Chapter Twenty

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The forty-five minute drive home was silent. I leaned against the passenger door staring at the large town building that soon turned to woods and corn fields as Anthony drove out of town and into the country. Anthony didn't say anything to me and I was find with that, I was still upset with Lexi. I should be used to her cruel and hateful words by now, but I wasn't. I still thought of her as my best friend and I didn't like the person she became. I tried putting myself in her shoes, what if I saw my best friend with my brother and how would I feel or what not; even then I don't think I would ever say the things she's said to me. Degrading my pregnant body image, calling me names.... Then again maybe I deserved this... After all I did choose not to tell her what really happened, maybe if I told her I was raped and Anthony is just filling in so I don't have to tell anyone she would have understood.

Finally Anthony pulled into my drive way and up to our baby blue garage that used to be a barn back when the property was a farmhouse in the 1970's before my parents bought the place and turned into a garage. Anthony pulled into the cubby hole placing his white Honda in park he turned to me and placed his rough but warm hand on my arm.

I flinched at his touch hoping he didn't notice. I hated how no matter how long it's been since my incident I still was jumpy at the slight touch even though I was completely safe. I bite my lower lip in frustration, when would it end? When will I be back to normal and be able to have someone touch me without tensing up? What if I'm always this way though?

Anthony didn't seem to have a clue that his simple touch effected me, "Back at the house something happened..... She said something didn't she? What did my sister say this time?" He asked looking concerned.

"Nothing I can't handle." I managed a smile, "It's just weird you know? How fast a friendship can change. Last year Lexi and I were getting ready for school together and having the best sleep over and now we can't even have a normal conversation together...." I paused remembering the good old days, "Sorry I didn't mean to drop that load on you it's nothing really." I reached for the handle of the car and opened it.

"I remember those days... You two would always have a special name for your sleepovers before school started what was it again?"

"THE SLEEP OVER BEFORE SCHOOL SUCKS." We said in unison laughing.

"Yeah, well that would never happen now." I slipped out of the car and went around to the trunk to get my bags from the mall.

He jumped out to help me reaching for more of the bags so that I didn't have to carry as many. "Why don't we?"

I gave him a look like 'are you serious', "First off your sister hates me, second your sister hates you, and thirdly she hates me more. Do I need to continue?" I asked sarcastically as we made our way to the house.

Anthony jogged ahead and turned around to face me walking backwards as he talked, "Seriously though, we can have our own sleep over at my house. It'll work out great anyways that way you're already there Monday morning and we can ride together to school, you know like a real couple.... And it'll be fun, you always spend the night before school starts I don't think you should stop now."

He had a point about real couples riding to school together, couples at Harrison High school always rode to school together it signified that they were together or whatever. If Anthony and I were going to make this thing seem real then obviously I had to ride to school with him. Which wouldn't be too hard since Lexi and I used to ride to school with him anyways to save gas and because we both hated driving, "Okayyy." I laughed, "And where would I sleep, not with Lexi or she'll murder me in my sleep."

"My room of course." He said like it was no big deal.

"Anthony I'm not going to....."

His cheeks reddened, "Nothing will happen of course!" He quickly said realizing he sounded really forward, "And since you're already pregnant my mom won't think twice of you wanting to spend the night since we've supposedly already been together."

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