Chapter Ten

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        Every cell in my body froze. I didn't know what to do, my mouth couldn't speak. If this was a question in Mr. Grass's boring Algebra class the answer would be simple. If A+J= -B, A being Anthony and J being me meant  being in his bed was the negative B then the answer should have been this never should have happened. What the hell was I thinking getting him involved with this crazy plan of mine! More importantly what was Lexi thinking?
      I peeked at her from under my long lashes. Her face was fuming with fire like I've never seen and believe me I've seen her mad as a volcano, this was worse. Ten times worse. She shot daggers at me then Anthony, then back to me. I looked to Anthony, his face was pale and at that moment he looked more like a white boy than a Latino. This was all my fault! Suddenly I was aware that I was standing there topless, but at least I still had my blue bra on. "Oh." I managed to say and snatched my shirt up from the ground I held it to my chest. "Lexi.... This isn't what it looks like!"
    Anthony took a few steps forward, "Yeah nothing happened Lex." He used her favorite nickname hoping to lighten the tight air that hung in his tight bedroom.
     Lexi glared at him, "Bull shit nothing happened!!! You two were practically naked in bed together! I don't know what's worse having my supposedly best friend sneak behind my back or my brother banging my best friend!"
    I stepped toward Lexi, "Please let me explain.... I...." But I didn't get to finish with a burst of anger Lexi slapped me right across my cheek. I stepped back stunned my cheek in flames I held it. I closed my eyes feeling like a thousands knifes stabbing my heart, and I could feel the one person who always had my side quickly slipping away.
   "Slut!" Lexi hissed at me.
   Anthony came to my rescue his strong arms grabbed my shoulders, "Lexi! That was uncalled for!"
     She rolled her eyes at both of us, "Whatever, I'm out of here." With that she turned and marched out of his room slamming his door closed with a loud bang.
    "Lexi wait! Please don't go!" I cried, I turned back to Anthony as I quickly buttoned my shirt, "You, stay here!" I said and I ran out the door taking their stairs two at a time. "Lexi, can't we talk?!"
     We made it outside Lexi kept her back to me, "What's there to talk about you've been sleeping with my brother no wonder you never wanted to go out with a guy in our grade you were hot for him! Him of all people Julia! I have nothing to say to you."
     "Lexi, we're best friends, we can talk through everything."
     She laughed a sarcastic laugh and turned around, "No, you don't get to use the best friend card, not after what I just saw. Best friends don't fool around with their friend's brother!"
     "You're not even giving me a chance to explain!" I cried out.
      Lexi crossed her arms, "Don't need to, you're a back stabbing ex best friend slut, and he's a jerk of a brother. I'm done. done with him and done with you." Lexi opened her red Honda car and hopping in she slammed it and started the engine.
      I banged on her car window, "Lexi please!!! Don't do this! I can explain!"
     Putting her car in reverse Lexi swerved out onto the wide street and took off to who knows where. Tears came freely now as I watched my best friend leave. I can't believe it has come down to this. More than anything I wanted Anthony's help with my scam, but I was going to tell Lexi the truth so that she would be in on it too. Now it was too late, why would she even believe me that I was raped and now pregnant with his baby. She would totally think it's Anthony's now. Maybe it was better off this way. Frustrated I placed my hands on my head and cried some more.
    When I had calmed down enough to that I wasn't sobbing I went back inside and upstairs to where Anthony was still in his room. My face was tear stained and I felt numb inside.
    Anthony watched me cautiously like I was a little china doll that sat on the edge of a shelf about to fall. I didn't didn't want to talk at the moment, not to him, not to anyone. He ran his hand nervously through his thick curly black hair, "Soo.... That just happened." He said awkwardly. He glanced at me.
    I stood there speechless and numb, I didn't know what to do anymore. I couldn't even explain how I felt. I felt hollow and empty, Lexi and her friendship meant everything to me. Finding my voice I managed to speak, "I... I got to go. I'll talk to you later." My voice started to crack and I fled his bedroom.
    Anthony dashed to his bedroom door and leaned out as I hurried down the stairs, "Jules don't go!" He hollered after me, but he didn't follow me. As I left their house I felt like I was being pulled in two. Part of me was were ever Lexi was, and the other part stayed behind with Anthony. I sniffled and pulling my iPhone out of my pocket I dialed Lexi's number. "Hey you reached Lexi leave a message at the beep or not I don't care." BEEP........
     I sighed, "Hey Lexi, it's me. Please call me back I'm really sorry." I hung up and threw my phone onto the passenger seat. I screamed and smacked my stirring wheel before breaking down in tears, "You're so stupid!!" I sobbed. Why did I even talked him into my crazy plan!! Lexi and I have never ever fought before, sure we had our differences but we were always able to work things out. This time felt different though Lexi was super pissed and I had totally crossed the line.
      As I drove home it hit me. I about did it with her brother! I must be loosing my mind did I really just kissed Anthony and about gone all the way?! I groaned things were really messed up!
     The forty-five minute drive home did me good. I cleared my head and thought a lot about everything that just happened. Thankfully when I arrived home my family were all gone and I went to my bedroom. Dialing Lexi's number I waited for her to pick up, I paced my room. Getting her voicemail again I left another message. Hanging up I looked at Anthony's name in my contacts I know I told him I'll talk to him later, but at that moment I didn't want to. Feeling rather tired from the stresses of the day I laid down to sleep.
     Back at the Baez's home Anthony walked endlessly around the house not sure exactly what to do. His sister hadn't came back yet, he didn't known if she was still pissed off or not. Then there was Julia, sweet innocent Julia who has been Lexi's best friend forever and his friend as well and they almost had sex. But it didn't mean anything, they didn't have feeling for each other, she just was doing it to make it seem believable for her crazy scam. "Shit I can't believe I agreed to be the father." Anthony pulled his phone out, nothing from Julia. He was sure she would text him or even call. What if she was regretting the scam and not wanting to drag him into it? "I guess that won't be so bad." Anthony muttered to himself, he sure wasn't ready to be a dad or to claim one that isn't his. He sighed and drummed his fingers on the kitchen counter he looked at the clock, then went back to drumming his fingers. "That's it I'm calling her."
      Anthony held his breath as it ringed.
      Julia answered, "Hello?"
      "Jules... Hey it's me.... Are you.... How are you doing?"
     He heard her give a little laugh, "What do you think? My best friend is angry and has every right to be." She sighed, "Anthony I'm sorry, getting you involved was a mistake and I never should have come to you for help."
      "Hey none of this is your fault! Lexi has a hot head, just give her space to calm down and she'll come around." Anthony cleared his throat, "So we didn't really get to talk about the plans, are you keeping....." Anthony looked around his empty house although he knew he was the only one there, "the baby?"
      His phone was silent and he clutched his phone closer to his ear.
       "You don't still want to do the scam do you?"
         "Yeah I do, I'm going to be beside you all the way. If that's what you want, besides I'm stuck now with us being caught together. Hey that could be how you conceived for the fake story." He said jokingly.
        "Anthony you're a genius!" Julia said excitement in her voice.
        He chuckled, "I was joking." She continued talking.
        "We can use that to say how I got pregnant and you know the time you kissed me for that stupid spin the bottle game at the party?"
        He thought back on that game with it's silly rules, "Yeah?"
         "That could be when we first realized we liked each other." Julia paused, "Anthony, you don't mind if we act like a couple do you? Obviously there would be no real feelings, it would just be so people believe that the child is yours."
         He bit his lip, pretend to not only be the father, but to be her fake boyfriend as well seemed like a lot. He would have to give up dating other girls, not like there were any girls he was interested in at the moment.
          "Sure, you think I'll win an Oscar for best acting award?" He grinned resting his phone on his shoulder.
         "Hahahha, I'll let you know in nine months." She joked.
          "So you're keeping the baby then?"
            "Yeah...." Her voice sounded a little hesitant, "I know I don't want an abortion. I haven't decided yet it I'm going to keep my baby or adoption." She paused, "Anthony I can't thank you enough for being willing to step in like this. It isn't going to be easy and I want the situation to be fair on your part....."
            He quickly interrupted, "Jules, I'm not going to tell you to give away or keep your baby that should all be your decision."
          "That's not what I was going to say, it's about us having a fake relationship. After the baby is born I don't want to you to feel like you're tied down to being a dad. Once the baby is born we can go our separate ways, we'll say parenting was harder than you thought, that way you can date the girl you actually want to date, go to college, and continue living your life."
          He laughed, "We started our pretend dating and you're already trying to get rid of me by making me look like I couldn't handle being a dad and broke up with you." He teased lightly.
        Even though they were on the phone and couldn't see each other he felt like Julia was shaking her head, "No we'll end things together. It'll be a mutual decision to end the relationship that wasn't even real to start with." She paused, "You in?"
      He had to admit her plan seemed convincing. They would tell people they realized they liked each other at the party and then they sneaked around to see each other because they were afraid of what Lexi would say. They fooled around, Lexi walked in and Julia ended up pregnant. The plan seemed pretty solid he just hoped they could pull it off. What if they messed up and their stories didn't match up? "Hey Jules can I ask you something?" He moved his phone to his other ear as he searched for a can of root beer in the fridge.
        "Of course."
        "Why me? You could have any guy from Harrison. High"
          "No offense Anthony, but Sal's hispanic, and you're Puerto Rican."
        He knew what she meant before she even finished her sentence but he let her finish anyways. "I don't know if my baby is going to look like me or....  Him."
        And if the baby has dark skin and black hair and I'm claiming to be the father, then it'll look like me. He thought to himself, "Hey just call me daddy." He grimaced at his bad joke and took a big slurp of root beer. 
        "Uuuuhhh awkward moment." He heard Julia say slowly through the phone as he closed his eyes with embarrassment.
         "Sorry, Hey Jules? You're going to be an awesome mom."
         "Thanks, Anthony."
         Anthony turned his head towards the front door as it opened and in walked Lexi, "Hey sweetie I'll talk to you later." He said loudly then whispered quickly into the phone, "just trying to get into the part, Lexi home Jules, gotta go. Bye." He stuffed his phone in his back pocket. Before stepping into the living room.
        Lexi slammed the front door loud enough to wake the neighbors that is if the neighbors were even sleeping in the afternoon which they weren't. Anthony ran a nervous hand through his thick black hair. He thought Lexi would have calmed down by now but right now every dagger she pierced at him with her brown eyes told him that was not likely. She glared at him from where she stood before marching upstairs her back to him she replied, "I don't want to talk to you Anthony."
      "Fine, but don't block Julia from your life, she needs you."
       Lexi turn around on the staircase to case him as she laughed, "She sure didn't need me when she was in bed with you." She shot back hatefully.
        "I'm truly sorry about that, but that's not the point...."
        "No I think it is the point, Anthony." She interrupted her face softened, "What Lexi gets Anthony gets." She choked out.
       Anthony looked up at her from the bottom of the stairs, he shook his head confused, "What?"
       "You know!" Lexi threw her hand up in the air, "We're twins Anthony, growing up when I got new clothes for school you got new ones. When I got my puppy, you got a pet too, when I got to go some place fun so did you. When I got my hair trimmed so did you!" Lexi sniffled wiping her eyes, "You and I, we got everything together, but Julia, she was MY best friend."
       "Yeah but I was friends with her too!"
        "Yes but it wasn't the same, because for once in my life I had something that you didn't have. Julia's friendship with me was different, we had a closer relationship than you and her ever did, and now that's gone too."
      "Lexi, I know you're upset, but you need to tell Julia what you just told me. Please she'll understand and you two can work things out."
      She laughed as she choked up again. "It's too late for that. She's yours now." Her eyes glared at him, "You shouldn't have slept with her Anthony. I don't want to see either of you ever again." With that Lexi stormed away and slammed her bedroom door shut.
       Anthony lowered his head and sighed, then he made his way to his room. What did he just get himself into?



The Pregnant ScamOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz