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"Luke, wake up,"


"Rory and I went to get updates on people,"

"What's happening?"

I sat up, watching Rory and Ash sit opposite me. Mike was asleep too, so I nudged him with my leg and yawned, looking round Cal's office for a clock.

He had several dotted around, he hated being late for his kids.

"Gia is being kept overnight so they can give her painkillers and make sure she sleeps well. Sage had a concussion, they're going to be let out tonight if they feel okay later. Other than that, no injuries,"

"That's a relief,"

"Yeah... um, Rider had to go into surgery. The car... the car hit his side, he needed his arm to be fixed and suffered quite a bad knock on the head. The scans seem clear but they're keeping him for a few days, and he doesn't remember the crash,"

"Did the surgery go okay?"

"Yeah, he's asleep. He got a few other minor injuries but it's the arm that's gonna bother him. Bless him,"


"And Calum,"-


Through the own tears in my eyes, I could see them forming in Ashton's eyes. My hands shook, and his office suddenly felt cold. So cold, and empty.

I shook my head and sniffed, hiding my head in my hands.

My family.

They were the closest thing to family I had round here.

"He's in a coma,"


"Yeah," he said, his voice cracking, "I'm gonna fucking murder whoever was in that car,"

"This can't be happening,"

He kissed Rory's head and then came to my side, pulling me and Mike into a hug. Then, he broke down into tears and I joined him with no shame, Mike sniffling beside us.


"It's okay, dude,"

"I'm scared,"

I beckoned him over and he hugged Ashton's side, who kissed his head again and moved back to comfort him. The bond they had was so beautiful.

"How the hell do we tell the kids?"

"Who the hell is gonna look after the kids?" I said.

"Social services is on the way, but we do need to choose," Ash said, "And I called Calum's mum,"

"Well she seems like the first person to go to,"

"Gia can't spend more than 20 minutes in her company without a panic attack," Michael pointed out.

"Then you and Crystal. You're organised, you could split the load, all the kids love you,"

"We are surgeons. I work too many unpredictable hours,"

"Then Ash,"

"I can't take three more kids. Rory needs my focus," he said, still trying to comfort him as we spoke, "Luke, to be honest, I was thinking you,"


"You work their school hours, you can always pick them up, you can move into Calum's house for a bit... we will all make sure you have enough money, and can help with taking Sage to therapy and things,"

"I can't. I can't do this,"

"You can. All the kids love you, and you are the most realistic option,"

"I earn way less than you guys,"

"We will help. Crystal and I earn more than enough, and I will make sure myself that we can get the right pay for Cal's bills to be paid,"

"I can't take over from Calum. I can't be like him, I can't make the packed lunches and help with homework, and make them feel better,"

"I've seen you do all of that, and more,"

"Ashton, please take them. You can be a parent,"

"I can't. Rory and I have a lot of things to sort out and I can't look after them well enough. You are the one who can show them the love and give them the time they need,"

My lip trembled and I shook my head, turning to Michael.

It's not that I didn't want the kids. No. I loved every second I spent with them all, but this was insane. I'd never looked after Gia for more than a night, I'd never got the kids ready for school, and Sage was not in a place where they could comfortably talk to me about their emotions, and I knew they were already at the brink of collapsing.

He hugged me, but I could feel the tears dripping onto my back.

This was our brother.

The social worked came down and we sorted out all the paperwork we needed. Ash was the one in charge of whatever happened to Calum, and I now had the kids until he was well enough.

Michael and Crystal took the day off work, and Ashton took Rory to visit Sage and then go home to get him away from the environment because he wasn't coping well with everything. Sage's injuries had caused him immense worry, of course.

I found my way to Calum's room then opened the door and shut it behind, leaning back onto it as he laid in bed.

He looked so peaceful. Whenever I saw him usually, he looked exhausted, and there was dullness behind his eyes.

But right now, he looked peaceful.

"Hi Cal, I don't know if you can hear me. You're the doctor," I said, sitting beside him, "I'm gonna take the kids. I'm gonna look after them, and make sure they're okay,"

I wiped my cheeks with my sleeve and sighed, tenderly moving the hair from his forehead just incase it was bothering him.

"I keep crying and it's stupid. You always show me how to be strong, but we miss you already, and I've never faced a situation where I haven't been able to call you up and ask for advice. But that's not what you want to hear. I just need you to know I've got your kids' backs. Gia and Sage are okay, they're being observed and didn't get too hurt. Rider had surgery on his arm but I am sure he will be okay, he finds the positives in everything. I will visit when I can,"

I paused, as if he would reply, then stood and sighed.

"Take all the rest you need, mate. I'll come back with your favourite music soon, and your kids. I'll come back with something or someone, I promise. I love you, Cal... I love you so much. You don't deserve this, and I hope you're not in pain, and part of me hopes you can't hear cos I just made an embarrassment of myself. Don't laugh at me,"

I adjusted his cover and leant down to hug him, but it wasn't the same.

Nothing was the same anymore. I just wanted him back right now.

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