Chapter Twenty-Four

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In Harrison High School's cafeteria I carried my tray of school lunch and looked around at the tables and chairs of peers. In a way the school cafeteria was like a jungle during lunch time and all the teens and students were the wild animals. Peers sat with friends that they were close to and know well, nobody reached out and sat with a bunch of different people. Just like in a jungle you don't see the elephants mingling with the tigers. I maneuvered between tables searching for Anthony and his friends. Anthony had told me I should eat lunch with him and the guys because if we really were a couple then that's what couples do. Which didn't bother me none because from where I stood I could see Lexi with Hannah and other girls at the table. Last year I would sit with them as well, but not this year. Lexi had her backpack on the chair I normally would have been sitting in right now. Our eyes locked and she turned to Hannah whispering something in her ear and they both laughed.
I bit my lip and turned away, Anthony stood up on his seat from his table which was way across the room close to the windows that overlooked a school garden outside. "Yo Julia!" He hollered waving at me. I smiled and holding my tray a little tighter I slipped past tables of teens thinking again how the cafeteria was like a jungle. I passed the jokers who of course were the monkeys in the jungle, the goths were the black panthers, the teens who were extroverts were butterflies, the loners were those tree frogs that changed their colors to fit their surroundings, and the cool kids were the tigers.
"Hey." Anthony said as I reached their table. He stood up and gave me a quick kiss on the lips and then we both slide into the cafeteria hard chairs.
Glancing around the table I noticed it was only guys most of who were on the basketball team with Anthony. There was Eugene across from Anthony, then there was Max, Hunter, Ty and last but not least Justin. I grimaced as I took a bite of Mac n cheese while the guys started talking about sports. I thought Anthony had said there would be girls at the table, I felt awkward being surrounded by all guys. My shoulder brushed Anthony's as we sat side by side at the table, I turned to him and whispered, "I thought you said that the guys had girlfriends who would sit here too?"
Anthony glanced at his friends and cleared his throat, "Hey Eugene, didn't you tell me on the phone that you and Tiffany were a thing this summer? Is she coming to sit with us?"
"Naa man, we were together but she was too clingy so I broke it off."
Justin laughed, "And it's a good thing you did! Did you see her goth look she's got going on? It's a whole new transformation. You really did a number one her for her to go from smoking hot cheerleader to dead goth after the breakup."
My head snapped up as I remember Tiffany from my Speech class, I had forgotten she was a cheerleader last year. "What's wrong with goth? Some guys like girls with an edgy side."
"Nothing if the guy is a walking zombie who can match her appearances." Justin did a belly laugh and the other guys followed suit.
I turned to stare at Anthony, he better not laugh at Justin's cruel remark about Tiffany or I swear I would get up and leave that instant. Anthony just shrugged at me, he didn't laugh, but he didn't stand up for Tiffany's choice of wardrobe either and put Justin's in his place. Which angered me a little. How could Anthony just sit aside and listen to his friends criticize others?! What if it was me that they were talking about? Would he just sit back and let them say things about me?
Before I could speak up and tell Justin what a douche bag he was. Max who was Asian and wore jeans and a t- shirt that said something in Chinese spoke, "So Justin if you're not into goths I'm guessing that means you're into eighty-five year old grandmas who wear dentures and hearing aids but they them out so they don't have to hear you talk." Which made the other guys burst out laughing.
Justin narrowed his eyes, "Very funny." He mumbled while all the guys laughed.
I shared a smile with Max who went back to eating lunch.
It was as if Justin's topic on girls couldn't be left alone because a little while later Eugene piped up, "Yo Justin, didn't you bang Jennifer Moore this summer?"
Anthony kicked Eugene under the table.
"Ow! Dude what the heck?!" Eugene turned to Anthony.
"Show some respect for girls, Eugene."
Eugene raised his hands in the air, "Geez my bad. So Justin did you 'sleep' with Jennifer Moore this summer?"  He looked at Anthony as he emphasized the word 'sleep'
My fingers froze on my fork as I held it in mid air. Was it my imagination or did Eugene just say Jennifer Moore? I ignored Justin as he boasted about Jennifer's body and how great she was in bed. If Justin and Jennifer had a fling this summer could it be Justin's baby Jennifer was carrying? I thought back to when Lexi and I were in the mall and we both saw Jennifer exiting the Motherhood Maternity and she clearing had a baby bump. My jumped back to the lunch table where we sat just as I heard Justin's last sentence.
"We hooked up a few times, but then I ended, it wasn't going to work."
It wasn't going to work I scoffed to myself. Yeah because you got her pregnant and didn't want to take responsibility I thought to myself. I made a mental note in my mind to find Jennifer this week and to talk to her.
Justin turned and looked at me, I shivered and moved closer to Anthony. I didn't like how he was looking at me, as if he could read my thoughts about Jennifer. "So Anthony, you and Julia actually did it then?" He laughed, "Who would have seen that coming! I mean everyone in school wanted you guys to hook up, I saw it, Eugene saw it though he wouldn't mention it. The only ones who didn't see it coming were you two and Lexi. You're seriously knocked up with his baby too right?"
I made a face at Justin, now I know why I never sat with the guys. I wondered if he was right did everyone in school really want us to hook up and knew we would? I mean girls would ask me about Anthony all the time saying he's soooo cute and asking if I kissed him yet. Which of course back then I would say no way he was my best friend's brother. I always thought they just asked those questions because they were crushing on Anthony themselves, I never realized they might have been trying to inch me towards Anthony as in me likening him.
When I didn't respond because I was too busy overthinking what Justin said, Justin then turned to Anthony, "Dude how could you mess that up by getting her pregnant? I mean did you seriously not learn anything about what I told you about safe hook ups?" Justin pretended to look insulted.
"Ooookayyyyy I'm done eating." I stood up abruptly from the table and lifted my tray up. "I'll see you in Biology." I told Anthony before quickly leaving the table. A mess up? My baby was not a mistake! Okay maybe she was unplanned and was made from a rape crime, but still what was I suppose to do? I couldn't push Sal off me, he was too big and strong, I couldn't scream because I was paralyzed by fright. All I could do was lay there crying until it was all over. It's not like I wanted him to do that to me he just did, and now I was pregnant with his child and Anthony was taking the blame claiming it was his. Ugh why did I have to get him into this! I slammed my food tray down on the almost filled cart and walked briskly towards Biology. I could hear the sound of sneakers hitting the tile floor before he even caught up to me.
For the second time that day Anthony reached for my arm to stop me. This time I was prepared for it though and jerked away before he could touch me, "Leave me alone, Anthony."
"What did I do?" Anthony asked innocently not sure at all what trouble he had caused.
I rolled my eyes, "It's what you didn't do. How could you just sit there with your little basketball buddies and not stand up for Tiffany? Her choice of clothes shouldn't mean squat to them, it's her life. I think she rocks the goth look. It's not fair for Justin to bring her down like that and for you to listen and do nothing. What if it was me they were talking about? Are you just going to sit by and let the guys say whatever they want?!" I was fuming on my rampage now.
"No! Of course I wouldn't let them say anything about you! Don't get me wrong Jules, I hated hearing him say that about Tiff, but Tiff isn't my girlfriend and to be honest I don't care for the goth, but you're my girl so of course I'll stand up for you."
"Oh just not for others who are being put down or bullied? You should stand up for everybody Anthony! Not just the ones who you're friends with." I shook my head, "You know Anthony I always thought you were brave, but seeing how Justin talks and you just stand by his side. Well.... that just makes you a coward."
"Listen." Anthony whispered as we moved along the crowded hallways, "I hate how he talks okay? Justin is a dic....." Anthony's voice drowned out as we walked by a teacher he gave her a quick nod as we walked past. The last thing he needed was to get into detention on the first day of school for using bad language. "I just ignore what he says and you should too." He advised me. "We can't talk about this right now, how about I take you out for bubble tea afterwards?" He asked as we neared Mr. Gorts Biology class.
"Can't really say no now can I since you're the one driving." I replied coolly.
I ignored him and entered Mr. Gorts Biology class. I made my way down the single aisle of lab tables with two tall chairs at each table. I placed my backpack on the ground and slid into one of the empty seats.
Anthony looked around the room before spotting me at the lab table right by the glass window. Then he made his way down and sat down in the tall chair right beside me.
"I don't want you to sit by me." I muttered under my breath as students filed in and took their seats.
"Too late we're partners not just in life, but in bio." He held up a science tool that laid on the lab table in an open pouch in front of us. When I didn't respond he added, "Now future Mrs. Baez which dissecting knife do you wish to carve your husband with?" He joked twirling a small blade around in his fingers.
I rolled my eyes at his joke, "I will never be Mrs. Baez." I retorted keeping my eyes forward on Mr. Gorts who was preparing a PowerPoint slide on the computer for us.
Anthony gasped dramatically placing and hand to his heart, "You mean you don't want to cut me open?"
"Mr. Baez I will personally cut you open if you don't put that tool down." Mr. Gortz demanded while the whole Biology class laughed. "No touching the tools till you actually have an animal in front of you to dissect. Now class I know you just ate a tasty meal, so I won't be having you cut anything today, but please remember the class is called Biology for a reason and we will be dissecting just not this week. First we are going to jump into Atoms and Molecules."
Biology couldn't be done fast enough. Next I had English and then Geometry thankfully Anthony had to split up and go to his speech class and history class so I didn't have to see him again. I searched for Jennifer in my afternoon classes but she must have had a different schedule. I would have to find a different way to talk to her.
When the last school bell rang for the day I went to my locker. After placing my books that should have been rocks with the way they felt in my backpack I made my way outside. Anthony was already waiting at his car. He leaned against it his arms crossed. Without saying a word I walked towards him. He opened the passenger door for me and waited for me to get in before closing it and going around to his side to hop in.
Once we were were safely inside the car where nobody outside could hear us he spoke, "I'm confused, are you mad at me or Justin?"
"Both." I retorted though honestly I couldn't remember. My brain was swamped on school and the homework I've already been assigned to. I didn't even get the chance to see if the sign up list for class president was up yet or not. I felt silly for getting mad at Anthony and Justin though I blamed it on my hormones. Being pregnant gave me really weird mood swings that I had no control over.
We didn't say a word as Anthony drove to the Kung Fu bubble Tea place. He pulled through drive thru and placed an order for his favorite bubble tea which was a Mango tea with bubbles. He turned to look at me in the passenger seat, "What kind do you want?"
I shrugged "I don't care."  I glanced across the pavement at a construction site that was being worked on.
Anthony sighed girls could be so moody he thought to himself then he turned back to speaker, "Yes, I'm still here." He replied to the lady through the speaker, "I'll also like a strawberry lemonade tea with bubbles." After the lady gave him the total he followed the car in front of us till it was his turn to pay.
I was impressed Anthony knew exactly what my favorite tea was. I think I only ever got bubble tea with him once. Usually just me and Lexi would come here after school and drink our teas while pretending to get homework done. Of course we never did get much homework done because we were always talking and giggling about something. "Thank you." I replied as Anthony handed me my strawberry lemonade bubble tea. I took a small sip my taste buds lit up as I swallowed the sweet yet tart tea with the little tapioca balls otherwise known as bubbles.
Silently we drove through town back to Anthony's house. It was just as silent walking up to their house.
Wanda came upstairs to the kitchen as she heard the front door open. One of the babies from her home childcare clung to her hip. She glanced at Anthony and me, "Where's Lexi? She hasn't came home yet."
"She's in detention." Anthony replied laying both of our backpacks on the floor.
"Detention!" Wanda nearly shouted, "On the first day?" She waved her free hand up in the air, "Oi, I don't even want to know." She walked backdown stairs to her childcare.
Anthony shook his head with a smile, "She'll force it out of Lexi later." He paused taking a sip of his mango tea, "So.... Do you want to play some video games, or get started on our homework together? Maybe even watch a movie?"
I shook my head, "Honestly I just want to get home. I'm exhausted." I picked up my black and pink backpack off the floor, "I'll see you around." I said before opening the door and heading out across the lawn to my car.
"Jules hold up!" He ran to catch up to me.
Turning around I looked up into his dark brown eyes as he hovered over me. It wasn't fair that he was so tall standing at 6'1" and here I was at 5'4".
"Are we okay? I know a lot of shit went down today, Lexi making those posters, most of our classmates knowing about the baby already, not to mention our lunch little fiasco. I just want to make sure we're still cool and still on with the scam plan or whatever."
I glanced around the front yard thankfully nobody was around and heard him mention the scam. "This isn't how the first day of school was suppose to be Anthony. We were supposed to be able to tell our friends in our own timing about the pregnancy and Lexi just stoled it away from us!" I burst out my walls crumbling down as I tried not to cry about it again.
"I know it's crappy what she did, but at least it's over now. Hey, at least now it's less stress and pressure for us because now we don't have to tell anyone." He grinned
How Anthony could see the good in a time like this blew my mind. He did have a good heart, even if he wasn't brave at speaking up to Justin. His heart was still in the right place. "Yeah I guess so...." I smiled at him.
"So we're good and still on?" He asked earnestly.
"Yes we're good." I smiled up at him as I leaned against my car door.
"Whew good, for a minute there I thought we'll have to break up our already fake relationship." He winked at me letting me know he was kidding.
I laughed, "Right.... Hey not to change the topic or anything, but do you think Justin was telling the truth about hooking up with Jennifer this summer?"
Anthony placed his arm on my car as he leaned me side me, "I've never known Justin to lie about girls he's been with, but I mean it is possible he could have been lying. Why do you ask?"
"It's nothing, I just have a thought." I didn't want to tell Anthony anything till I was absolutely certain. Who knows if Jennifer was even pregnant. Maybe she was just there to pick up baby clothes for a baby shower. Maybe she just put on a little extra weight this summer and didn't really have a baby belly. Plus just because Justin and her were together this summer didn't mean that the baby was his if she was pregnant. Jennifer could have been with more than one guy given her popularity.
"Aren't you going to tell me what that thought is?" Anthony asked curiously.
I shook my head, "I don't want to jump to conclusions before I have all the facts." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek just in case his mom was watching from the window."I'll see you later." I hoped in my car and watched Anthony's figure in my review mirror as I drove away. Did I really give him that kiss on the cheek just for show? Or did I did I kiss him because I wanted to?

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