16: Safe and sound

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Chapter Sixteen

As soon as I got to the hospital, I went up to the receptionist and asked for Karen.

The woman told me that she was currently being checked up in the emergency room to check if she and our baby were okay.

I ran to where the waiting area and saw that the emergency room doors were shut.

I mentally groaned and looked around and saw Darren. Then I sat down on one of the plastic chairs and took in a deep breath.

Wait, Darren?

I stood up and looked back at where Darren was at and looked at him in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

Suddenly, the nurses voice came back into my head about a man bringing Karen into the hospital.

I felt my chest drop and I was about to let out a string of colorful words, but Darren beat me to it.

"Found her in the woods. Should be thanking me instead," he replied calmly.

What the fuck?

I grabbed his collar shirt and pushed him against the wall, looking at him dead in the eyes. "What the hell were you doing in the woods with my fiancé?"

"Weren't you listening? I found her there," he replied, pushing me off of him.

"And what the hell were you doing in the woods?"

"Obviously minding my own damn business until I saw her," he glared back at my death glare.

"Bullshit," I bit out angrily, grabbing on his collar again.

Before Darren could answer, a voice calling my name stopped him and I was pulled back.

"Dude, what the hell are you doing?" David asked, looking at me in confusion.

"What do you mean? He was somehow at the woods when Karen ended up there. Isn't that suspicious?" I glared at Darren again.

David pulled me back a little from Darren and he brushed off his blazer like dust or dirt got on it.


"Darren borrowed my cabin to get things off his mind. This isn't anything suspicious. Just a coincidence," David explained.

Before I could reply, the doors to the emergency room swung open and a doctor stepped out. I quickly abandoned the dick and my brother and went up to the doctor.

"Karen Dem?" He checked.

"Conan Russell. Karen Dem's fiancé," I greeted, sticking my hand out for him to shake.

He shook it and replied, "I'm Doctor Reynolds. Your fiancé had some minor bruises. Lucky that there weren't any damage to her. As for the baby, it was kind of spooked from the sudden unconsciousness. She'll need to be in bed rest for a few days though."

I breathed a breath of relief as I heard that my Babydoll was fine and so was our baby.

"Thank you so much, Doctor," I said sincerely as I shook his hand again.

"Follow me to her room. She should be up right now," he replied, smiling as he lead us down the hall.

I quickly followed him as he walked ahead of me and deleted the thoughts of Darren from my mind.

A few minutes later, the doctor stopped and knocked on the door lightly before he entered.

I took in a deep breath and trailed behind him in.

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