19: Double the news

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Chapter Nineteen

I've stopped going to work since I was kind of cut off from my family or more precisely, my dad.

David and my mom was against my dad on this, so he probably did it to have power over me. And frankly, I didn't care. I already have a lot saved up and I could buy one of his companies out too.

After we got home from the disastrous dinner, we grabbed something to eat and then came home to rest.

My mom called me the next day and tried to get me to reason with my dad, but I wasn't going to do it because I have nothing to say to him.

David talked to me too. He just told me that he'll support me and my family in any way that he could and I appreciate that a lot.

Karen was treating the little one good and now that I'm home more, I get to spend more time with the both of them which I'm actually enjoying.

"So, I have a doctor appointment in a few hours. Do you want to go?" Karen asked nervously.

I chuckled and grabbed onto her hands with mine. "Why are you nervous, Babydoll?"

She shrugged and smiled shyly. "I don't know. Maybe you'll realize what a joke this is and run away."

I shook my head in amusement and pressed my lips into her soft ones. "I'll never do that. Of course I'll go with you. Why wouldn't I?"

She blushed and kissed me. "I don't know."

I chuckled. "That's not a good enough answer, Babydoll."

She smiled sweetly at me and pressed her lips into mine to shut me up and I kissed her back.

"I love you, Karen," I said against her lips.

She laughed and pecked my lips before replying, "I love you too, Conan."


I watched the doctor smear some ultrasound gel over Karen's stomach and I felt kind of excited.

Her stomach was grown and you could tell that she was pregnant and is in the middle of her pregnancy, not going to give birth just yet.

I sat down on a chair right next to Karen and she grinned, looking up at me. I smiled back and took her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

"Okay. Are you guys ready?" Doctor Kelly asked, smiling brightly.

We nodded and Karen held onto my hand tightly to contain her excitement.

Doctor Kelly carefully moved that little device around Karen's stomach and then she stopped at the most perfect little figure that I've ever seen in my life.

"There's your baby. You see, this is the face. The eyes are right there. Nose, mouth," Doctor Kelly announced, smiling warmly pointing to the screen at what she said.

The realization of be being a dad has just now hit me and I couldn't be any happier. I looked down at Karen and she was already smiling at me with tears in her eyes.

I leaned in to kiss her forehead and whispered, "I love you so much, Karen. No matter how many times I say it, it will never be enough."

She laughed lightly and I smiled, brushing her tears off with my thumb.

"Would you guys like to know the gender?" Doctor Kelly asked.

I looked at Karen and she gave me a smile, telling me to answer if I want to or not.

I nodded at the doctor and she smiled warmly, moving the device a little.

"Alright. It's a boy!" She grinned, giving us info on the baby's parts.

I looked at the little peanut shaped thing and smiled to myself.

He's already so cute.

After getting out ultrasound pictures and such, we went back home.

I kissed Karen slowly and passionately as she laid down on the couch with her head on my lap.

We were both just enjoying the silence, being together as a family.

I can't wait to meet the little guy!

Suddenly, my phone rang and I reluctantly answered. "Conan Russell."

"Hello, Mr. Russell. This is the police department. We've just arrested our suspects for the kidnapping of your fiancé. We'd like you and your lawyer to come and get some statements on them," an officer said.

My eyes widened. "Yes, of course. I'll come right away."

I quickly hung up and called my lawyer, telling him to meet me at the police station.

"What wrong?" Karen asked from beside me.

I gave her a tight smile and replied, "I think they found the person that kidnapped you. I won't hesitate to rip them into shreds, Babydoll."

Her eyes widened and I could detect fear in them. My arms automatically wrapped around her body and I kissed her forehead gently.

"Do you want to go with me? Just so you won't feel afraid and alone at home?" I asked gently.

She pulled back and looked at me in the eyes. "I'm scared. I don't want to see who could do such a cruel thing."

I intertwined our fingers and bent down to her level to look into her Hazel colored eyes. "I'll take you home and just stay with you while my lawyer does all the questioning then, okay?"

She shook her head. "I want you to stay, but you should go. Maybe Sophia could come over or something."

I nodded and walked her to our car. Then I opened the door for her and waited for her to get in before I closed the door and got in from my side.

Once we were on the road, I took her hand and kissed her knuckles. She looked at me with a small smile and I have her a reassuring one back.

No matter what happens or who that person that kidnapped her is, I will not hesitate to protect my fiancé and my son. They're my life and if somebody plans to take that from me, then they'll have to go through hell and let me strip them bare and worthless in every way possible before they could get their hands on my family again.

And I mean it.


Hey! Sorry for the long wait. Now that summer officially starts, I can write again!:) Funny how it rained today when it was supposed to signal the start of summer for us, hahah.

Anyways, thank you everybody who's been asking me to update and ect. It means a lot to me that you guys love this book as much as I do and I will try my best to not disappoint you!

Please do take the time to comment or vote. Any of that can make my day and make me have motivation to write more. Even if you already commented that comment on the previous chapter or something, I do not mind at all.

Other than that, I love you guys. Stay awesome!!:)


Much love, Pachee xxx

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