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"Dad, I am getting pizza!" Rider said, "And so is Michael,"

"I might have to join you on that,"

"Have the same as me. I am having pepperoni,"

"I don't eat meat, bud. I'll have a vegetable pizza though,"

"Oh yeah,"

I kissed Sage's head and kept my arm around them as we went inside, Crystal hesitantly approaching us to help me comfort them.

"You'll be okay,"

"It's embarrassing,"

"No one is judging you. Mental health can make it so difficult to look after personal hygiene, and sometimes people just need a filling. I've had one, and I am a dentist,"

Sage nodded and took Crystal's hand, following her to order themselves food. Mike ordered our pizza, Gia having Thai food like Crystal and Sage.

When I sat down, she sat by my side and hugged me, silently saying sorry with it. This whole thing had caused her discomfort and anger, so I was glad to be getting it sorted.

I rang the hospital and told them I wouldn't be coming in for my shift, then put the tv on and made space for Rider to sit the other side of me.

"Dad, someone knocked at the door,"

"Maybe it's food," I said, watching Michael open it, "Oh no, it's Ash,"


"Hey Gia," he smiled, hugging her as she ran over, "You left your coat in my car the other day, I had to return it,"

"Thank you,"

"I'd join the party but I've just been called into work,"

"Everything okay?"

"Someone went home sick, they need someone to make sure the interns don't do anything stupid," he laughed, giving Rider a hug when he ran over, "We can hang out soon, yeah?"


I gave him a wave and then he left, so the kids joined us back in the living room. Crystal cuddled Mike on the sofa- which was adorable to see- and Sage had hidden upstairs for some space.

"Dad, my uniform is getting small," Rider said, "My shirt is tight and my trousers are short,"

"Well isn't that good news?"

"Is it?"

"Yep! Because that means you're taller, and you are eating enough food,"

"Will I get new clothes?"

"Yeah, I will order some,"

He fist bumped the air and I laughed, the doorbell ringing. Crystal answered, calling down Sage for their food. Gia tucked into it slowly beside me, and Sage perched besides Crystal.

Not long later, our pizzas came, and we sat with it on our laps.

"Michael, what is your work like tomorrow?" Rider asked.

"Well, I actually have a surgery!"

"That's so cool. I decided I am going to be a bone doctor,"

"No way, maybe you'll work with me one day. I often work with them,"

"We could work together?"

"Hell yeah!"

"That would be fun. And Sage, and Gia,"

"They might not want to be doctors,"

"Oh, yeah. This pizza is good,"

"I agree," Michael said, "How is your's, Sage?"


I gave them a smile and we finished up eating, taking the rubbish out to the bin. Michael and Crystal said goodbye to us all, then I got Sage and Rider to shower.

I gave Gia and Sage painkillers, then they all brushed their teeth and I applied the gel we had around Gia's tooth to try and help.

"I'm nervous,"

"That's valid,"

"What will happen?"

"I'll go and have a read, then tell you,"

She nodded and I kissed her head, heading into my room to read about it. I knew they took quite a bit of time, which I was not looking forward to, but hopefully there would be a movie she could watch.

Sage came and handed their phone in, saying goodnight because they were tired, then Rider asked me to tuck him in and I crouched by Gia's bed.

"What will happen?"

"They'll put a bit of rubber round the tooth to see it better, and then he will remove all the poorly bit of the tooth. Because the poorly bit goes through the whole tooth, it takes a little bit longer because he has to clean allllll around, but I will be there the whole time,"

"Is it like today?"

"A little bit, just some extra cleaning, and some different cleaning tools,"

"Will it hurt?"

"No. It might feel a bit weird but it will not hurt. Maybe a bit achey after, but that's why I am staying home!"

"Okay. I feel better,"

"Good. You might even be able to watch a movie. I'm also going to ask him to put some extra protection on your teeth that will help them get less poorly,"

"Will that hurt?"



At first I had worried she may feel I was belittling her by using softer words to describe the experience, but she seemed to get along with it really well which was a pleasant surprise.

I knew tomorrow would be tough, but we'd somehow manage.

I locked all the doors and windows, then had a shower and crawled into bed too, adding to the snores already through the house.

I woke up to my alarm and changed into jeans and a hoodie, doing my hair in my mirror. Then, I gently woke up Rider and Gia, before heading downstairs to make us all breakfast.

I made Gia some soft toast, and Rider some normal toast, then Sage came and helped themselves to some pineapple while I had some cereal.

"Good morning everyone," I said, "Sage, are you still seeing your friends?"

"Maybe. I don't know,"

"Alright, let me know. If you go and change your mind as well, I'll pick you up,"

"Thank you. I don't feel so great today,"


They shook their head and fiddled with the medication box they brought down and took at breakfast. It had been working okay, but Dr Fahri had warned we may have to adjust it.

"Feel better soon, Sage,' Rider said, "I slept so good and feel great. Maybe you need more sleep,"

"Probably. I had more than you though,"

"Oh. Well I feel anxious sometimes too! So sleep might just be one factor,"

I looked at Gia and she looked not quite right, quietly agreeing to Rider's conversation.

"Shall we get going with out day?"


"I love the enthusiasm bud. Trust me, I'm sure today will go super fast,"

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