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tw/ suicidal thoughts

"Okay you two, we are going to go home to sleep, then come back tomorrow,"



Somehow, whether it was charm or by tears, Rider had convinced someone to move his bed into Gia's room. Now, the pair of them laid in beds, Gia hooked up to nothing, Rider hooked up to antibiotics. Both of then were tired, but fed and changed thanks to Michael bringing some clothes.

I felt bad leaving them, but Sage needed a good nights sleep in their bed.

"This is your dad's phone so you need to look after it very well. It has all of our numbers on, and is for emergencies only. You will tell the doctors first if something is wrong, but if you get scared or upset, ring me and we can talk,"

"We will keep it very safe,"

"I know you will. Do you have everything you guys need?"


"Alright, you have each other, but sorry for leaving you both here. I just need to get home and sort things out,"

Sage gave them both a hug and then walked beside me as we left the hospital.

Getting them in the car was hard. The car crash was fresh, of course they were frightened, especially because they had now been in two.

Even I was nervous, for the adrenaline was the only thing that drove me to the crash scene. Michael had kindly picked my car up and brought it over when he brought the kids pyjamas, Crystal behind him in her car.

"It's not too far from home,"

"I can't,"

"Could you take the bus?"


"I'm not letting you walk home,"

Their cries were full of exhaustion and it shattered my heart. I didn't really know what to do, though. I was the wrong person for this all.

"You will feel so much better in your own bed. You can close your eyes and listen to music, and I will take a different route home,"

"My head hurts,"

"You can have some medicine at home. We can either watch something together, or you can have some time alone, I don't mind. But we do really need to get you there so you can rest,"

"I miss dad,"

"I know," I sighed, "But we will do everything on our part to make sure he wakes up,"

"I wish I had just died in the crash,"

"We are all very grateful that you are alive,"

"I'm not,"

"Let's get you home," I said, opening the car door, "I will get us home as soon as possible, and then you can get out of the car and into your bed,"

"It's not cos of you,"

"I know, darling, I understand why you feel this way about driving and it is completely valid, I just can't think of any solution right now,"

We both got in the car and buckled up, then I turned it on and they grabbed my arm, taking deep breaths. Slowly, I began to reverse, but they screamed and I stopped, putting the handbrake on.

"Look at me. I am gonna get us home safe, I promise. I will be extra careful,"

"I'm sorry,"

"You do not need to be sorry, it is completely valid,"

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