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The next day, I picked Sage up from school early so that we could make it to the appointment on time. Since their school was out of town, it was a bit of a drive back- I didn't want to be late.

"Hello, hello, hello,"


"How was your day?"



They nodded and I squeezed their hand before driving out the school gates.

"They're just gonna make sure it's all clean, it is important because we want to make sure everything is good since the surgery,"


"I know you'll do so well, Michael said he can hold your hand the whole time. Or Crystal,"

"Crystal is coming?"

"Yeah, she volunteered earlier,"

"Please let me have Crystal,"

"You can have Crystal," I smiled, "Rider will have Mike, though like I said, I am sure he will be fine,"

"I love him, he's like a little ray of sunshine,"

"He is, isn't he?"

"I wish I could see things like him,"

"I am proud of you, and you will find your feet again,"

They put the radio on and sat twisting a bracelet on their wrist for the journey, waiting in the car when I got the kids from school. Gia hadn't spoken to me since yesterday, and Rider was a little bit anxious himself, but didn't seem extremely bothered.

"How was your day?"

"Good! We learnt about the rainforest,"

"No way bud, that sounds so cool. Gia?"

She ignored me and walked towards the car, so we followed, both of them getting in the back.

"So, Mike is gonna go in with you buddy, does that sound okay?"


"Good, afterwards we can go home and I'll treat you all to whatever food you want,"


"If that's what you want!"

"You're the best dad ever,"

I chuckled and he giggled, accidentally kicking Sage's seat as he swung his legs. Like they had said, he was a little ray of sunshine.

We pulled up to the office and I parked the car, opening Gia's door for her. Stubbornly, she put her hands over the seatbelt and shook her head, beginning to scream when I tried to undo it.

I hadn't seen her like this in a long time.

"Gia, I know you're scared, but I will be with you the whole time. They won't do anything without my permission,"

"I'm not going,"

I knew what she was doing. Last time we came she got so upset that she hadn't actually had the appointment.

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