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The next day we all had to wake up bright and early, Sage helping Rider and Gia get ready. I got in my scrubs and made everyone breakfast, then made sure Gia's hair products were packed, and made lunch for all three of them.

Sage always ate a school lunch, so didn't have a lunch box, but I packed theirs in a container.

I filled all their water bottles up, and put it in a backpack for them, then loaded the car and called them out.

Sage and Rider came outside fresh faced with their clothes on and hair done, Gia behind sluggishly walking in her pyjamas, sleep in her eyes still.

"Still not woken up?"

"No. I hate you in scrubs,"

"I know, sorry angel,"

"It's okay,"

She got in the car and I shut her door, then pulled out the drive and turned towards Luke's house. We were a little behind schedule, but that was manageable .

I dropped them off, giving everyone tight hugs, and Luke the bags, then pulled out the drive again towards work.

For my department, Sundays were not too bad. The ER wasn't the greatest place because people had gone on nights out and all sorts happened, but kids didn't do that, so it was often just the odd few more injuries from playing in the park or sickness.

When I got there, I observed residents on their rounds for a bit, until I got a page to the ER and left to tend to that.

"Annabeth Harris?"

A teenage girl stood, followed by a man who looked pretty young, so was probably her brother. I gave them a warm smile and led them into an exam room, sanitising my hands.

"I'm Dr Hood,"

"Jude," the man said, "Anna is my sister, I hope it's okay that brought her,"


"Of course. What seems to be the problem sweetheart?"

She visibly had a fever, and had shortness of breath, so I took her temperature while I waited for a response.

"How old is she?"

"13. I'm sorry, she's not spoken much for the past day... usually she is really chatty. She is scared of doctors though,"

"Hey Annabeth, I'm gonna make sure you feel better, okay?" I said, tilting my head to match hers since she laid on the bed.


"You have a bit of a temperature, can you tell me where it hurts?"

She shook her head and I looked back at Jude, who was biting his nails.

"She's been throwing up, she can't keep any fluid down. Please help,"

"How long has she been sick?" I asked, listening to her heart and lungs, "I'll give you a sick bowl, Annabeth,"

"She prefers Anna, and yesterday was when the throwing up began. She's been run down for a few days,"

"Okay, she is probably super dehydrated, so I am going to start her on fluids while I carry on the checkup," I said, putting gloves on, "Just a small prick, okay sweetie? You're being so brave,"

I wiped her hand and put the needle in, hooking her up to some fluids.

"Ow," she croaked.

"I know, you did so well. That should make you feel a bit better. Can you tell me where it hurts?"

Again, she shook her head, and I stuck my bottom lip out, handing her a tissue for her tears.

"Your tummy, maybe?"


"I'm just gonna have a feel, super gently. Can you tell me if you know you have eaten something that you know your body doesn't agree with?"

I pushed her top up slightly and began to press her abdomen, apologising when she let out groans of pain.

"I threw all my food up,"

"Yeah, what about before that?"


"Okay," I said, pulling her top back down, "Do you have any more pain?"

She threw up, clutching her stomach, curling into a ball. I paged someone for a portable ultrasound, then gently rubbed her arm, perching on the edge of her bed.

"I'm going to take a look at whats going on with a machine, then we can get you fixed up,"


"You're doing so well,"

A nurse brought the ultrasound in and they assisted me, Jude helping us lay Anna on her back so we could take a look. I swiped the gel across her abdomen and immediately began, sensing we had no time to waste.

"What do you think it is?"

"I'm a little concerned her appendix is burst, so I need to find that. It can vary position person to person,"

"Oh no. Oh no, that requires surgery,"

"It does, but she will be in good hands," I assured, finding our problem, "Okay, Anna darling, we are going to get you into a small surgery to help the pain go away,"


"I'm right here,"

"The nurse will take you up to the surgical ward, and a paediatric surgeon will most likely come and take some scans, then you will get all the treatment through them,"

"Thank you," Jude said, helping Anna into a wheelchair, "Thank you,"

I shook his hand and they left the room, so I wiped everything down and almost immediately got another patient pop up on the charts.

The rest of my day was what I would call, 'the usual'. Broken bones, chest infections, a few things swallowed, and doing stitches.

We had a kid come in the ambulance because of an allergic reaction, and a baby who was struggling to breath, but we handled all the cases.

To end my day, I headed up to the babies.

"Do any of them need company?" I smiled, gowning up.

"This little angel... she's being given up for adoption,"

I picked up the tiny little girl and cradled her in my arms, her small cries accompanied by her hands trying to grab everything around her.

"Bless her,"

"She's going to a good home,"

"You are so beautiful," I said quietly, letting her take my finger, "And you can do anything in the world,"

"Dr Hood, I knew I'd find you here,"

I turned to see my chief and gave her a smile, rocking the baby side to side.

"Am I that predictable?"

"Mhm. I just got a call from Mr Hemmings for you, he says Gia had a panic attack and is wondering when you will be done,"

"Oh no," I said, gently putting the baby down, "She hasn't had one in 2 months,"

"Well your shift has ended, I can keep the babies company,"

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said, calmly walking out the room, before running towards the entrance.

I hated nothing more than when I wasn't with my kids when they were upset, so didn't care if I looked a fool.

If my kids needed me, then nothing would get in my way.

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