Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Prom was on Saturday, Anthony still hadn't asked me about it. But I was determined not to think about him. In fact I hadn't thought about him or Prom all week until I saw the Prom postures that hung in about every hallway in school. I paused to stare at the welcoming poster, then shook my head. Nope, I wasn't going to think about it. If he didn't want to go to Prom with me as his pretend 'girl-friend' then I didn't want to go either.
I stopped at my locker to get my books out of the end of the day. Anthony said he needed to workout this afternoon so I was going home by myself. I put my combination in my locker and swung the door open. A piece of notebook paper grew wings and fell out onto the floor like a butterfly flying to the ground. I looked down at the paper and frowned, I placed a hand on my large baby bump, realizing there was no way I was going to be able bend down and pick it up and still manage to stand back up. "Hey Morgan." I said to a girl a few lockers down from mind. I didn't really know her, but we had a few classes together, "Do you mind picking up the note that fell on the floor?" Color crept to my cheeks, "I'm so big if I bend down they may need a forklift to get me on my feet again." I said trying to make a joke out of my situation.
Morgan smiled, "Yeah alright." She walked over and bent down for the note. Then she handed it to me, "A secret admirer?" She asked.
"Who knows, though I hope not, or my boyfriend might be jealous." I said with a laugh. I thanked Morgan and looked down at the note. It was a regular piece of notebook paper each student at Harrison probably at the exact same notebook paper. My name was wrote on one side and it was folded several times so it could easily be slide into the vent on the locker door. I glanced around at students walking by feeling slightly unease. Anyone could have put it in my locker. I didn't recognize the handwriting either, feeling perplexed I opened the piece of paper and read the note.

They say boyfriends and girlfriends know everything about each other......How well do you know me? Follow the clues to find me.
Your first clue is where did I break my arm at Freshman year?
I stared down at the note reading it again and again to be sure. It had to be Anthony, but the handwriting looked a little girlish. Was this a trick? I mean Lexi's name also started with A when you used her full name Alexandria. Could she just be messing with me? Sending me on a wild goose chase? Well there was only one way to find out. Leaving my books in my locker I cut down hallways towards the football field. There was this tree off to the side of the football field otherwise known as the make-out tree. Anthony and some boys climbed freshmen year. They were showing off to some girls hanging up side down being complete fools when Anthony fell out of the tree and landed on his elbow. He broke it in three spots and wore a cast for most of freshman year. I remembered because I had just met Lexi and she told me what happened.
Once I got to the tree make-out tree I looked around, but couldn't see Anthony or Lexi anywhere in site. I sighed hands on my hips, as I looked around. Then my eyes caught site of something taped to a tree branch. Another piece of notebook paper. I was just short enough that I couldn't reach it from where I stood. I grabbed hold of a branch and pulling myself up I snatched the note with the tip of my fingers. Hoping down I eagerly opened the second note.

You got the first one right, so I guess you do know something about me. Now where did I score my first basket?
I smiled tucking the note in my head, I walked half pregnant jogged my way back into school to the gymnasium. I searched high n low in the bleachers, behind the bleachers, even in the two basketball hoops that faced opposite end of each other. There was no note to be seen. I thought for sure he scored his first one here at our home school. After all he wouldn't want me to go to a different school just for a note right? I mean what if they won't let me in because I'm not a student?
I bite my lip as I thought to myself, slowly it hit me.... "You can't score a basket without a basketball." I murmured I turned towards a metal push rack that was in the corner filled with basketballs. I hurried over and searched each basketball. My eyes lit up as I saw a tiny note taped to a basketball. I pulled it off and opened it.

The Pregnant ScamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ