Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Deck the halls with boughs of holly!" Anthony and I chorused along with his mother and Lexi. All around us snowflakes fell in every size and shape imaginable making it look like we belonged in a snow globe. A soft blanket of snow laid on the ground and sidewalk that we stood on.
November had flown by so quickly with thanksgiving holiday and break. Then December had gone by just as fast it was hard to believe it was already Christmas. My stomach had gotten huge I wasn't sure if it was just because the baby was growing or the fact that I ate a lot of good foods in the holiday seasons. I was now six months pregnant a with just three more months to go. I had a feeling that the last three months were going to go by just as fast.
I had already celebrated Christmas with my own family this morning and now it was evening and I was with the Baez' celebrating with them. Every year on Christmas before opening presents, or eating turkey or ham for dinner the Baez' always went caroling together down neighboring streets. It was one of their Christmas traditions. In the past Lexi would always have me spend the night on Christmas and we would stay up super late blasting Christmas carols from our phones and making gingerbread men and women cookies. Anthony would always stick his finger in the icing while Lexi and I would bat him away with kitchen towels.
I smiled to myself as happy memories came back. I glanced over at Lexi who stood the farthest away from me. Her hands in her green coat pockets, her breath showing in the dark night as she sang. I wondered if Lexi was thinking about any of the good Christmases we had together? Did she miss our friendship at all? I knew I shouldn't be thinking about it anymore, but I did.  I still missed being her best friend and her mine. Anthony was great in all supporting me with the pregnancy. But he wasn't Lexi, he couldn't take her place in a million years as a best friend. The song ended and I looked down at my black leather boots that had snow on them.
Just when I thought we were ready to move on to the next house Anthony broke out singing in his deep voice, "Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad... Prosperous año y felicidad." Anthony said breaking out in a grin as he sang.
I laughed and joined in singing in English since I couldn't sing in Spanish at all. "I want to wish you a Merry Christmas!" I bellowed at the top of my lungs laughing with Anthony.
Grabbing my mittened hand in his own we ran have slid on the icy streets as we continued singing. Wanda and Lexi walked slowly behind us.
I giggled taking gulps of cold air as we ended the song. I looked up at the snowflakes that flittered to the already snow covered ground. The snowflakes didn't have a care in the world, they just went where ever the wind blew. I tugged my coat around my body more and shivered.
"Are you cold?" Anthony asked putting his arm around me and pulling me close.
"Yeah just a bit." I said rubbing my hands together the warmth of Anthony's body next to mine radiated heat making me slightly not as cold. "Hey Anthony, why do you your family always celebrate Christmas in the evening? When usually families celebrate in the morning."
"I guess we're not a normal family." Anthony grinned, "I don't know it's just something we've always done. Mom likes singing so we would go around wishing people merry Christmas and singing songs. To be honest I hated it growing up, I hated singing."
I loped my hands through his arm as we walked, "Aww but you sing so good! Literally your deep voice is kinda.... sexy...." I flushed once I said it wishing I could take it back.
Anthony smiled lowering his head then peeking a glance over at me, "Sexy uh?"
"Yeah.... Maybe you could even try out for the voice of singing 'Elmo's World' on Sesame Street. Then kids will love you too." I joked to be less embarrassed for telling Anthony he was sexy.
"Haha very funny." Anthony said. He looked back at his mom and sister who were slowly following us to the next house. "Hey um.. This isn't awkward is it spending Christmas with my family?"
I glanced back at them as well, "No it's not. I've come to accept the fact that Lexi is over me and that I should move on. Besides I'm your fake girlfriend remember? So I basically have to spend Christmas with you to make it seem real enough."
"Okay, you'll let me know though if it was awkward right?" Anthony asked. 
"Yes I will. It is strange a little bit when I think of past memories of Lexi and me. Like last year right now it was Lexi and me walking together while you walked behind with your mother, and we would go home eat supper, exchange gifts, then Lexi and I would blast Christmas music while baking ginger bread cookies."
He laughed, "Oh how could I forget, I could hear you girls giggling and laughing all the way up in my bedroom. I still have 'Here Comes Santa Clause' inbreded in my brain." He said dramatically.
I laughed hysterically, "You're so dramatic for a guy!" I teased.
"Oh I'm dramatic? Uh-Uh?" He grabbed my waisted tickling me on my sides while I squealed in protest.
Wanda smiled as she looked ahead at us. She glanced over at her daughter Lexi, "Julia and Anthony make a cute couple don't they?"
Lexi stared daggers at Anthony and me. She wanted her old Christmases back, she wanted the life she had with Julia back before Anthony came into the picture. Why did her best friend and brother had to have feelings for each other? Why couldn't they just keep it in their pants and not get pregnant. She hated her brother for stealing her best friend, and she was angry at Julia for keeping it a secret that she like him. These past months Lexi had tried playing different sceneries in her head. Like what if Julia had came to Lexi first and told her about her feelings for Anthony would she had gotten mad? Probably not after all you can't help who you fall for, love just happens. Or would she had hated her brother if he had came forward and told her? Sure maybe she would have been upset, but she would have gotten over it and been happy for her brother and best friend. But now all she saw when she saw them happy together was how they stabbed her in the back and betrayed her trust. "Sure, whatever." Lexi muttered stuffing her hands in her pocket.

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