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tw/ psych ward

"Good morning Sage," Mark said cheerfully.

"Not yet," I mumbled, "Please,"


"Please, I didn't sleep,"

"Half an hour,"

"I love you so much- I mean... thank you,"

He laughed and shut my door, so I buried my head in my pillow and went back to sleep.

I'd had a bad dream. Dad's funeral.

Rider had a little suit on and was sobbing, and I was crying too, which was the worst part because I was meant to be showing Gia and him we would be okay.

But if he died, I wouldn't be okay. None of us would be okay.

Luke was incredible. I appreciated it so, so much that we was looking after us, and I could never repay this, but we couldn't stay with him forever.

He would be a great parent one day, but to us? No. That was too much to ask and too much for him to take on.

Gia would probably want to live with him, but I think Rider and I would go to grandma's or Michael's house. Rider had a special bond with Michael, and I really liked Crystal.

"Breakfast time,"


"You've gotta wake up. Are you gonna change or go as you are?"

"Mark, I'm so tired,"

"You can get a glass of orange juice and some pancakes, or waffles, or whatever you want. Come on, Dr Fahri is coming in an hour,"

"I'm gonna get dressed,"

"Okay. Get out of bed then,"

I groaned and climbed out, then went to my wardrobe and got leggings and a jumper out. Satisfied, he left for me to change, and then I knocked on the door when I was ready.

He let me out and we went to the canteen where I got given waffles and strawberries, and got some apple juice and some water for my medication. Once I had eaten some food, Mark got me to take it and then made me prove it, but then I could eat again.

"I have been taking my medication,"

"I know, but this is your new medication. I don't know how you're feeling about that,"

"I don't care,"

"Which is fine, I was just checking. I trust you Sage,"


"Dr Fahri is gonna talk to you while I do group therapy with the younger kids, then you can join the elder kids,"

"What is it about today?"

"Managing school,"

Sometimes Mark had a topic for the day, other times it was a chance for us all to just chat about anything one by one, but sometimes it was an activity or there were snacks and we spoke and did something creative. It had taught me a lot of useful skills beyond my mental health, even things like money.

It was never how I imagined group therapy would be, and I didn't mind it. However, Rory wasn't here and it sucked.

"What about managing school?"

"Stress, homework, communicating with the teachers... all of that kinda thing,"


"I will not pick on you, and you don't have to talk,"

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