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When the federal forces chasing from behind arrived, the two figures in between jumped into the escape ship, the hull was silvery white, the power was turned on to the maximum, and the blink of an eye turned into a meteor and disappeared in the vast interstellar ocean.

They had no choice but to smash in the empty room with hatred, making useless vents, and then left to report to their superiors.

The escape ship grazed the small travel star all the way, creating a jumping arc. I don't know how long it flew in the starry sky, and finally fell on the outskirts of the capital star due to the exhaustion of the energy stone.

People on the Capital Star saw a bright light in the sky, and they have already seen no surprises. It is estimated that some of the hapless driving skills are inadequate and crashed. This kind of thing will happen five or six times in one star to turn, so they have long been used to it.

The escape ship mingled with sparks and lightning hit the ground fiercely, smashing into a deep pit, and thick smoke rolled in the pit for a long time. It was vaguely visible that a tall man was embracing another thin man in his arms. .

I don't know how long it took, the fingers of the thin man moved slightly, his long and curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Shen Fengyue was the first to wake up. He was dizzy and didn't know where he was for a while. After a pause of ten seconds, he suddenly noticed. He carefully observed the surroundings and found that he was in a pit one meter deep. Fortunately, there were no traces of chasing soldiers around.

He breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to get up, only to find that he was firmly in his arms by the arm. Shen Fengyue took a closer look. It was Albert. The last scene before the crash of the escape ship flashed in his mind. Albert hugged him tightly in his arms, minimizing the damage to him caused by the crash of the escape ship.

Take a closer look, it is indeed the case. Albert has large and small wounds, the number and extent of which are obviously more than his own. Because the other party is bigger than himself, he is well protected.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

This is an excellent opportunity. It is very likely that there will be no shop after passing this village. Shen Fengyue looked down at him.

Albert's eyes were closed tightly and his face was peaceful. Xu was asleep, so he was less hostile, and he was much more tender than when he was awake. He looked so gentle and without danger.

Shen Fengyue wanted to do it. He fumbled for Albert's trouser legs, and from the side of his thigh he touched the leggings gun he used to punished the traitor last time, and then pulled it out.

Hold the gun in the attached hand, place the tip of the gun on Albert's temple, and gently place the index finger on the trigger.

He was very close to Albert and was held in his arms by the other person. This was an extremely intimate posture, but at this moment he was in this intimate posture, holding a gun at that person.

As long as you pull the trigger, the person in front of you will die in an instant, without knowing it, and the task will be completed soon...

Shen Fengyue closed her eyes and didn't look at Albert's sleeping face, her index finger moved back slightly, and she didn't notice the slight trembling of her fingers.

He counted silently in his heart, and shot him when he counted three times.


The first sound has been counted.

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