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Shen Fengyue could clearly feel that the blood in the whole body was converging rapidly toward her left hand, and because the pain was too intensive, he was already a little numb, and he could not even feel the presence of his hands, only his face was pale due to excessive blood loss.

When Siren hugged him into the sea, his heart was filled with despair, and he felt that he would probably be choked to death.

Unexpectedly, the moment he entered the sea, the blue liquid surrounded him, and the sea water entered his nasal cavity. After a certain transformation, only oxygen was left behind.

Shen Fengyue touched her neck, for fear that six cheeks suddenly appeared on her neck.

The smooth touch on his neck finally relieved him.

Siren hugged him under the sea, and then emerged from the sea, and a huge land cave appeared in front of him.

The Siren lifted his hand forcefully, sending Shen Fengyue to the ground. Half of his body was soaked in the water, and he took Shen Fengyue's injured hand and looked down at the blood hole in his palm.

Because of the seawater soaking, the edges of the wound were white and even some pieces of meat were on the side.


Shen Fengyue couldn't bear to look at this ugly wound, but seeing Siren blamed herself like that, she couldn't help but comforted: "I'm fine, it doesn't hurt at all, you see." He moved the one. Wounded hand with a smile on his face.

Siren held down the restless hand and raised his eyes to look at Shen Fengyue.

His eyes were covered with water, and there were a few drops of water on his eyelashes. Siren looked at Shen Fengyue with these misty eyes, and his eyes were faintly red.

Shen Fengyue couldn't tell whether it was sea water or tears. The next moment, Siren lowered his eyes and kissed that hand.

The moment he closed his eyes, a line of water line ran down the corner of his eye, slid across his cheek, and condensed into a small round water drop at the chin line, wishing not to fall.

The small drop of water fell, and Shen Fengyue subconsciously took it with her other hand, and a bright white pearl appeared in her hand.

The shark shed tears.

Siren stretched out his tongue and licked the edge of the wound, step by step, little by little, slowly and carefully.

Where his tongue passed, there was a tingling numb, and a prairie fire was set ablaze. Shen Fengyue was so hot that she wanted to pump her hands, but was suppressed by Siren with an uncompromising attitude.

Immediately afterwards, several water lines slid down along the previous route, turning into pearls and falling into Shen Fengyue's hands. The pearls collided with each other, making a clear and pleasant sound.

Shen Fengyue put the pearl on the side, raised his hand to wipe the tears for the siren, wiped off the water stains with his thumb, and pressed it against the corner of the siren's eyes, he whispered: "Don't cry."

Siren was still crying, and the cold liquid wetted his thumb. He cried while licking the wound for Shen Fengyue.

After licking the wound inside and out, Siren finally raised his head.

"You will be fine."

As his voice just fell, a miracle happened. The flesh around the blood hole began to squirm. The flesh on both sides of the blood spun and pulled **** threads. The threads were tangled like a spider weaving a web. The blood threads were woven into a dense web, and the gap was gradually covered. Filled up, flesh and blood are done.

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