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Last night with all the kids in bed, I had set to work downstairs. I hung up a 'happy birthday' banner, blew up balloons, and wrapped his presents.

Buying for him was kind of hard, and kind of not. He didn't need anything new, like shoes it clothes. Everything he needed, he had.

But, there was an endless list of things he didn't, and had never, had. So, I got him some books, some art for his wall, and he had wanted a new football, so I got him one with a few football card packs and a top.

I'd loved it as a kid, and it was nice to share that passion with Rider, plus it was something I could understand.

Once it was all wrapped, I piled it in the living room and switched off the light, heading to bed.

The next morning, I woke up extra early and began to cook breakfast for all of us. Luckily, the beach must've tired them all out, because no one woke up.

I laid it on the table, then went upstairs and woke up Sage, who then came and woke Rider up while I woke Gia up.

"Happy birthday,"

A small, tired giggle escaped and he hugged Sage, closing his eyes again.

"Breakfast is downstairs on the table,"

He came across the room and hugged Gia and I, then we all went downstairs and to the table.

"Wow, thank you dad,"

"You're welcome. Eleven! You're getting so big,"

"Do I get presents?"

"Maybe," I said, wiggling my eyebrows.

"I think this will be my first proper birthday, then,"

I smiled, and Sage gave him another hug, closing their eyes as they did so. They looked so young today, with their skin slightly sunkissed, and their makeup off.

Behind their eyes was tiredness, and pain, but they were excited for Rider too and I could see that.

Birthdays were about getting older, but I always found the pure joy and thrill of the day make everyone feel younger.

After breakfast, we tidied our plates up and then went to the living room, Rider walking in with his jaw wide open.

"Are these all for me?"

"They are, they're from me,"

"May I open them?"

"Go ahead,"

He got us all to sit on the floor with him, so we sat in a circle and he began to open them. He couldn't do it fast enough, and was sending paper everywhere which Gia decided to pick up.

I'd expected joy on his face since he was clearly very excited, but he actually began to cry once he had opened everything.

"Thank you,"

"I hope it's all okay,"

"I love it,"

"It's all yours to enjoy," I said, wrapping my arms round both him and Sage, "Shall we get ready for the party to arrive?"

I helped him take everything upstairs to his bed and then we picked an outfit for him, Gia too.

Then I changed into shorts and a hoodie, and put my vans on to sort out the seating outside.

I put up some chairs and hoovered our sofas, then made sure the barbecue worked and got out a table.

As I was out there, Luke came round the back as he had come early to help set up.

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