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We got out and dished the things between us, then carried it down to the beach, finding a spot for us.

I put the shade tent up, then laid towels inside and out, Gia putting the cooler inside.

"This is so cool,"

"We need to make sure we don't get sunburnt,"

"I'm super full," Rider groaned, laying on the towel, "My tummy hurts,"

"It was really yummy," Gia said, picking up the suncream, "Dad, I wanna use this,"

"You can put it on,"


Sage ducked down and sat inside the tent, also clutching their stomach. We had gone to a buffet place, and while Gia had presented with a surprising amount of self control, both Rider and Sage had gone way over board. Perhaps I shouldn't have assumed they felt okay with the idea that we had enough food.

Or, they were just excited kids at their first buffet. Either way, they wanted a lay down.

"Can we go in the sea, dad?"

"Let me put my sun cream on," I said, gently rubbing it more into Gia's face, "Then we can see,"

I put my own suncream on, then made sure Rider got some on too, and passed it to Sage.

Rider shuffled into the tent with them and then they sat together, so I left them with the bag and followed Gia down to the sea.

She ran in, not caring about the cold at all, then turned back to me and grinned.

"Come on dad!"

"I'm coming,"

"It's not even cold,"

"You liar!" I laughed.

"Don't call me that,"


She splashed water up at me and I gasped, kicking water at her. She giggled and did it back, before turning and running away from me.

I chased her, picking her up in my arms and swinging her in a circle.

"You run so fast,"

"I have long legs,"

"So do I!"

"Not quite as long as mine," I said, "I'm glad you like the sea,"

"I love it! I wanna live near the sea,"

"Any room for your old man?"

"No, because I will have a husband and 3 children, and 2 dogs, and a rabbit,"

"Oh wow,"

"You can visit!"

"I will always be up for a visit,"


I looked beside me and saw Rider. He took my hand and did a jump in the water, then Gia splashed him and he jumped back, hiding behind me.

"I don't wanna be splashed,"

"Okay, we don't have to splash,"

"It's cold,"

"That's what I thought! Do you like the waves?"

He nodded and stood still while Gia was the opposite, trying to jump over them.

Eventually, they both got too cold, so we headed back up to the tent where Sage sat on their phone.

"Room for ice cream?"

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