15: Unconcious

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Chapter Fifteen

I looked down at the sparkly and beautiful ring on my finger and a smile rose to my lips.

All the things he said has gotta be the sweetest things ever. I just can't get over the fact that he said all of that to me.

Breaking through my thoughts about the proposal, my phone rang and I answered it.

"Karen, spill!" Soph said immediately.

I laughed and told her everything from getting back from the beach house until now.

Sophia was thrilled. She was kind of threatening Conan, but it was just for my protection and I am so thankful to have someone as awesome as her in my life even though she will really not hesitate to kick whoever hurts me in the ass. And I would do exactly the same thing for her.

After a while of talking about how my baby was doing, Sophia had to leave to bring some lunch to David.

I would've gone to see Conan, but he told me not to go out because the reporters are looking for the "mysterious" girl who he proposed to, so it was dangerous and he didn't want me to be tired out and be in danger by them.

I cooked some food for me to eat and baked to kill time, but it wasn't even time for Conan to come home yet by the time I finished.

I decided to watch TV, but just as I walked toward the living room, the doorbell rang.

Thinking it was Conan that came home early, I went to open the door.

Suddenly, I felt hands cover my mouth and the next thing I saw was darkness.

My last thought before I blacked out was my baby.

Conan Russells' P.O.V.

I can't wait to see my fiancé. I couldn't even stop thinking about her the whole entire day even though I was more busy than usual.

When it was time to finally leave, I quickly drove home and entered my house with a smile.

"Babydoll?" I called, walking down the hall into our room to see if she's sleeping.

There was no sign of her in our room. The bed was neatly made and showed no signs of her anywhere in here.

I went into the bathroom to see if she might be taking a bath, but she wasn't in there too.

Didn't I tell her not to go out?

I frowned and took out my phone to call her.

There was a faint ringing somewhere in the house and I followed it. It lead me to the kitchen and I looked at it in confusion.

Did she forget her phone?

I decided to call Sophia to see if she went over there to visit or something.

"No. I did talk to her earlier before I took some food to David though. Why?" She replied.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "She's not here."

Sophia was quiet for a few seconds before she offered, "That's weird. She sounded really happy when I talked to her. Maybe she went to visit her family or something. Or maybe she went to the beach house."

I sighed quietly. "Yeah. I'll go check it out to see if she's there. Thanks."

"Okay. Let me know if you find her. I'll try to call her," she replied.

"She didn't take her phone," I replied, groaning in frustration.

Why does she always run?

I talked for Sophia for a few more minutes before I hung up and grabbed my keys. Then I drove to the beach house.

After pressing the doorbell for some time, there was no answer so I picked the lock to see if she was just pretending she wasn't home.

Thanks to my badass skills in high school, I was able to get it unlocked and I went inside to find her.

After searching for a while, she wasn't there too. It got me even more frustrated and confused.

Where could she be? And why would she run away from me again?

I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands. Then I thought about what I could've possibly done that made her run from me.

She was happy when I left to work this morning. She was happy when I proposed.

Shit, what if she regret it and ran from me?

I groaned into my hands and silently cursed myself for coming on too strong.

How could I have been so stupid? She's not even in love with me.

I totally pressured her. With all the romantic words and all the romantic setting from blacking out the city and stuff.

I am so stupid! I probably just wasted my chances with her.

And our baby.

How can she just leave without a note, without an explanation, and without even having a second thought about what's best for our baby?

Plus, I remember seeing her purse in our room. That would mean that her keys are in there. And she didn't even take her phone too.

I removed my face from my hands and I thought about that for a few seconds.

That's weird. Why would she leave and not take anything with her?

Suddenly, my phone rang and cut through my thoughts. I picked it up without looking at the ID.

"Hello, this is Kennedy Hilltop's Hospital. Are you by chance Conan Russell?" A woman asked.


"Yes. Who's this?" I asked, confused.

"I am a nurse at the hospital. My name is Hilary. A patient named Karen Dem was brought to the hospital earlier today. She was unconscious and the man that brought her said that he found her unconscious in the woods," the nurse explained as I tried to wrap my head around that information.

It seemed as if my brain had stopped on the word unconscious.

I quickly hung up and tried to drive as fast as I could to the hospital back in the city to see if she's okay because I swore to protect her and our baby with my life and I couldn't even do that.

I was freakin useless, but I just needed to make sure that she and our baby were okay. And if they were not, I won't forgive myself due to swearing to protect them when I created that.

But I don't matter right now. All that I could think about were my baby and Karen.

The word unconscious still rang in my ears as I quickly drove to the hospital breaking every speed limit there was.

Please be okay, I thought silently.


:O Didn't Conan hear "the man"? Who could the man be, guys? Thoughts? Comments? Vote, please. Thanks, lovelies! X

Oh, and wish my luck for my soccer game today! I'm nervous and kind of excited xD Love yalls! Xxx

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