"You are my mommy... I was waiting for you here." When he said while turning his head to an angle may be wondering what a ridiculous thing I asked.

"But how? I...I am just pregnant with my baby boy." Then he smiled like he heard the most favourite thing he ever wanted to hear.

"Yes mommy I know I am still in your tummy. But I am yours and papa's Aaron Theodore Macquiad." I didn't know why it made me cry harder feeling the emotions in his words. But I have no idea how he is talking to me like this if he is still in my tummy. This is insane, isn't it? But then how am I talking to him if I am not dreaming?

"Can I hug you for a second baby? Because what you said right now... I have no idea how to process it."

"I am so sorry mommy... I can't let you hug me right now. Because if I let you hug me now, you aren't going to see me when you go back." His innocent green eyes filled with tears when he finished saying that. It was like thousands of needles are poking to my naked chest.

"I have no clear idea of what you are saying baby. But I trust your words." When I said while wiping my own tears he smiled back brightening the whole place.

"Mommy...I have to go now though I don't like to leave you. But remember Aaron loves mommy just as much papa loves you."

"I love you too baby."

"By the way, don't be angry with papa, OK? He didn't have any choice. That's why he acted like that. Then bye mommy...I will see you there, OK?"

I had so many things to ask from him. But I never got a time to ask anything as he disappeared and faded into the thin air like he was never there. And then like my hands have their own mind, they were brought to my tummy and then I felt a little kick in there saying he is really there. That means, did I see the future? Did I see my baby boy when he grows up one day?

I never got a time to think deeply of what exactly happened as the whole surrounding changed drastically within seconds. The beautiful blue sky changed it's colour to a ugly grey sky, the green pastures and the beautiful flowers that I saw some time ago withered completely and turned into ashes right in front of my eyes. And then the gentle breeze I felt earlier turned into a loud storm with a wailing sound. However I didn't see the hidden danger that was crawling towards me like a vicious serpent as I was so distracted with the changing atmosphere. Suddenly I felt something like an iron grip on my legs. When I looked down I nearly fainted seeing the same bloody hand. It gripped my legs tightly like it wanted to drag me down to the hell where it had come. I got panicked and sweat coated my face and the palms not knowing what I should do. So I did the only thing I knew at that moment. I screamed louder. Yes you heard it correctly. I screamed louder asking for the help of somebody though I knew that nobody's there to help me.

Suddenly a bright light shined in the area where I was standing and a huge bird with black wings descended down to the ground in its majestic and glorious gait. And then my scream stopped all at once seeing that it wasn't a huge bird any longer. Because there stood the one and only person who can melt me into a puddle within a heartbeat. He was like a dark angel with fully black dress pants and black shirt. His raven hair was combed into backward showing his intense green eyes that were sparkling with kind of mischief.

"Zion..." It was just a whisper in my lips. But to my astonishment he didn't reply to me except giving me the same breathtaking smile I experienced earlier in his mini version. And then he gave me his hand to hold without breaking the eye contact we were having. So I didn't question him except taking his hand and tightening the hold. But I knew I am still trapped with my feet in the hold of the monstrous hands. But Zion seemed not noticing it.

"I can't walk... look...something is holding me."

"You can baby... come to me...Please..." Though I heard his voice, I knew it's not him speaking right now. What is happening? Why isn't he responding to me? However hearing his voice I took some courage and then tried to walk towards him while trying to detach my legs from the bloody zombie hands. Finally after some struggling and wiggling my legs, I succeeded. Yes I succeeded in getting rid of that monster and ended up in Zion's arms. And then I felt the warmth, affection and the love pouring from him like a never ending sea. So I hid my face in his chest while circling my arms around his neck feeling the comfort that I truly wanted at that moment. Because I felt something within me. I felt that I am so drained and tired. I knew I cannot fight for anything anymore. Above all I felt so confused not knowing where I am or how I got there. And meeting my son... it was a total shock to me. And right now, I am in Zion's arms where I knew I am safe and sound. So I let go of the worry in my soul, relaxed my heart to his steady heart beat and closed my eyes for a small break. And then like a dream I heard his voice whisper so close to my ears the one and only assurance I needed.

"I love you baby..."


We are so close to the end guys.

I hope you guys will take sometime to share, vote and comment on my story.

I know there might be mistakes here. Yet I believe that you will see some good in this story.

Thank you.


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