Chapter Thirty-Eight

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    Prom night had finally arrived. I had spent my whole Saturday getting ready. I had taken not only a bath, but also a shower. I had used a bath-bomb and soaked in the bathtub till my skin was baby soft and smooth. Then I took a shower using rose petal extra conditioner so that my hair was sleek and smelled amazing.
I wanted Anthony to think of me as sexy tonight. I wanted him to see past the whole fake relationship scam and to see me as me. To see that we can be a real couple and that I do have feelings for him.
I twirled around in front of my full length mirror as I studied myself. I was two weeks away from my due date, I looked huge and fat, nothing that came even close to sexy. I bite my lip nervously, staring at my reflection. My high waisted cream color gown fell just above my knees. Small little pearls were sewn into the bust making them simmer when the light reflect on them. My hair was up in a fancy bun with pearl twirl pins, just a couple strains of my blond hair fell down to frame either side of my face.
Emerson bounded into my room, she flopped down on my bed and cocked her head to the side as she studied me. "You look really pretty." She sighed, "I wish I could go to Prom!" She exclaimed laying her head down on my bed to stare up at the ceiling.
"It won't be much longer till you'll be a junior and can go." I said slipping into my creamy color flats. "Oh and thank you for painting my toes and finger nails." I said glancing at the smooth light peach nail polish that matched my creamy gown and shoes.
"You're welcome." Emerson said sitting up on my bed, "You're so lucky you get to go to prom with Anthony, you're graduating in May, and you're having a baby! Your senior year is perfect!"
I grimaced my back towards her thinking of my situation, "I wouldn't say perfect, I've had a lot of struggles and hardships this year. None that I would want for you." I said choosing my words wisely.
"Whatever, you don't know how lucky you are! Anthony and you are going to be the cutest couple at prom. He looks handsome in his tux."
I turned around to face her my little silver hand purse in my hands, "Wait.... How do you know he's wearing a tux?" I asked.
It was like Emerson suddenly remembered what she came back to my room to tell me, "Oh yeah.... He's out in the kitchen."
My eyes widened, "He's what?!" Startled I dropped my silver purse.
"Yeah he got here about five minutes ago." Emerson hopped off my bed and picked up my purse for me.
I thank her grateful for her help since I've had a hard time bending down to pick things up lately. "I thought we were meeting at his house. Ummm." I placed a hand on my baby bump feeling nervous and nauseous all of a sudden.
Emerson smiled, "You look great Julia."
I gave my sister a quick hug, soaking up her confidence. Then  glancing around my room to make sure I didn't forget anything I slowly made my way out to the kitchen.
Seeing Anthony in his black suit with the creamy color tie to match my gown made my heart do summersaults! He was super hot right now standing in my kitchen his curly brown hair brushed and held back with hair gel, and his darker Puerto Rican skin against his black tux made him look like a model. A very sexy model.
My mouth became dry with each step I took closer to him. His soft brown eyes sparkled as he studied me in my gown, "Wow, Jules, you look pretty."
I stopped a couple feet from him, my hands in front of me holding onto my silver hand purse. Pretty, but not sexy I thought to myself as I smiled up at him, "What are you doing here Anthony? Prom is at Harrison High, I thought I was suppose to met you at your place."
Anthony smiled and nodded, "Well yeah, that was the plan. But then I wouldn't have been able to surprise you, and give you this." He pulled a see through box with a beautiful corsage laying on a white velvet cushion.
I gasped it was the most beautiful corsage I think I ever saw, three light pink roses adored the bracelet with ivory vines arrange randomly on the corsage. The flowers were all tied together with a single cream color silky ribbon. "Anthony..... It's beautiful." I whispered as he took my right hand and slipped it past my fingers and onto my wrist.
He pulled out a single pink rose that matched my corsage, "Do you want to help me with mine?"
I laughed, "Yes." I took the pink rose from him and using the pin I pinned it above the breast pocket of his suit. I stood on tiptoes to do it, and felt Anthony's warm breath on my neck as he watched me pin it. I flushed and stepped back to admire my work. "You didn't have to come all the way out here." I said thinking of the forty-five minute drive he took just to get out to the country and now we had the long drive back into town.
"Of course I did, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my date drive in to meet me for prom."
"Aww!" Emerson exclaimed clasping her hands together, I hadn't even realized she was in the kitchen as well with my mother who was busy making super for the family.
My cheeks redden feeling embarrassed with them in the room hearing our conversation , "Alright, well I'm ready. Bye Em, bye Mom!" I took Anthony's hand and lead him to the door
"Don't stay out to late!" My mom warned us as I slipped my silky cream shawl around my shoulders and we left the house.
I shivered in the cool spring air as we made our way to the Anthony's white honda that was parked in the driveway.
Anthony held the door open for me, "Are you ready for some fun he asked as I slowly got in careful not to snag my gown.
"Absolutely, let's do this!"
Anthony chuckled and went around to the driver's side to get in. He started the car and we were off!

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