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I lifted my head off the air bag and saw blood, pressing my hand to my forehead which was cut. I blinked, and took deep breaths, closing my eyes again.

How lucky was I to get into another car crash within the same 6 months?"

I could feel my feet, and my legs, and move them both. I clenched my fists together and winced a bit as my back ached, but I came to the conclusion that I was okay.

I was okay.


I turned to him and let out a small scream, covering my eyes back up.

"Rider? Rider are you okay?"


"Gia. Are you okay?"

"My neck hurts,"

"Don't move. Stay still,"

"Why did you scream?"

"Don't worry,"

"Rider is sleeping,"

"Check for a pulse,"

"You said don't move!"

"Oh, yeah,"

I knelt up and reached over to him, checking for a pulse on his neck.

"He has one,"

"Does dad?"

"I don't know,"


"I-I can't,"


"I don't... I can't do this much blood, Gia,"

"There's loads of blood?"

"Just, stay still,"

"My leg is bleeding and my uniform is ripped,"

"How much is it bleeding?"

"Only a bit,"

"I'm gonna ring someone,"

I pulled my phone out and went to my contacts, shakily pressing to call Luke. It rang twice and he picked up.

"Good morning, I am just in my way to work darling,"

"Not good morning,"


"I don't know if dad is dead,"


"We got hit by a car," I said, tearing up, "And him and Rider aren't awake, and Gia's neck hurts, and there's loads of people round us,"

"Where are you, Sage?"

"I don't know,"

"Think. Tell me what's around if you can,"

"It's a four way junction and there's shops,"

"What shops?"


"Sage my neck hurts so bad,"

"The barbers,"

"I am gonna do my best to come. You need to ask someone if there is an ambulance on the way,"


"Keep me on the phone, put me on speaker so I can talk to Gia,"

I put the phone down and he began to ask Gia questions, so I opened my car door but it jammed.

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