Chapter 110. And you, are you?

Start from the beginning

So... the tears glistering at the corner of her eyes were due to laughter, not heartbreak. Or at least, that was what she wanted to convince herself of, even if she knew deep down that it wasn't the case.



After a few minutes of their tickle war, Masha finally conceded. Not because she couldn't take it anymore, but because her brother was wheezing hard yet didn't appear ready to admit defeat any time soon. That stubborn boy would rather pass out than beg for mercy. Adult or child, Misha still had the bad habit of not knowing his limits when it came down to challenges, being as prideful as he was.

All right. Masha couldn't talk; she was the same, constantly pushing her luck. However, she didn't mind losing to her little brother, and it was also true she had difficulty breathing. As the older sister, Masha thought that she might as well back down for the time being. She could always take revenge by teasing him again later on.

"Now that you're done fighting," Gabriel said after a short while, staring at the two siblings lying on the bed like dried fishes, "how about paying Stephan a visit?"

"What? Why?" Misha asked in a puzzled tone.

"...You want to tell him? About everything?" Masha understood, propping herself up on her elbow. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am, but only if Misha allows it."

"But why do you want to tell him?" Misha wondered aloud, frowning slightly.

"Because of many reasons, actually. First off, in your first timeline, I probably tried to handle everything alone. And how did it end? Not very well, as you know. So, I was thinking of doing things differently this time around."

If doing everything by himself did not yield good results, then he would do the exact opposite. He wouldn't make the same mistake twice, especially when the lives of those he held dear were at stake.

"Second, Stephan has the right to know that his father is in danger and that he will be plotted against in the near future. Besides, I can't intervene in his family's affair out of the blue. That would be suspicious, and although that guy acts dumb, he's no idiot. If we do something out of character, he'll soon realize that something doesn't add up. Third, as I just said, he's not stupid. That guy has a brain, and he can be very helpful when he puts his mind to it. Four heads are better than three, anyway."

Although Gabriel was aware that he was smart, he wasn't arrogant enough to say he was a genius. That being said, having another good brain on the team wouldn't do any harm. And if he wanted to turn the table against his family, Stephan was an absolute must. Although he knew that dealing with that guy would probably drive him half-crazy one of these days.... Well, as long as he also drove the rest of his family crazy, it didn't matter.

"...If that's what you want, I've got nothing to say," Misha shrugged after listening to Gabriel's arguments. "Anyway, you're smarter than me, so I'm gonna follow your lead for everything that requires using my brain. There's one thing, though. No matter what, I don't want my parents to know."

"I second that!" Masha nodded. "For now, I'm not ready to tell them about my sexuality. I don't know how they would take it, and being thrown out of the house at my age would make things difficult for me. I want to be old enough to fend for myself before telling them, just in case it ends badly. So, well, you know, the information in the video is a little too compromising."

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning to involve them. Even without considering how they would react to your sexuality, I don't know your parents well enough to tell whether or not they would accept a strange concept such as time travel. They're good people, but even good people can send their children to the hospital if they think they're mentally ill."

A silence fell over the room. Right. Time-traveling was nonsense for most people, and who knows what kind of mental disease they would be labeled with if they were to discuss it with the wrong persons. So the fewer people knew, the better it was.

"Soooooo, I'll go downstairs to ask mom if we can go out," Misha cleared his throat after a moment of silence. Leaping to his feet, he pointed to his face and grinned, "That cute face of mine can be really useful at times. Mom can't refuse me anything, hehe."

With this, Misha left the room at lightning speed, going to the kitchen to meet his mother. As soon as the door closed, Masha and Gabriel tacitly glanced at each other.

With a sly smile on her lips, Masha bent over and asked in a sweet voice, "And you? Are you in love with my brother?"

"Masha... Even if your brother is mentally older than us, he's technically ten years old and looks like he's seven. I'd like to remind you that I'm not into kids, in case you didn't know."


"...And his current appearance is not to my taste, but," Gabriel paused to smirk, the corner of his lips curving upward ever so lightly, "his personality is quite to my liking."

"I bet it is," Masha chuckled, amusement flashing in her eyes.

The real question was: how could Gabriel not like it? Misha was everything he would have wanted to be but wasn't; his personality was everything Gabriel loved, and even his shortcomings were somewhat lovely in his eyes. Her brother was foolishly honest, always being true to himself. Whenever he lied, it showed on his face as plainly as could be. He was the kind to stand up for his beliefs, never compromising, and he would go down the path of hell for the sake of his loved ones. Underneath the rough behavior laid a good person that could sympathize with others, something Gabriel couldn't do.

"Well, for the time being, his current self is not aware of his feelings, or it would be more accurate to say that he currently does not want to recognize them," Gabriel said as he took a step toward the door. "So I'll wait for him to grow up. We'll see then if he can accept his feelings or not."

"You sound pretty confident that he will, though."

"Why wouldn't he?"


"And, please, don't go around running your mouth," Gabriel smiled as he opened the door, peering over his shoulder at Masha. "If you do tell him about our discussion, I'm going to be a little mad."

"I swear I won't tell a soul!" Masha quickly replied as she mimed zipping her mouth shut with her fingers, beads of cold sweat rolling down her forehead.

She knew she could meddle with her brother's love life, but it was better not to with Gabriel's—if he was serious about that certain someone, that is. Flings were another story, though. Anyway, she wanted to live a long, healthy life, not end it prematurely. Therefore, she wisely decided to pretend they never had this conversation, pushing it far into the back of her mind.

In any case, her brother was in good hands, and there was nothing to worry about. In this timeline, Gabriel would never do anything that would hurt Misha. No, if he could, he would offer him the world instead. Besides, if there were one brother-in-law Masha would ever welcome with open arms, it was Gabriel and no one else.


Chapter revised on 2022-06-03

Edited by Clozed! ♥



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