"Post that and see how famous we'll become." Jack smirks at them as I laugh. "You've already got 500k on Instagram." Katie says making me raise a brow. "And verified. Also, can you follow me back please?" Hazel asks in a sweet voice. "Of course, darlin." He smiles at her as I pout. "I thought I was darlin?" I say making him chuckle and rub my thigh.

"She's your sister, there for, she's also my darlin." He says making me roll my eyes. "I only call Katie, you and Hazel, darlin. Cause your my girls." He smiles at us. "Right, get out dickheads." He says as we pull up to their school.

"What happened to darlin?" I laugh at him. "Their both." He smiles at me as they get out the car. "Bye!" They both shout as we turn and smile at them. "Bye, have fun!" I shout as Jack waves before speeding off, making my head fly back against the seat.

"Twat." I mumble as he laughs and placed his hand on my thigh. "It's fun." He shrugs before squeezing my thigh and keeping his hand on it as he drives to collage.

He parks the car and gets out and running to my side to open my door. "Thank you, but I can open my own door." I say making him smirk as he throws his arm around my shoulder. "Technically, it's my door, and also, your my best friend. So no, you don't open your own door." He smiles before closing my door and locking the car before we begin walking in.

"Why is everyone staring?" I whisper as we walk through the hall. "Cause I don't hang out with girls. Beat and delete." He says making me stifle a laugh. "Ain't no beating happening here." I say making him wink as I roll my eyes.

"Payno!" They guy the I remember being Harvey shouts as we walk over to the group of boys. "Boys, this is Ivy, Iv this is Harvey, Marcus, Jacob, Sam and Brad." He says making them all smile and pull me into individual hugs.

"I like this one, are you part of our group now?" Sam asks as he leans against the wall while I stand next to Jack, who instantly throws his arm over my shoulder again.

"Well I met Kacie, Lucy and Morgan yesterday." I say making Jack pull me in front of him and hug me from behind. "She's my best friend. Harv, find another, yes she's in this group but she's also got the girls." He says as he rests his head on top of mine.

"Ivy!" I hear Kacie call so I turn around and smile before waving them all over. "Baby Blue." Harvey smirks as she rolls her eyes. "Shut up. You coming to Psych with us?" She asks making me nod and pull away from Jack. "I'll see you later." I say as I begin walking off but he pulls me back and hugs me properly.

"Text me. All day." He says seriously as we pull away making me laugh and nod. "See you later boys." I smile as I follow the girls.

"What was that? When did that happen? How did that happen?" Kacie asks making me laugh. "Yesterday when my sister called, she told me she was getting bullied so I told her that I would come and pick her up. Jack followed me out and offered to walk with me cause I didn't know the way. He called his sister who goes to school with my sister, they're now best friends. He took me to maccies then we sat on the field for a few hours before picking the girls up. Then he met my mum cause Katie was coming round for my sister and then we went to the training ground and played a little before just laying down and talking all night. Then I spoke to his mum and we had dominos before driving me home. He offered to pick my sister and I up and the whole time he's been saying I'm his best friend now." I say making them look at me confused.

"Girl you talk to fast, but I got most of it. So he's your best friend now?" Kacie pouts as I laugh and give her a side hug. "No, your my girls." I say making them all smile and wrap me in a group hug before walking into class.

Half way through the class, my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I make sure Miss Gold can't see before pulling it out and looking to see Jack text me.

Jack. P Xx
How's class? X


Wanna meet for a burn?

You don't smoke?

No but you do
Meet me at the smoking shelter in 10 x

I roll my eyes before putting my phone in my pocket and listening for a while until it's been around ten minutes so I put my hand up and wait for Miss to notice.

"Yes, Ivy?" She smiles. "Can I go to the toilet please?" I ask making her nod before going back to teaching. I grab my bag and walk outside before making my way to the smoking area.

I see Jack sat at a bench on his phone, wearing his PE kit. He doesn't hear me coming, so I decided to sneak up on him. As soon as I stand behind him, I put my hands out before grabbing his shoulder. "Ah!" I say making jump out of his skin before holding his chest while I laugh and walk opposite him and sit down.

"I fucking hate you." He sighs before glaring at me while I keep laughing. "You love me." I mock him before grabbing my bacci out of my bag and rolling a burn. I hold my lighter before Jack grabs it from me and lights it for me. "Thank you." I say with the burn in my mouth before taking it back and feeling the relief as it fills my lungs.

"Why are you out here with me? Don't you hate smoking?" I ask making him shrug. "I don't love it, but your my new best friend and being with you is better then all those twat's in PE." He says making me chuckle. "How kind." I say sarcastically as I breath the smoke out.

"Why do you smoke?" He asks making me sigh before toking my burn. "It calms me down, plus I think I'm just addicted now." I shrug as he nods his head. "Your parents know?" He asks making me nod. "Yeah, they know. My mum gets it for me and I pay her back." I say making him nod.

"You should quit though." He says making me roll my eyes and lift my head up and I breath it out, making a cloud of smoke form above me. "Maybe when my life's not a stressful or if my mental health chills out." I say making him frown and reach for my hand playing with my fingers and looking into my eyes.

"What's up?" He asks sweetly. "Anxiety, depression, oh and ADD." I say making him pout at me before smiling. "You've got me now. So when your ready to stop, I'll be here to help you." He says making me smile before toking it again. "One day." I smile as I breath the smoke out.

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