14: Lights out

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Chapter Fourteen

Karen Dem's P.O.V.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked for the umpteenth time since Conan shoved me into the car.

He glanced at me and smirked, "You'll see."

I rolled my eyes because he's been saying that for the last ten minutes now.

After the declaration about killing two birds with one stone, it was kind of hard not to swoon at that.

He want the baby and me. That's gotta be something!

Honestly though, I was kind of happy that he told the whole world about his relationship with that crazy bitch, but I wasn't really going to admit that.

And about what he said to his dad last night. That was one of the sweetest thing ever. He stood up for me against his own dad.

I tried to clear my mind because I was just going to hurt myself if I tried to reason everything together.

In truth, I really wanted to be with him. He just have this thing about him. Everything that he does makes me swoon over him.

He's very smart, adorable, handsome, caring, and sweet. He stands up for the things he's passionate about and he takes his responsibility seriously.

God, I sound so obsessed with him.

I touched my baby bump and looked down at it, smiling.

It has gotten bigger and I'm more in love with my baby now even though I sometimes feel like a huge hippo.

With the thought of Conan being happy about the two of us, it's making me even happier.

"Alright. We're here," he announced, cutting through my thoughts.

I looked out the windshield and saw only darkness. I frowned and looked at him confused.

"Okay, Babydoll. Before you freak out, just see for yourself," he chuckled, getting out of the car.

He came to my side and opened the door for me. Then closed it behind me once I was out. I was kind of scared, so I clutched onto his arm tightly.

"Relax," he chuckled, leading the way.

After a short walk, I gasped at the view in front of me in awe.

The city lights were below us and shining brightly. It was freakin awesome. You literally felt like you're on top of the world from being up here. No wonder it took him so long to get to his destination. We're out of the city.

"You know that I'm serious about having this baby with you, right?" He asked quietly.

I turned to look at him and smiled teasingly. "Are you nervous?"

He gave me his sexy smirk and replied, "Maybe just a little."

I laughed lightly and nodded shyly. "I thought you were."

He grinned, gesturing to the lights below us. "Do you like it?"

I nodded. "This is awesome!"

"It's not the best part," he chuckled, amused.

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean? There's something else?"

Conan took out his phone and typed something before he slipped it back into his pocket and looked up at me, giving me one of his sexy smiles.

"Look," he winked, motioning with his finger for me to turn around.

I turned around and my eyes widened with tears prickling them.

The lights were turned off except the middle where the lights made a ring and a question mark next to it.

I turned to faced Conan, only to find that he was down on one knee, making tears stream down my face.

"Karen Dem, I know that you'll probably hate me for doing this. But it just feels like this is something that I should do. Ever since the body shot, I just can't get you out of my mind. And I've never felt like that towards anyone before. Yeah, I know. I'm crazy and you probably hate me from declaring to the world about marrying you. But, I rather have you hate me than to lose both you and my baby. To make this short, I'd like to take care of you and our baby if you'd let me. Will you marry me?" He asked, pulling out a ring.

I wiped the tears streaming down my face.

"Are you sure you want to marry me? I'm just a nobody. I have nothing to strengthen your chain of companies. I'm just a girl with your kid. Did you even think this through?" I questioned, wiping the tears that fell again.

He gave me an amused smile. "Of course I've thought it through. But, you know what? You say that you have nothing when you have almost everything. Not anybody could capture my attention like you. Not anyone could make me want more all the time. Not anyone can just run away and try to mask the hurt on their face and act like nothing is wrong. Not anyone can make me be on one knee to ask for her hand in marriage. Not anyone could be as amazing as you are, Babydoll."

I felt my heart melt when he said that. All I wanted to do right now was kiss him senseless.

Tears streamed down my face again and I wiped my ongoing tears. "How can someone as sweet as you ever be classified as a womanizer? You're crazy. This way of proposing. You're freakin crazy. Nobody will be able to say no."

He grinned up at me. "Does that mean yes?"

"Yes, Mr. Russell. I will marry you and let you take care of us," I smiled, putting a hand on my stomach.

Conan took my left hand and kissed the back of it before he slipped the ring on my finger ever so slowly. Then he kissed my belly and stood up.

Suddenly, all the lights from the city turned on again and luminated the city below us.

I looked at them in awe and Conan tilted my chin to face him.

Without warning, he pressed his lips onto mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

He deepened the kiss and I welcomed it.

"I miss kissing you," he said against my lips, putting his hands on my waist.

I smiled against his lips and honestly said, "I do too."

His hands roamed my back and he kissed down my neck, making me just want to rip his clothes off.

"You know, you're not doing a good job in making your pregnant fiancé satisfied in her hormones," I said, breathless as his kisses went lower to my chest.

I heard Conan chuckle and the next thing I knew, I was picked up bridal style.

"Well, I guess I'll have to do something about that, huh?" He smirked, walking back to the car.

I blushed as he put me into the car and gave me another passionate kiss. Then he pulled back and got into the car from his side.

Soon, we were both home and he carried me to our bed. Then his hands slid up my dress and landed on my stomach before he lifted it over my head.

"You're so beautiful. Even more with that baby bump," he groaned, kissing down my neck to the baby bump and down.

I let out a breathless moan as he got to my thighs and pulled him back up.

"And you've got too much clothes on," I said, unbuttoning them.

Conan chuckled and pressed his lips onto mine when I got all of his clothes off as he did mine.

"Just be careful and don't hurt our baby," I said, pressing my forehead against his.

He smiled his heart stopping smile at me and replied, "I promise to protect it with my life."

With that, we were lost.


YASSSSSSSS. XD They're so adorable. And shit, Conan. You win for that proposal:P Please vote, comment, or follow! Thanks xxx

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