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"Are you not hungry, Gia?"

"I'm full from the ice cream,"

"That's fair enough," I smiled, "You can clear your plate if you want,"

"I'll wait,"

The rest of us finished our lunch, the kids having had sandwiches and vegetables while I had a salad. Once our plates were cleared away, Gia practically dove into the cupboard and got out brownie mix, putting it on the counter.

"For movie night,"

"Maybe not for tonight, but we can make them. You're already on one sugar rush from ice cream, I'm getting old now, I don't know if I can handle another one,"


"We're gonna go on a bike ride afterwards. Sage, are you gonna help or shall I?"

"I'll help,"

"Okay, I'll be upstairs,"

While they got their aprons on, I went upstairs to the little kids bathroom and began cleaning it. I cleaned the sink, then replaced Gia's toothbrush and got out a new shower gel for her.

It reminded me that we were all due at the dentist, Sage and Rider just for a cleaning, so I needed to double check when it was. I used to be so on top of dates, but not anymore.

I wiped down their mirror and cleaned their toilet, but as I was cleaning the shower doors, I heard a scream.

"Daddy! Daddy,"


I took my rubber gloves off and ran downstairs to the kitchen, seeing Rider with his hand under the sink. I took him from Sage, who still didn't have great wrist strength, and sat him on the counter to inspect his burnt hand.


"What happened buddy?"

"I wanted the tray but I didn't know Sage had put the oven on,"

"Oh sweetheart," I said, kissing his head when he leant towards me, "Keep that under the water while I find something to put on it,"

"I'm sorry," Sage said.

"It's okay, don't worry. He just needs some cream,"

I went upstairs to the bathroom and found cream and some dressing, then went back to the kitchen where the brownies were now cooking, a time set. Gia was busying herself with tidying, but Sage was frozen watching Rider.

"Alright bud, let's take another look,"

"It hurts,"

"I know, I'm sorry, but you're so brave," I said, gently drying his hand, "Big breaths,"

I put the cream on, and then the dressing, taking him off the counter into a cuddle. He seemed rather flustered by the ordeal, but it wasn't common for him to get hurt here, not even a bump or a scratch, so it was a shock to the system.

"I should have been looking. I should have looked after you better, I am sorry, Rider,"

"It's okay,"

"It was an accident, Calum,"

"I know, Sage. You're not in trouble, and I am sure the brownies will taste great,"

"I'm not in trouble?"

"Nobody is in trouble, I promise. Thank you for cleaning up angel,"

"Is Rider okay?" Gia asked.

"I'm okay, can we ride our bikes?"

"Once the brownies are done. Why don't you two go and find your helmets and make sure your tires are pumped enough?"

I put Rider down and they both scurried off; I figured Sage didn't want to, and was probably right because they just stood there almost bracing themselves for something.

Then I realised what.

Gently, I put my hand on their shoulder and they flinched, then I put one arm around them and squeezed them to my side.

"He's alright,"

"Just... bad memories,"

"I've got you. I've always got you,"

They nodded and walked out my hold, taking their apron off and hanging it on the pegs. Then, they went outside to where the others were while I waited for the brownies. I packed us a bag of juice cartons, and my portable charger, as well as some plasters because you couldn't be too safe.

When the timer pinged, I took them out and left them to cool, being the final one to join everyone outside.

"Are everyone's bikes okay?"

"Yes! Can we go to the woods again, I like the trees," Rider said.

"We can,"

"Can we ride to the beach?"

"The beach is somewhere we would have to drive, angel. Good idea though,"

"I've never been to the beach,"  Rider said, "May we go one day?"

"We can go soon, I am sure,"

I'd already had plans to go to the beach around Rider's birthday, which would be a nice surprise for him. It was a week tomorrow.

I made sure we all got our helmets on and then we took the bikes to the front, locking the house. Having to go infront made me wary because I couldn't watch my kids, but going behind them made me stressed because they had no one to follow.

Thankfully, Sage rode at the back, which was better than nothing.

Everyone followed my lead as we rode to a bike trail that went through a small woodland area, and came out the other side to a park which the kids loved. It was a good rest spot incase anyone got tired, and fresh air was good.

It wasn't too far from home, and it was a leisurely ride for me. Perhaps trickier for Rider since he still had stabilisers, and Sage who hadn't had much practice, but they both shared the same love for it that Gia did.

When we arrived, they brought their bikes to the bench I chose and parked them up, then Rider and Gia took juice boxes from me and ran off to play.

Sage sat beside me with their head buried in their phone, so I just watched Rider and Gia play. His hand didn't seem to bother him too much as the pair of them were swinging and climbing everywhere.

"Dad, um, well, do you do pocket money?" Sage asked, not looking at me.

"I never really thought about it because I only had Gia... is that something you're wanting? If there's things you need to buy then I will always get you them,"

"But sometimes there's things I want, but don't need,"

"I'll have a think about pocket money then, maybe we can set up a bank account after your adoption. Why, what have you seen?"

"Nothing, but my friends want to go shopping,"

"I can give you some shopping money, when do they want to go?"

"Afterschool on Tuesday, on the bus,"

"Oh that will be so much fun! I'll give you some money,"

"Thank you, that is very generous,"

"Pocket money will be good, it will teach you how to handle money," I smiled, "I'm sorry it completely slipped my mind,"

They looked up and I smiled, squeezing their hand.

Home wouldn't be home without them and Rider, but boy did I have a long way to go.

heal// 5SOSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora