He didn't see me for at that time, Mayor Carter's daughter or the big girl with lots of ass and tities. He saw me for me, Lauren Joy Carter and he cared so much when we were together but what happened? Was that all a big as show he put on? Was any of the feelings I had for him the same as what he had for me?

I need to do some work. It'll take my mind off of this all.

I grabbed my night clothes, and put them on. I don't plan to go anywhere tonight. I put my glasses on and grabbed my laptop.

I began to get to work, and then I heard a knock on the door. I rolled my eyes and asked who it was

"It's Devin." He answered.

"You're not welcomed here." I said.

"Please Lauren. One minute and I swear if you never want to see me again I'll disappear and never show my face again. I owe you an explanation and I plan on giving it to you." He said.

I sighed shaking my tears away. "Leave Devin." I said

He sighed and came in anyways.

"I told you not to come in. Are you deaf now or stuck on stupid?" I asked.

"I came in because I need to talk to you. I need to tell you something Lauren." He said.

"No Devin leave. Now! " I said

"I'm not leaving Lauren. Please just listen two minutes." He asked.

"What the hell is so important that you have to tell me after three years huh? Because if it's that you have a daughter that you've been hiding I know that." I said.

"Lauren listen, and calm down -" he said.

"Calm down! Me calm down no fuck you!" I said hitting his chest repeatedly.

"Calm down I'm sorry Lauren. I'm sorry." He whispered into my ear as I stuff fled to get out of his grasp.

"Say what you got to say and then out." I finally said.

"Lauren. I love you." He said. "I've loved you since I found out what love was and I'm sorry." He said.

"Get out." I said.

"What?" He asked me.

"Get out Devin" I said as tears rolled down my eyes.

"I just told you I love you. I never told nobody but my child and my mother that in my whole life and you gonna kick me out?" He asked.

"Yes Devin because you don't get to just say that. After three fucking years you don't get to come in my parents house and tell me that you love me and that you care. It's not fair! It's not fair because you know I love you and you hurt me. That's not something you get to just come in here and say especially because you have a daughter that I knew nothing about!" I yelled at him

"I didn't know about Cara Lauren. "
He said. "I didn't know about Cara until three days after you left for New York and until I was completely moved to Atlanta. Her mother came and dropped her off at my mothers door step saying that she had a dream to chase and that the baby was holding her down." He explained. "Cara's mother and I used to mess around from time to time. All she had was my phone number and I had her saved under high yellow so every time she called I didn't answer my phone because I didn't want to give anyone any notion that I was returning to my old life as Dirty Dev especially after that argument with you at the mall. And if you don't believe me I can call by mother right now and she will tell you for herself." He said.

"What are you saying to me?" I asked not full processing everything.

"I'm saying I never cheated on you. That Cara was conceived before I knew you and when I was about to board a plane to New York City to come find and fight for you, my mother called me, and said Cara was on her doorstep." He said.

"So why didn't you come to New York?" I asked him.

"I didn't come to New York because I didn't want to step to you with a baby. You were younger, and being someone's mother, especially to a baby that's not yours I know was far from your mind and to be honest, I didn't want to come in between you and all of your hard work. So, I stepped back and I moved back here to Texas. "
He said. "I swear to god that I never cheated on you, and I never meant to make you hurt." He told me.

I bit my lip and nodded.

"And this all suck because I'm upset i couldn't get it right back then but I love my daughter Lauren, hell she's a lot of the reason why I was able to even say just now that I love you. I don't regret my daughter, or how everything happened or how we met because now I know that instead of denying my feelings because of fear, I have to stand up and own them because one of the best things that ever happened to me in my whole life can just pass me by. Just like you did." He said and left out of my room

I know y'all got a lot to say about this!
I'm so shocked y'all really gave up on Devin! 😢😢😢

What y'all think gonna happen next?


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