Chapter thirty-eight: The letter

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My love,

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My love,

I have no clue how to begin this. I never wanted it to come to this but I guess it has. I hope you're doing alright and not overworking yourself.

From the moment I saw you walk into that meeting room, I felt something there. Something similar to a spark. Something bigger than that. I mean it when I say that you looked gorgeous. You were the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. I was appalled that you were the newest emperor. I was hoping to go against your father who I thought was cruel and dangerous. Turns out, he's just like that but he's the nicest person I've ever met. Surely better than my father and I think you know that too.

The moment I heard you speak, I knew that Francesco's plan won't work. I knew that I wasn't going to let him hurt you. I've never felt so protective over someone that I saw a few seconds ago. I felt as if you were made to be mine. I knew that telling Francesco about my doesn't care that I'm the boss just like your grandfather doesn't understand that with you. When you left the meeting room, I excused myself to see you one on one. I know it may have been a bit disrespectful to barge into the women's bathroom after you but I seriously couldn't help it.

I had to take two cold showers after we arrived at your estate.

I hated the world when I wasn't able to see you. I get the fact that you avoided me and trust me I tried that too. But my brain just can't seem to forget your little ass.

The grand ball was something that tested me. When I saw you in that dress, I thought I should stay at home. I couldn't keep my eyes off you but I had to. And when you walked into the venue, I saw many of the creeps' eyes light up. It killed me that you were on full display to them. They looked at you, imagined you, and thought of you in their sheets. I was so fucking close to killing them all. I knew they had no chance with you but I didn't like it when other men looked at you like they'd use you.

The moment that you saw Silas and bumped into me, I knew that this was my chance to protect you. Although, you handled it the best way possible. When he asked you if you're fucking around with your enemy, I had a small smile on my face.

I liked that idea. I still do. Fuck, who cares if we're enemies. We're in charge of our actions and we can do whatever the hell we please.

The way you killed Silas as if it was something you did every day, made me very impressed. You made it look so easy. You were the first girl I've seen that was so brave and fierce. I knew that I had to dance with you and after you agreed, I felt blessed. I had the biggest honour to dance with the most beautiful woman in the entire world. The red was driving me crazy, I can't lie. But when you left me, it felt as if you took every bit of chance with you. It was like a stab in the heart. Even though you left to catch a break, I felt empty without you.

I was fuming when Vlad took you. I didn't care about anything else but getting you back and shooting him wasn't a problem. I just hope you know how much it meant to me when I saw your beautiful face without any bruises.

As I carried you out of the venue, something inside me told me to protect you. To never ever let anyone touch you or hurt you. I guess I could say that I was beginning to fall in love with you. As much as this sounds bizarre, since we didn't know each other for long, it felt like you were meant for me. It's like the gut feeling that you've been so blessed with. I just knew it.

After my confessions, kissing, sex, travelling, acting mean and more sex, I left for London and Alex even compared you with my past partners. He said that it was clear that I was in love with you and after I said that I knew that he said "You said the same thing with Sophie and if that was your so-called everything then what the fuck is this?" Might have mixed some words up, but you get the idea.

I could write about you non-stop, Ce. You're the definition of perfect and I can't ever imagine myself loving anyone else like I love you. You were it for me, love. You were the one that I was looking for. You were the one piece that I was missing in my heart.

And although you walked away and took my heart with you, I will love you no matter what. That's one thing that I'm 100% certain, Ce.

I know that your forgiveness is something that won't happen for real, but at least know that even if I was very dumb and said things about the alliance that I shouldn't have, everything I told you about my feelings was genuine. I've never put so much effort into someone. Believe me.

And what I said on the plane back to NY, was true. I'm talking about the storyline. But the way I acted with you was wrong, I admit it. I'm so fucking protective over you, Ce. I can't live without you. I know that it'll probably never happen again. I know I have to move on but how can I do that? I love you more than life itself. I need you more than air to breathe. More than water to survive. I can't imagine you with anyone else. Even if it's not me, I can't. I don't want you to be in another man's arms but if that will be what makes you happy, go ahead.

These were the best weeks of my entire life, love. Being with you was worth all of the fighting with my family. I'd do anything for you, Celeste. I love you. I could write it a million times. I could say it a million times to you. I'd do anything for you.

I hope you find your happiness soon and get the bastards out. And I promise you, I'll kill Luca for everything he did to you. I know you want to do that but he hurt you which means he's dead to me. If you want, I'll send you his head.

Anyways, I'm already crying so I'll end this here. I'm so sorry that it all happened on your special day and I hope that the thing that's in the small box will cheer you up at least for a few minutes.

I love you to the end of the Universe and back.

Till we meet again,




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