5: Eliza's birthday party

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Chapter Five

"I can't believe my little angle is turning two!" My mom cried, hugging onto Eliza tightly.

Eliza tried to wiggle out of her grip, but she couldn't and she started crying. My mom instantly let her go and pinched her cheeks before she tickled her and made her laugh again.

I smiled at my cute little niece as she ran away in her puffy pink princess dress.

"Ball!" Sophia's nephew yelled loudly.

I looked at the four year old as he kicked the ball and I laughed because he missed it.

"That's not nice," I heard a feminime voice said from beside me, amused.

I didn't bother to look because I knew it was Karen.

I haven't seen her since she told me to leave her house, making me confused as hell. But it's not like I cared.

Well, I did go to the club every night to see if she was there, but I didn't see her. So I just left home alone.

For some reason, I just couldn't look at a random girl at the club and think about hooking up with them. There's just this feeling inside of me that just doesn't want to deal with all of that stuff.

Besides, her perfect little body is imprinted in my mind too.

"So, how's life?" She asked when I didn't respond to her.

I shrugged. "The same."

Not really.

"Oh. Cool," she replied.

We stood next to each other awkwardly and I turned and glanced at her. She was looking down and biting onto her bottom lip.

And I wish that I was doing that to her.

"Um. Conan, I'm s-"

"Hey, guys! We're going to sing Happy Birthday to Eliza. Come," Sophia smiled at us, cutting Karen off.

She looked up at her before she glanced at me. We looked at each other for a few seconds before she walked into the house first. Then I followed her in.

After singing Happy Birthday, Sophia handed out pieces of cake to people and everybody started eating onto her food and appetizers.

Sophia asked Karen to grab her some more plates in the kitchen and Karen left to get some.

My eyes followed her until she disappeared and I felt a nudge on my shoulder. I looked at the person that nudged me and gave him a questioning look.

"You have a thing for her," David smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't."

"Then why are you looking at her like that?"

"Like what?" I asked, trying to be oblivious.

"Whatever. Look, Conan. Don't play with her. I don't want my girl to be upset when you break her best friend's heart," David said seriously.

I rolled my eyes again. "Really. You don't have any faith in me at all?"

He raised his hands up in surrender. "Hey, I'm just saying. But with your response like that, let's say if you break her heart."

"Whatever," I replied, standing up to go into the kitchen.

I walked in and found Karen teary eyed. It seemed like she was trying her hardest not to cry.

I followed her gaze and it landed on the familiar guy that I always saw with David. It was his best friend Darren.

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