wanted to stop the nurse and ask her what was happening and where she was going with their baby, but he couldn't bring himself to leave Julia till he knew she was okay.
The doctor yelled at a nurse, "She's going into hypovolemic shock. She's going to need a blood transfusion, get me a positive A type blood bag in here immediately!" He yelled as his hands worked like experts to sew Julia up while another nurse found a vein in Julia's arm and inserted a needle, while yet another nurse attached the bag with someone else's blood to give her the blood transfusion.
A nurse came and gently took Anthony's arm, "Sir you're looking a little pale, come wait in the waiting room." Anthony was in such a daze that he didn't even know his feet were walking with the sweet nurse till they were out in a white waiting room with blue leather chairs and couches. She sat him down in a chair and fetched him a glass of water.
"Is Julia going to be okay? Where's her baby? Is she okay too?" He asked as she slipped the glass of water in his hand.
She stopped, she looked at him sadly realizing how worried and concerned he was, "It's hard to say, she lost a lot of blood in the accident, and giving birth. We're know more in a bit. They took the baby down to the baby nursery to run some standard baby tests. I understand you're concerned but please stay here and rest, and if you need anything the nurses at the front desk can help you. Someone will be with you shortly with more information."  She left Anthony sitting there with more questions than answers.

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