8: God, I missed you

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Chapter Eight

"Sir, you have a meeting in about thirty minutes with another company about your stocks. And these files were requested to be read over and signed before you leave today," my secretary said, handing me the files.

I took the files from her before I dismissed her.

Man, I should've not missed work for so many days. I am so screwed right now!

I quickly looked over the files on my stocks and saw that the prices for them went up.

I was planning to buy more of the ones that I was more interested in and sell the ones that I don't need, so I hope it works out in my favor.

When the meeting rolled around, we made a few deals here and there and I got what I wanted, just as the other company did too.

We shook hands before I walked out of the meeting room and went back into my office. Then I started on the files that had been given to me earlier that day.

I stopped a couple of times to think about Karen, but as soon as I thought about her, I shook my head to clear my thoughts because I will never finish these files if I keep thinking about her.

By the time that I was supposed to leave, I was only half way done. I mentally groaned and continued working.

Suddenly, my phone rang, interrupting me from my work.

You guessed it.

Overly Attached

I ignored the call and went back to work because I really didn't want to deal with her right now.

I shut my eyes for a few minutes before I opened them again.

Let's get this over with.

By the time that I was done, it was already really late. I decided to just get home to get some sleep before coming back here to continue catching up on my work.

I left my office and once I got home, I quickly took my clothes off and fell asleep.


The next morning, I was at work again. And I was tired as hell, but I drank coffee to keep myself awake.

It barely helped though.

After long hours at work again, I finally managed to be able to go home.

When I got to my door, Overly Attached was standing there. And then my eyes drifted to the Karen who was standing next to her.

You've got to be freakin kidding me!

"Conan, baby. Who's this?" Jessica's annoying shrieking voice screeched.

I sighed and ignored her as I unlocked my apartment door. Then I turned back and looked at Jessica straight in the eyes.

"Leave," I said, not giving a damn.

Then I turned my gaze to Karen and saw that she was nervously standing there under the glare of Overly Attached.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my side, catching her by surprise. Then I looked at Jessica again and saw that she looked pretty damn jealous and pissed off. And I was pretty sure she was about to cry.

"Leave, Jessica," I repeated one last time as I opened my door and pulled Karen in with me before locking it.

I walked into my room and threw my briefcase and blazer on my chair. Then I loosened my tie and unbuttoned the top few buttons of my collar shirt before I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

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