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A couple of days had passed.

Rider was getting much better and happier, and I made sure to visit him on my lunch breaks as he was still in hospital.

Gia still refused to go to school, but Ashton had generously taken her in because she apparently didn't cause much hassle and rather enjoyed the air bed in the living room.

She was still distraught, and frightened, but if you distracted her enough she was okay. He was getting her to do some maths work, and put on films to watch all together. The main thing was that he still got to support Rory, and I got to stay in hospital with Calum and Rider to make sure everyone was okay.

I was working, but it kept me occupied so I was glad.

As it was a Thursday, Rider's therapist had very kindly agreed to come to the hospital and talk to him, which gave me time to run home and shower, as well as pick up some more clothes and some snacks.

Gia would be at therapy too, and Sage would have had theirs. After a brief phone call with Dr Fahri I had been given the delightful news that so far they were responding well to the medication and had a good chance of come home in the next day or two.

Something had changed in them, and I knew it wasn't gonna easy for them still, but I would support them, even once Cal was just fine.

I took my things up to Calum's room and sighed, giving his body an awkward hug. Then, I put on the radio and laid back, waiting to be told Rider wanted to see me.

"Mind if we join?"

"Be my guest,"

Mike and Crystal came in, Mike on the bed and Crystal on the chair. I expected them to turn to Cal, but they turned to me instead and I smiled.

It was nice that someone wanted to see me.

"You should go home,"

"It's fine, I showered and got some bits,"

"I'm worried about you, Luke," he said, "You have put too much pressure on yourself

"I am fine,"


"You know, I thought someone might actually want to see me to have a chat with me, but apparently the only person round here that can do that is Sierra," I said harshly, sitting up, "I need to go,"

"Luke, wait a moment,"


"Luke," he said, grabbing my arm, "I just want you to be okay. You said you didn't want to work here, now you're working and sleeping here and I don't want you to be upset. I can stay here tomight incase anyone needs anything,"

"No," I sniffed, "No, I am staying,"

"You don't have to,"

"I want to!"

"Hey, man, I'm just trying to look out for you, okay?"

I bit my lip and sighed, nodding, before hugging him.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's okay,"

"You're hurting too and I should've checked on you,"

"You suddenly just got the responsibility of three kids, you've probably not thought about yourself, nevermind us,"

"I do love you both,"

"We know,"

I beckoned Crystal into the hug and she joined, but only briefly, and then Mike and I broke the hug anyway because a nurse came by to tell me Rider had finished therapy.

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