6: Two favors

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Chapter Six

I woke up to twenty missed calls and more than ten texts. All coming from David and Sophia. I looked at it in confusion and called them back quickly, hoping that everything was okay.

"You finally answered! Where the hell have you been?" David yelled.

"Sleeping. That's what humans do at night," I replied.

David ignored my remark and said, "Have you heard from Karen? Sophia can't contact her at all."

I frowned and quickly sat up. "What? Where is she?"

"Well, if we knew then I wouldn't be asking you right now, would I?" He retorted.

I rolled my eyes and replied, "The last time we talk was a couple of days ago. She called me and told me that she was scared, but then said never mind and hung up on me. I haven't seen her or anything."

David was quiet, but I heard him say, "Then where the hell is she?"

I was still on the line, also thinking about Karen.

"Are you sure you didn't do anything to her that made her run?" He questioned.

"I didn't do anything," I replied.

Well, I did kiss her a couple of times and had amazing sex that I would never forget with her, but I wasn't going to tell my brother that. Especially since Karen enjoyed it too. So, why would she run from that?

I frowned and thought about it.

Why did she run?

"David," I called to him to break the silence.


"Could you use your secretary to give me some info on her? We have connections. I'm sure she couldn't be far," I replied.

"I already did that. Sophia is scared as hell and I've tried to do everything to assure her that we'll find Karen. The info is still being covered right now. I think it's going to be another hour or so to get it all together," he said.

I blew out a breath. "Call me as soon as you get the info."

David assured me that he would and hung up.

I called my secretary and told her that I want her to find info about Karen's disappearance also.

She told me that she'll get to it as soon as possible and I hung up.

Then I went to take a quick shower before I decided to find her myself too.

I called her multiple times, but she didn't answer me. Her phone sent me to voicemail the whole entire time.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I quickly answered it.

"Sir, apparently she left a couple of days ago in her car. Many said that they've saw a car similar to hers getting out of the city. That's as far as the info goes," my secretary informed me.

I silently groaned because that helped so much.

Note the sarcasm.

"Thanks," I replied before ending the call.

Where'd you go, Karen? What made you so scared that you ran away?

Hours later, David managed to tell me that his secretary didn't find anything about the whereabouts of Karen, which kind of made me even more pissed off.

"Are you sure they can't do anything else to try to find her? Anything?" I asked again for the umpteenth time.

"I'm trying, Conan. But so far there's no luck. I'll have to call you later. I need to figure this out," David replied, blowing out a huge breath.

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