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When we got home, Gia and I went inside and saw Luke on the sofa by himself. He gave us a smile and let Gia wedge herself by his side, then pointed to the stairs so I went up them to find the others.

I found them in Sage's room watching tv, munching on plain biscuits which was good to see.

"Dad, come and watch this with us,"

"For a bit, I need to start tea,"

"Is Gia okay?"

"Yep, she's all fixed up now," I said, "We really do need to get your a hair cut,"

"Yes please,"

"I'll give them a ring right now,"

He nodded and I made the call, booking him a slot for friday evening. Then, I cuddled them both before leaving to go downstairs and cook.

"Cal, Ash has rung you,"

"Huh," I said, picking up my phone as it rang again, "Hello?"

"Rory is gone,"


"Rory. He's gone,"


"I just went in the shower and he's gone, the front door is wide open,"

"Okay, try not to panic," I said, "Think. Where could he be?"


"Think, Ash,"

"Okay. Maybe he tried to go back to the hospital,"

"What's up?" Luke asked quietly, joining me in the kitchen.

"Rory is gone," I whispered.

"Maybe he's at the bus stop,"

"Luke will go and check at the bus stops," I said, "You should stay home,"

"No, I am going out,"

"He needs you there. Luke will spot him round our streets,"

"I'm an awful parent. Oh my god,"

"Ash, where else could he be. Where else does he know?"

"Um. I don't... I don't know!"

"Are you sure he has gone?"


I held my phone with my shoulder and slipped out the back door so that my kids wouldn't hear.

I was fortunate enough that none of my kids had ran away, but I knew others weren't so lucky. It was stressful, especially because we didn't know if Rory was experiencing a hallucination or delusion which would put him at more risk.

"Stay on the call with me, okay? I am sure he didn't get too far,"

"I don't know where else he could be," he said, his voice quivering, "I need him to be safe,"

I heard a rustling down the side of my house and furrowed my eyebrows, slowly walking over to see.

I peered over the top of the fence, then opened it and crouched to the floor.

"I've got him,"


"He's at my house. Imma hang up, come round,"

I stopped the call and sat beside him, his knees tucked to his chest and head in his arms.

His breathing was unsteady, and he was sweating immensely.

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