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"You need a shower mate,"

"I know," I said, "I have just come out of a coma, please forgive me if I smell a bit,"

Ash laughed and helped me stand, taking my bags from my mum which annoyed her because she wanted to do anything and everything for me.

Instead, I let her steady me as we walked out the hospital. I had to admit that after some practising, my legs had loosened up, so it was getting a lot easier to walk now.

Not that I could go back to work. Sitting behind a desk would kill me, but perhaps I could focus on research, or even start and run some extra master classes- it wasn't all bad.

I think the bad part would be not having the capability to keep up with my kids. Driving was off the table for at least a month, and I knew I would be so exhausted everyday. What if I couldn't make them feel special anymore?

Ashton was a literal blessing in my life, and had somehow worked it out that if I cut a bit down there, and bought alternatives to this and that, we could just about afford a nanny to help me keep up, and my mum would no doubt bring us plenty of cooked food.

I had amazing people around me, I just hated relying on people.

Eventually we got to Ashton's car and I froze slightly, sweat beginning to form on my head.

I didn't think I'd get so upset, and turned my back, taking a deep breath.

"You've got this," mum said, "I will sit with you in the back,"

I nodded and squeezed my eyes together, quickly wiping them dry.

"It's not a long journey, then we can get you rested again. You're doing really well Cal,"

Again, I nodded, then turned back round and she helped me into the car, sitting next to me like promised. I did my seatbelt up and then grabbed her hand, Ashton taking the driver's seat.

"You ready?"



"You stole that from Rory,"

"Stole what?"

"You missed 'are' out when you asked if I was ready. Mark does it too,"

"Crap, did I?" he laughed, "That kid, he's honestly the best,"

"Sage will get at it soon,"

"I know right?"

Thankfully, Ashton took us a different route home, and I was relieved when we parked in the driveway.

It was about lunchtime too, so I was hungry.

"Home sweet home, finally,"

Ash unlocked the door and we went inside, the smell of the house different. It lacked joy, and excitement, and was quite messy.

But Luke had done the most amazing job- I wouldn't have chosen anyone else- and all my kids were happy. That was the main thing.

"It looks like you've got the choice of lettuce or cheese for lunch mate,"

"I'll go and do a food shop,"

"Absolutely not," Ashton exclaimed, "Joy, stay here with Calum. I will go,"

"No, really,"-

"Mum, stay. Please?"

"Fine. Let's get you showered and changed,"

She helped me upstairs, which was a little hard, but I made it, then she started me a shower and I chose some clothes.

Half my wardrobe was in the wash, so I assumed Luke had worn my clothes, and I grabbed my last pair of joggers and a hoodie.

My shower was only quick. I didn't want to fall or something, but my body ached as I tried to get dressed again so it took a while.

In the end though, I managed, and went back to my room to lay beside mum.

"I will make sure to check up on you often, but will always warn you incase Gia gets upset,"

"It might help her grown fond of you,"

"Maybe. I'm so relieved you're okay, Cal. You're so special to me and so many people,"

"I'm glad I am okay too,"

"All your family are reuniting again, you've become such a good parent to them all,"

"Well I had a great example,"

"That's very sweet of you,"

I cuddled into her, and she gently rubbed my back, almost taking me back to when I was younger. I hoped I was even half the parent to my kids that she was to me.

Not long later we heard Ash get back, and I tried to go downstairs. Mum refused, and Ash had the same idea because he brought us all some lunch up.

With my TV on, we ate together, then like a waiter, he took our plates downstairs again.

"You're getting tired, you should sleep," mum said.

"You don't have to tell me that twice,"

Gently, she kissed my cheek, then tucked me in and closed my curtains, leaving me to drift off.

I had a whole plan to surprise the kids I was home. I wanted to sit on the sofa and see their reactions, then hug them, and celebrate.

But clearly me or my friends had different plans because I slept the entire time they returned from school, and then woke up with them all in the bed with me, fast asleep too.

The light sleeper he is, Rider naturally woke up when I did, smiling when he saw me.

"You're home,"

"I am,"

"What's for tea?"

And as I laid here, softs snores escaping Gia and Sage, I realised that I would not be getting a rest. These kids surrounded me- literally- and everything I did, so there was never going to be a time I fully got to rest.

But despite knowing my duties as a dad were not going to slow down, I was not upset, or even worried.

Because I was awake, I was recovering, and my kids were okay.

I wanted a lot of things in life, but right now I had exactly what I needed, and I now knew not to take that for advantage anymore.

You never know when things will change, I was just so fucking glad we made it out okay, and that we finally had each other back once and for all.

the end

how sweet :p

seriously though, i hope you guys enjoyed the book : ) ty for all the comments on this one it meant a lot

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