11: Why she left

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Chapter Eleven

It's been months since I last saw Karen and it's been killing me slowly.

She just disappeared like she wasn't here. Just like last time, but this time it's been more than a few days. And I don't even know when she'll even be back.

I've asked David and Sophia, but they said that she don't know where she is. It's either they really don't know or they just don't want to tell me.

I don't know why Karen just left like that though. I didn't do anything to her, did I?

I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

I've had too many sleepless nights since the day that I came back and supposedly lost her. I was pretty sure that I've been looking like shit.

No matter how hard I tried to find her, I just couldn't and it's making me even more stressed by the second.

"Shit, Conan. Are you okay?" David asked, slapping my shoulder lightly as I rubbed my eyes.

I yawned before I shrugged and continued on typing on my laptop to figure out how my stocks are doing.

"It's been months. Does this have to do with Karen disappearing?"

I sighed and looked at David. He was smirking at me and I looked back at my laptop, ignoring him.

"Conan, seriously. What the hell did you do to her that drove her to run away?"

I rolled my eyes and closed my laptop after I saved my work. Then I looked at David.

"What makes you think that it was me?" I questioned.

David shrugged. "No idea."

I looked at him and he looked away, trying to mask his face. I saw through it though. He couldn't fool me.

"You know something. Do you know where she's at?" I asked, hopeful.

David shook his head. "I don't know anything. But isn't mom's big party later tonight?"

"David," I said in a serious tone.

He looked at me and shrugged. "Sorry, bro. Sophia and I have husband and wife codes similar to bro codes."

I groaned and rubbed my face in my hands. David patted my back lightly and I sighed.

"You know that you'll have to propose to your fiancé tonight at the party, right?"

I nodded, not bothering to move my face from my hands. "Mom's not so good in trying to hide that."

"Lighten up," David replied.

I looked up at him and ran a hand through my hair. "I'm not going. I don't want to marry her. She's freakin annoying!"

David chuckled. "I'm glad that I got the good side of the stick then."

I was going to say something, but a knock sounded from my door and it took our attention.

Sophia was standing there holding onto Eliza and she smiled. "Hey."

"Dada," Eliza giggled, reaching her hands out to David.

I smiled at the sight of my baby niece.

"Hey, Princess. How are you today?" David grinned, kissing her forehead.

She looked at David shyly before she smacked his face lightly.

I chuckled. "She hates you, dude."

David looked at me and smirked. "She likes me more than she likes you."

I looked at Eliza and she gave me shy smile. I ruffled her hair before I grabbed my laptop from my desk. Then I put it into my briefcase.

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